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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / It's very important to me

It's very important to me tradutor Francês

165 parallel translation
It's very important to me.
C'est très important.
It's very important that I meet this man to explain to him what happened... although if I saw him, I wouldn't know what to say.
Il faut que je lui explique ce qui s'est passé. Je me demande comment je m'y prendrai.
It's very important to me, very important to all of us.
C'est tres important pour moi, tres important pour nous tous.
It's very important to me.
C'est très important pour moi
Will you tell him to get in touch with me? It's very important.
Dites-lui de me contacter.
I want our marriage too, Ann. It's very important to me.
C'est essentiel pour moi.
I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Lermontov, but it's a matter of very great importance to me.
Excusez-moi de vous déranger, mais c'est très important.
It's very difficult to tell you how much this means to me, but as time goes on it will mean just as much to you.
Ce bébé est si important pour moi. Avec le temps, il le sera pour toi, j'ai vu ça...
Now look, it's important for Poldi to talk to us, Doc. Very important. You understand me?
II est très important que Poldi nous parle.
Then believe me, it's very important to me and to you that I get away from here.
Crois-moi, c'est très important pour toi et pour moi que je sorte d'ici.
Please, it's very important to me.
S'il vous plaît, c'est très important.
You probably don't think it's very important that you've graduated from university, but to me, it's wonderful news.
Quelqu'un de brillant comme toi ne doit pas se satisfaire d'un diplôme. Mais sache que pour moi, c'est déjà fabuleux.
It's very important to me.
C'est très important pour moi.
It's very important to me.
Essayez de vous rappeler pourquoi.
To me at least, it's very important.
Pour moi, au moins, c'est très important.
Give me a minute to talk to someone. It's very important.
Je voudrais parler à quelqu'un, c'est important.
No. To me it's very important. It's terrible, I would say.
Pour moi, c'est très important, c'est terrible...
I haven't got time to tell you now but believe me, it's very important.
Je n'ai pas le temps de te le dire, mais crois-moi, c'est très important.
It's very important for me to know.
Je dois le savoir.
It's very important to me.
- Je t'en prie. C'est important pour moi.
It's very, very important to me.
C'est très. très important pour moi.
I've got this show that I'm trying to set and it's very important to me.
J'essaie de mettre une émission en place, c'est trés important pour moi.
I want you to go to that meeting with me, Sarah. It's very important.
Viens à cette réunion.
I don't think it's clear to you how very important it is for me to see him.
Je pense que vous ne comprenez pas comme c'est capital que je le voie.
It's very important to me.
Il est très important.
She won't give me her name, just that it has to do with Lucy. Said it's very important. - I'll take it in my office.
Parce que j'avais besoin de savoir ce que tu ressentais vraiment au début, que je n'étais pas toute seul.
But when I think it over, it's a very, very important thing to me.
Mais quand j'y repense, c'est très important pour moi.
Look, John it wasn't easy for me to come here today, but I think it's very important that there'll be no misunderstanding between the two of us.
Ecoute, John, ce n'était pas facile pour moi de venir ici, mais je pense qu'il est très important qu'il n'y aie aucun malentendu entre nous.
It's not very important, but if you really wish to please me
Ce n'est pas vey important, mais si vous voulez vraiment moi s'il vous plaît
It's an obscure ruling but a very important one to me.
C'est une décision obscure, mais très importante pour moi.
I know she gave you something, and it's very important that you give it to me.
Elle vous a donné quelque chose. Il faut que vous me le donniez.
Now listen to me, it's very important.
Ècoute-moi bien, c'est très important.
The moonlight. It's very important to me.
Le clair de lune, c'est très important pour moi.
It Just Wasn't Very Important To Me. That's Not Why I Married Him.
Cela n'a jamais eu d'importance pour moi.
It's very important to your mother and to me that you try to get along better in school this year.
C'est important pour ta mère et moi que tu fasses des efforts à l'école.
It's a very important moment in his life. Yes, he is important to me.
Oui, il est important pour moi.
No. It's important. It's very, very important to me.
C'est très important pour moi.
Well, it's very important to me.
Ecoutez, c'est très important pour moi.
MacGyver, it's very important to me that you help us on this.
MacGyver, c'est important que tu m'aides sur ce coup-là.
As you care for me, which is why it's very important that you never breathe a word to anyone about...
Autant que tu m'aimes, toi. Aussi, il est primordial de ne parler à personne de... tu comprends?
It's very important for them to see me up there if I win.
Tu imagines comme c'est important pour eux que j'y sois.
It's a very important message to you, you understand, not to me. It's not that important to me at this moment.
Ce message est important pour toi mais pour moi il ne l'est pas, pour l'instant.
It's very important to me to find them.
Il faut absolument que je les retrouve.
It's very important for me to know these things.
Je dois absolument savoir.
It's very important for me to get this Ioan sanctioned as soon as possible
C'est très important d'obtenir cet argent aussitôt que possible
It's very important that you listen to me beca... because there's going to be a test later.
Parce que... Parce qu'ensuite, je vous testerai.
The Wayanas taught me that having friends very different from oneself, it's very important because you see something other than you, it allows you to have a more objective judgment on you and on society, to be able to benefit from the good things, see what's bad and what's good,
Les Wayanas m'ont appris qu'avoir des amis très différrents de soi c'est très important parce que tu vois autre chose que toi, cela te permet d'avoir un jugement plus objectif sur toi et sur la société,
I tried every trick. I'm not trying to be difficult. It's just that this is very important to me.
Désolé d'être si exigeant, mais c'est très important.
It's just that, you know, all these qualifications aside, it's very important to me that whoever I hire truly wants to be here.
Mis à part toutes les qualifications, il est important pour moi que mes employés se plaisent ici.
All I know is that you are very important to me, and this art thing, whether it be a hobby or my life's passion, is important to me, too.
Tout ce que je sais, c'est que tu es très important... et le dessin, que ce soit un hobby ou une passion... est également très important.
It's very important to me.
C'est tres important pour moi...

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