I won't have it tradutor Francês
988 parallel translation
and I won't necessarily harvest that plant myself it might have a system function in terms of feeding another plant, or it might be here specifically for bees because if flowers are at a good time of year for bees
ou bien pour les abeilles car elle fleurit à un bon moment de l'année pour celles-ci etc.
- I won't have it.
- Ça va pas se passer comme ça!
Or fix it so I won't have to swim.
Ou changez de façon à ce que je ne nage pas.
I won't have it! It's a breach of faith.
Quelle mauvaise foi!
I won't have it.
Pas de ça!
I won't have it.
Je n'en veux pas.
If I have to go, it means that you won't see me anymore.
Si je pars, on ne se verra plus.
I have the feeling that that the baron will make sure it won't pass well this time.
Le Baron veillera à ce que ça ne se passe pas bien.
She'll like that, and it won't cost much and then I'll have some left over for my pencils.
Ce n'est pas cher. Il me restera des sous pour mes crayons!
I got it all figured out, see? And those that stick with me won't have a thing to worry about.
Et ceux qui me suivront auront pas à s'en faire.
not if I can prevent it. He's gonna be so darn smart by the time he's of age that he won't have to worry.
Il sera si malin quand il sera grand qu'il n'aura à s'inquiéter de rien.
I won't have it known that we're even remotely related to that egotistical windbag.
Je ne mentionnerai pas qu'on est parents avec ce grand parleur.
I won't have it.
- Non.
I won't have it. I won't!
C'est hors de question!
- I won't have. It's getting bigger all the time.
Mais ça prend de l'ampleur.
But my dad would have thrown me out for such insolence, and I won't take it either. Beat it!
Si j'avais dit ça, mon père m'aurait jeté dehors.
It was very gracious of you to elevate me to that lofty station and I hope Your Highness won't be too insulted but I have definitely made up my mind to remove the crest from my stationery my lingerie, and my life.
C'était très aimable de ta part de m'élever à ce noble rang, et j'espère que Son Excellence ne sera pas insultée, mais je suis décidée à retirer mon épingle du jeu, j'abandonne ma vie.
I pay $ 20,000 for a car, have it made to order, upholstered to order, design the color scheme myself, and now it won't go.
Je paye 20000 $ pour une voiture faite et tapissée sur mesure... avec couleurs personnalisées et maintenant, elle ne roule plus.
Course, I think we might have won anyway. Sure, and don't I know it!
Je voulais vous empêcher de commettre un crime!
If things keep on, it won't be long till I don't have another suit.
À ce train-là, je n'aurai bientôt plus d'autre costume.
I won't have it like this.
Je ne laisserai pas faire ça.
Whatever the reason, I hope you won't let him have it, monsieur.
Quelle qu'en soit la raison, j'espère que vous refuserez.
Je sais, mais s'il vit on ne s'en servira pas, et s'il meurt, j'irai chercher le trésor et je ferai dire des messes pour son âme.
- On n'a pas demandé votre avis.
Understood? Hey Morris, I have the feeling this time it won't work out.
- Je sens que ça va mal tourner!
Let's forget about it. - I won't have anything said against Pat.
Je ne laisserai rien dire contre Pat!
- No! I won't have it.
- Non, je vais pas me laisser faire.
I won't have it. I'm not a child.
Je ne céderai pas.
That's one thing I won't have missed. And you're giving it to me.
C'est une chose que je n'aurai pas manquée... et tu me l'offres!
If I leave, I probably could have won the pot and if I stay, I might lose it... and if I don't go and help with the baggage, my wife will skin me alive.
Si je pars, je peux gagner le pot. Si je reste, je peux le perdre. Et si je n'aide pas a porter les bagages, ma femme me fera la peau.
I won't have it anyway.
Mais je ne les ai pas.
- Well, I won't have you doing it.
- Je ne veux plus de ça.
I wish you didn't have to do this kind of work but it won't be long now
Je ne veux pas... que tu sois obligée de faire ces besognes. Mais, encore un peu de patience.
Make sure you have the bath drawn by twelve although I won't use it ; I bathed a month ago.
Et je veux Ia beignoire prête à 1 2 heures si jamais quelqu'un veut l'utiliser.
Whatever comes, I promise you won't have to face it.
Quoi qu'il advienne, je vous promets que vous n'aurez rien à faire.
I won't have it!
Je ne le tolérerai pas!
I have a feeling it won't be so hard for me to resign now.
Ma démission est pratiquement acceptée!
I won't hurry, Julie, because, it looks like you may have to adjust your standards.
Je ne me presse pas, Julie, on dirait que tu vas devoir revoir tes critères.
- No, I won't have it.
Non, je refuse.
The woodshed is full, and I won't have you cluttering up my kitchen with it. Very well then.
Le bûcher est plein et je n'en veux pas dans ma cuisine
I naturally presumed it was her lawyer, but he says she says she won't have anything to do with lawyers.
J'ai cru que c'était son avocat. Mais il a dit qu'elle avait dit qu'elle ne voulait pas d'un avocat.
It won't be the First time the First mate and I have had our differences.
Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'on a des différents avec le second.
If you won't do it, I'll have to do it myself.
Je me présenterai tout seul.
I won't need it. Some friends have met me unexpectedly.
Mes amis m'ont fait la surprise.
I do hope you won't say anything about it to my wife, not that I have anything to conceal, but I just don't want to have her worry about my hair.
Surtout, pas un mot à ma femme. Je ne voudrais pas qu'elle s'inquiète pour mes cheveux.
- Have an idea I won't need it.
- Je n'en ai pas besoin.
- I won't have it, Miss Shelley. Yates deliberately dragged me into this.
Yates m'a attiré ici délibérément.
The handle's made of real horn and the spokes are beautiful steel. I won't stell it to you for 35, you can't have it for 30... Well, it'll be 20 lire!
Pas pour 50 lires, ni 40, ni même 35... pour 20 misérables lires!
I simply won't have it.
Je refuse d'y croire.
Well, Father, so you won't have no beef coming, I'm laying it on the line, okay?
Bon, pour vous éviter des plaintes, je vais être honnête avec vous.
I'll have to take the subway, so I probably won't be able to make it much under three quarters of an hour.
Je dois prendre le métro, ça me prendra trois quarts d'heure.
i won't 3058
i won't forget you 27
i won't be late 34
i won't let you down 206
i won't leave you 95
i won't give up 42
i won't tell you 54
i won't forget 80
i won't be a minute 39
i won't be there 36
i won't forget you 27
i won't be late 34
i won't let you down 206
i won't leave you 95
i won't give up 42
i won't tell you 54
i won't forget 80
i won't be a minute 39
i won't be there 36