It's all i got tradutor Francês
1,329 parallel translation
I owe her a new set, with all the wear and tear it got being schlepped back and forth to old Abe's.
Alors, un nouveau poste pour remplacer celui qui a fait l'aller-retour jusque chez Abe.
Hey, I got eight inches and it's all for you.
J'ai 20 cm et c'est tout pour toi.
It's tough to explain. I mean, I got all these new memories, but I don't know what to believe.
C'est compliqué, j'ai de nouveaux souvenirs... et je ne sais que croire.
I mean, Martel he is the best. The guy's got it all.
Enfin, Martel, c'est le meilleur.
It's all I've got.
C'est tout ce que j'ai.
- This is all I got. That's it.
- C'est tout ce que j'ai.
I did a lot of nails for that money, and it's all we got.
Compte jusqu'à 53. J'ai trop manucuré pour ce fric et on n'a que ça.
Okay, May, I got the picture. It's all right.
Pas la peine de me faire un dessin.
From the looks of our little situation we got us here, I'd say it's about all that does.
Vu la situation, je dirais que c'est tout ce qui compte.
I got it. It's going to be all right.
Je contrôle la situation.
By the time I got here, he already had Nick. It's all right.
Désolée, je n'ai rien pu faire.
Now I've got Toxie's shack, we're drinkin'we got some bimbos on the way, it's all good.
La cabane est à moi, nous buvons et des bimbos sont sur le chemin, tout va bien.
it's all overnowanyway. in a while, bim-bam-boom, i've got this town in the rearview mirror.
Mais demain, je mettrai des bonbons fourrés en boîte.
I think that there's no fucking way to say anything about your project. I think I've got this movie. Since it's wrapped up in all those phases, from all those books that you've read.
C'est impossible de dire quoi que ce soit sur votre projet, vu qu'il est enveloppé dans des phrases que vous avez lues dans des livres.
It's all Francis's initiative in starting the war and I just got up behind it.
C'est à l'initiative de Francis que la guerre a été déclenchée, et je lui ai juste apporté mon soutien.
It's pretty much all I got left, so I'm thinkin'not.
C'est tout ce qu'il me reste, alors, je ne crois pas.
Since we've got all our ducks in a row and not talking to each other, I guess it's time for the grand plan.
Maintenant que tout est en place et que l'on ne se dit rien, c'est le moment de mettre en oeuvre le grand plan.
I've got Stuart Rampler's DNA profile ready. All I need is something to compare it to.
Le profil ADN de Stuart Rampler est prêt, donne m'en un autre auquel le comparer.
Let's face it, I got "Duckie" written all over me.
Je ne serai jamais que le bon pote.
I got you this. It's not gonna cover all of it.
J'ai pris ça. ll t'en faudra plus.
I'm not gonna lose my mind. It's all I've got left.
Je ne vais pas perdre l'esprit, c'est tout ce qu'il me reste.
I got it? Yeah, I don't know what the guys up there are sniffing, but, uh, it's all you there, lumpy.
Je ne sais pas à quoi ils carburent, mais ils t'ont choisi.
Erm, Cassidy, we went to Maloney's, we got drunk, and I wanted it to happen as much as you did, but that's all I wanted to happen.
- Cassidy... On s'est soûlé chez Maloney. Et j'en avais envie autant que toi mais on va arrêter là.
All right, because we don't want no problems in Em City, so it goes on record that I got Keller's permission
Bon, parce que on veut pas de problèmes ici, alors notez que j'ai la permission de Keller
Now, I can't understand... how they got the story, and yet there's not one mention about the guy... who made it all happen.
Je ne comprends pas comment ils ont su sans parler du type qui a réussi le coup.
It's all fucking bullshit, but I got a brochure.
C'est du pipeau, mais j'ai le prospectus.
Sing it a lullaby or use this. It's all I've got.
Chantez-leur une berceuse ou prenez ça.
But still, I'm looking at you, and you got all this already... and you're sitting here with me, working with a partner... in the city where you live, on a job that's gotten more complicated... than you thought it was gonna be.
N'empêche, t'as déjà tout ça... et t'es là avec moi, pour bosser en équipe... dans la ville que t'habites, sur un coup... plus compliqué que prévu.
It's OK. I got all the pus drained out of it.
ça va, le pus a été nettoyé.
It's all set. I do a prelim in Atlanta against Jerry Quary... but we got to get this steamroller movin'right now.
Je m'échaufferai contre Jerry Quarry... mais il faut préparer la suite dès maintenant.
It's all I got.
C'est tout ce que j'ai.
It's a fuckin'nightmare when you get nothing left and you got to start buying all over again. I didn't want want people to give me the gear.
C'est le cauchemar quand il faut tout racheter.
It's all right. I've got it.
J'ai compris.
I've been outwitting it all my life, and there's no way that we'll set her free because of a psychic power you think she's got.
Je la combats tous lesjours et il n'y a aucune chance... qu'on libère cette sirène parce que tu penses qu'elle est devin!
All of a sudden, I see this cat come out of this under car parking garage, and it's got a 3-foot piece of string tied to its tail with a tin can with rocks in it.
Soudain, je vois un chat sortir d'un garage. Il a une corde à la queue et traîne une boîte remplie de cailloux.
- I think it's disgusting the way they all use him. None of the rest of them have got the brains to make the price of a packet of tea.
Ca me dégoûte qu'ils l'exploitent tous ils seraient bien incapables de gagner un sou
It's all I got to give you.
Voilà ce que je peux t'offrir.
I know they're so cute you could die, but... it's all I got.
Ces draps sont un peu nunuche, mais c'est tout ce que j'ai.
It's only that i went out with him for so long- - i got really good at getting him all worked up.
J'ai été longtemps avec lui, j'ai appris à l'exciter.
It's when I got all these freckles.
J'ai eu mes premières taches de rousseur.
I've got fame, money, groupies and it's all thanks to being completely immobilized.
je suis célèbre, riche, adulé... et tout ça, grâce au fait que je suis paralysé.
He's got a different name and hair and all... but I think it's really him.
Il a changé de nom et de coiffure, mais je crois vraiment que c'est lui.
It's the first time we've all been together for holidays since my husband and I got married.
{ \ pos ( 190,200 ) } et c'est la 1re fois qu'on mange tous ensemble depuis mon mariage.
I left Miranda's early, got some sleep... and in the light of day it felt like all my ghosts had disappeared.
J'ai quitté Miranda tôt pour dormir un peu, et à la lumière du jour, il sembla que mes fantômes avaient disparu.
No, I guess not. But with no heart and no brains, that's all you've got. You'll need it.
Tu n'as ni coeur ni cervelle, c'est tout ce que tu as, garde-le.
# I love all the things you say and do # # and it's so nice to hear you say # # you're gonna please me in every way # # honey, I got the notion you're'causing commotion #
C'est génial. A plus tard, Steven. Tina et moi on pensait que...
I think we got it I'll go to prison with you if you go to my Aunt Honey's with me and Will's parents'with him and Jack's stepdad's with him and then we'll all come back and have a nice Thanksgiving dinner, ok?
Je t'accompagne à la prison, si tu vas chez ma tante, les parents de Will, et le beau-père de Jack puis on fête Thanksgiving.
I got y'all, it's cool.
Je suis avec vous.
Anyway, I've got something that's gonna make it all better.
Enfin, j'ai quelque chose qui va tout arranger.
Look, all I'm saying is if it was a fight... that got a little out of hand... then it's not murder.
Ecoutez, si c'est une bagarre qui a dégénéré, ce n'est pas un meurtre.
It's all just boats. I got blueprints and cameras and security systems.
Dessins, caméras, alarmes à l'appui.
it's all right 8832
it's all in your head 59
it's all good 878
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all my fault 457
it's all yours 403
it's all fine 67
it's all bullshit 56
it's all the same to me 49
it's all in your head 59
it's all good 878
it's all gone 158
it's all over 506
it's all my fault 457
it's all yours 403
it's all fine 67
it's all bullshit 56
it's all the same to me 49