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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / If you don't want to go

If you don't want to go tradutor Francês

672 parallel translation
If you go, I don't want to ever see you again!
Si tu y vas, je ne te reverrai plus jamais. Jamais plus.
I don't want to go to the opera if you don't want to.
Je ne veux pas aller à l'opéra si tu n'y vas pas.
Well, if you don't want money, what do you want most? He'll give you anything, if only you'll help me to go to him.
Il vous donnera tout ce que voulez, si vous m'aidez à le rejoindre.
Okay, kid, if that's what you want. You don't owe us a thing. You can go whenever you want to.
Bien, si c'est ce que tu veux, tu nous dois rien, tu peux partir quand tu veux.
This is a book store... and if you don't want to buy a book... then better go back and - and be stuck.
C'est une librairie... et si vous ne voulez pas acheter de livre... vous feriez mieux de rentrer - et d'être bloqué.
If you want my advice - which you don't - you'll give up this whole idiotic business and go back to your studies.
Si mon avis, c'est que vous devez... abandonner toute cette affaire idiote et retourner à vos études.
If you four people want to play bridge, don't mind me, go right ahead.
Si vous voulez jouer au bridge, allez-y.
I'll go to make him cry if you don't want to!
Je vais le faire pleurer si tu insistes!
It is getting late, and if you want to go to bed why, don't let your European etiquette stand in the way.
Il se fait tard et si vous voulez dormir, ne laissez pas l'étiquette vous en empêcher.
I don't want you to think I'm fresh or anything but if you'll sit down and wait till I'm hungry I'll break that door down and go in with you.
Je ne veux pas avoir l'air impertinent, mais patientez jusqu'à ce que j'aie faim, et je défoncerai la porte.
You don't have to go back if you don't want to.
Rien ne vous oblige à y revenir.
If you don't want to go there, you won't go.
Si tu ne veux pas y aller, tu n'iras pas.
Stop right where you are Mr. Norten, if you don't want to go over with me.
Restez où vous êtes si vous ne voulez pas me suivre!
They don't want to hurt you. But if you scare them, they go crazy.
Ils vous veulent pas de mal, mais s'ils ont peur, ils deviennent dingues.
And if you don't want to go, the maid will.
Si vous refusez d'y aller, j'envoie Ia bonne.
They figure you don't want me around, you don't want to see me, and if I go away for a while, maybe I'll get all this out of my mind.
Ils pensent que tu n'as plus envie de me voir, et ils s'imaginent qu'en étant loin de toi, je finirai par t'oublier.
Why don't you go if you want to?
Pourquoi n'iriez-vous pas?
If you don't believe that I can never turn on you again and if you don't want me to go back with you you could swim back by yourself.
Si tu ne veux pas que je revienne... tu peux regagner le rivage.
I don't know what would interest you, but - If you want to, why, go ahead.
Il n'y a rien d'intéressant, mais allez-y.
I don't think I want to go on with our talk tonight, if you don't mind.
Je n'ai pas envie de continuer notre conversation.
There's no hard feelings if you don't want to go, but let me know now.
Sans rancune, si vous ne voulez pas partir, mais dites-le maintenant.
What if I tell you I don't want to go?
- Et si je dis que je ne veux pas?
Look, if you want to throw your weight around, why don't you go outside where there's plenty of room?
Si vous voulez jouer les durs, allez donc voir dehors si j'y suis.
Stay if you want to, but don't you go getting any ideas, Doll.
ne bâtis pas de romans!
You don't have to go up there if you don't want to.
Tu n'es pas obligé d'y aller si tu n'as pas envie.
If you don't want to spread it, go home and stay there.
Si vous ne voulez pas contaminer toute la ville, rentrez chez vous.
Go with me if you don't want me to kill you.
Sorte ou je vais te tuer.
If you don't want to talk about it, okay. Let's let it go at that.
Si vous ne voulez pas en parler, n'en parlons pas.
If you want to see the show, why don't you go?
Vas-y donc, si tu veux.
- If you don't want us to go... - I'm gonna get even with you two someday. - We got up in there.
Si vous ne voulez pas... un jour, je vous réglerai votre compte.
And if you don't mind a supposed hard-minded scientist going on this way, I want to go in.
Et si une froide scientifique peut agir ainsi, j'aimerais entrer.
If they don't punish him, I'll send him to you. I don't want to go school.
Mais toi, tu es un ange.
I don't want you to go but I guess I'd be even more upset if you didn't.
Je ne veux pas que tu partes. Mais je le serais encore plus si tu ne partais pas.
Look, I want the whole truth, Vicki, because if I don't go to the police now, I'll be just as guilty as Carl is or you are.
si je ne parle pas à la police, je serai tout aussi coupable que Carl... ou que toi.
Be nice now. If you want to fight, go behind the compost so we don't see.
Allez vous bagarrer derrière le tas de fumier, qu'on vous voit pas.
Not because I want something to eat but because if I don't, you won't go to sleep.
Pas parce que j'ai faim, mais parce que, sans ca, tu ne dormiras pas.
Look, if you want to yack it up, why don't you go over to Monty's?
Si tu veux discuter le bout de gras, va chez Monty!
Go ahead and quit if you want to, but don't ask me about it.
Démissionnez si vous le voulez, mais ne venez pas m'en parler.
No. I don't want you to go to college if you don't want to.
Non, je ne veux pas que tu y ailles, si tu n'y tiens pas.
If you don't want to be successful. Go tell that to Mr Ramsey.
Si tu refuses de réussir, dis-le à Ramsey.
Well, what happens if you don't want to go with anybody?
Que se passe-t-il si on ne veut suivre personne?
Don't go to hell. Go back in the Select, if that's what you want.
Eh bien, ne va pas au diable, retourne au Select, si ça t'amuse.
If you don't want to go, than i will go.
Si tu ne veux pas y aller, alors j'y vais.
Listen, if you don't want to go all the way to Narayama, you can turn back alone from the Valley of the Seven Turns.
Dis donc, si ça te déplaît, pas besoin d'aller jusqu'à la montagne. Même que tu rentres à partir des Sept Vallées, ça fait rien.
Darling, of course I won't go if you don't want me to.
Bien sûr, je n'irai pas si tu ne veux pas.
Maybe you'd better go after him if you don't want to lose him.
Tu devrais foncer si tu ne veux pas le perdre.
You don't have to go if you don't want to.
Tu n'y es pas obligée.
Look, if you two are in this thing together, I don't care, it's none of my business, but I want to talk to Marion and I want her to tell me it's none of my business and then I'll go...
Si vous êtes son complice, ça ne me regarde pas. Mais je dois la voir. Qu'elle me dise que ça ne me regarde pas.
- You needn't go in if you don't want to.
Vous n'êtes pas obligé d'y aller.
What I meant was that you don't have to go, David, if you don't want to.
Tu n'es pas obligé d'aller habiter à l'école.
If you don't want to go on, I'll go myself.
Si personne ne veut y aller, j'irai tout seul.

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