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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / It's too much for me

It's too much for me tradutor Francês

151 parallel translation
The Big Boyjust handed me the whole North Side but it's too much for one man to handle alone.
Big Boy vient de me donner tout le North Side!
- I confess it's too much for me.
- Ça me dépasse.
It's almost too much for me.
C'est presque trop pour moi.
Well, sir, it's... it's too much for me.
Eh bien, monsieur, c'est trop pour moi.
You know ma'am, it's too dangerous for me to carry that much money on me all the time.
Vous savez, c'est dangereux d'avoir trop d'argent sur soi.
Maybe for you! But for me, it's too much.
Pour moi, c'est trop.
I'd give anything to have a Viking's funeral, with a dog at my feet and the last post blown for me. If it weren't too much trouble.
Je donnerais tout pour des obsèques de Viking, un chien à mes pieds et la sonnerie aux morts en mon honneur, si ce n'est pas trop vous demander.
It's much too good for me. You shouldn't have done that.
C'est trop beau pour moi!
I would not have had anything to the contrary, it was a beautiful woman, even too much for me If it were not for Mr. Rudolph.
Je n'avais pas à me plaindre, elle était une belle femme, Même trop pour moi, s'il n'y avait pas M. Rodolfo.
It's all too much for me.
- C'est trop pour moi.
I put you on a pedestal and you put me in a trash basket! It's too much for any man!
Je vous mets sur un piédestal, vous me mettez au panier!
I'm sorry, it's too much for me.
- Excusez-moi. C'est plus fort que moi.
She might give you a hard time, but... it's too much responsibility for me, but I'll do my best.
Elle va peut-être vous en faire baver, mais... C'est trop de responsabilités pour moi, mais je ferai de mon mieux.
Whatever I want, my mother will get for me if it's sensible and doesn't cost too much.
Ma mère m'offre tout ce que je veux, si ce n'est pas trop cher.
If it's not too much out of character for you to get going. You're going to miss me, Cal, when I retire next year.
Je vous manquerai quand j'aurais pris ma retraite.
I know very well.. if it's a lot, it's too much for me.
Comptez bien! Je ne vous donnerai pas un centime de trop.
I always used to think there was too much of me in you for us to hit it off.
Je croyais que tu me ressemblais trop pour qu'on s'entende.
It's too much for me.
Le soleil... et tout...
It's much too dangerous. Not for me, but for Tuptim and you.
C'est bien trop dangereux... pour Tuptim et pour vous.
It's much too youthful for me.
C'est trop jeune pour moi.
It's just hard for me to smile too much with this head.
Non, mais j'ai du mal à sourire avec cette migraine.
It's too much for me.
C'est trop loin pour moi.
I want you to hold it'cause it's too much money for me to be carrying right now.
Je ne peux transporter cette somme.
Always running around and getting up to mischief When your aunt was alive she could manage him, but it's too much for me
Toujours à traîner et à faire les pires bêtises... ta tante savait le tenir.
Oh, no, it's much too nice for me.
C'est beaucoup trop beau.
It's all been too much for me this time.
Cette fois je suis battu.
it's too much for me.
C'est trop pour moi.
That's much too nice a knife for a fellow like me to be careless with it.
C'est un trop beau couteau pour quelqu'un d'aussi négligent.
Well, it's too much trouble for me to work my way up from one ryo.
Ce serait trop dur pour moi de recommencer à un ryo.
Sometimes I think it's all getting too much for me.
J'ai parfois l'impression d'être dépassé. Là-bas...
It's getting too much for me.
Ça devient trop dur.
It's getting too much for me.
Je ne supporte plus...
Hope it's not too much to ask think you can find something I could use for bandages?
Si ce n'est pas trop demander, pouvez-vous me trouver de quoi faire un pansement?
It's all too much for me to take
C'est trop pour moi
It's all too much for me to see
C'est trop à voir pour moi
I see. It's too much for a Choshu Clan bodyguard like me to fully understand!
C'est trop important, pour qu'un samouraï du clan Choshu comme moi, puisse tout comprendre!
It's too much for me.
C'est trop.
It's just too much for me.
C'est trop pour moi.
It's much too nice for me.
Elle est trop belle pour moi.
But it's too much responsibility for me.
Mais c'est trop de responsabilité pour moi.
Yes, sir. If it's about insurance, it's much too early for me to commit.
Si c'est pourl'assurance, je ne puis m'avancer pour l'instant.
I don't know. It is beautiful, but that's too much for me.
Il est très beau, mais trop cher pour moi.
- No, it's too much for me.
Non, c'est trop gros.
It's too much for me.
Je suis débordé.
It's much too serious a matter for me to rush blindly into.
C'est bien trop grave pour que je me lance à l'aveuglette.
It's all too much for me anyway. - Don't you understand?
Et je n'en peux plus, maman, tu comprends?
It's not that walking uphill is too much for me but can I put you down just once?
Ce n'est pas que la pente soit trop difficile pour moi, mais pourrais-je te déposer juste une fois?
It's too much for me.
Toutes ces émotions. C'est trop.
It's too much for me.
C'est trop d'honneur pour moi.
It's all getting too much for me, Grandma.
C'est trop à la fois, grand mére!
Look, he has lost too much blood... this wound's been open too long for me to heat-suture it.
Il a perdu beaucoup trop de sang. Sa blessure est trop ouverte pour qu'on lui fasse des points.

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