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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / It has to be now

It has to be now tradutor Francês

238 parallel translation
In the first place, I don't think it has to be now or later or anytime.
D'abord je ne vois pas pourquoi ça doit arriver du tout.
Mr. Honorato won't let me. It has to be now.
Non, M. Honorato ne me laisse pas...
- It has to be now. - What is it?
Si, tout de suite.
Now, I understand why you have to do this. I just don't understand why it has to be now.
Je comprends ce que tu vis, mais pourquoi maintenant?
It has to be now!
Tu dois le faire maintenant!
They say it has to be now.
Ils veulent que ce soit maintenant.
I'll pay anything you ask, but it has to be now!
Et au prix fort, si des! Tout de suite.
I do. I just don't understand why it has to be now, this minute.
Si, mais pourquoi maintenant?
No, it has to be now.
Ça ne peut pas attendre.
Under these circumstances, it has to be an injection, and it has to be now.
Vu les circonstances, il faut que ce soit par injection.
If I am ever going to have a child, it has to be now!
Si je veux un enfant, je dois le faire maintenant.
But it has to be now.
C'est maintenant ou jamais.
No, no, no, it has to be now.
Non, maintenant.
For reasons I can't go into now, it has to be Horace Miller.
Pour des raisons que je ne peux dévoiler, ce doit être Horace Miller.
Now, Mr. Van Cleve, I'm sorry to wake you up, but it has to be done.
Excusez-moi de vous réveiller, mais il le faut.
- No, it has to be done right now.
Ça ne peut pas attendre.
I will now ask the prisoner to go into the box, absolutely certain that when she leaves it there will be nothing left of the stain which the prosecution, as I hope to show, has so recklessly and unjustifiably
Je demande à l'inculpée de venir à la barre. J'ai la certitude que lorsqu'elle repartira, il ne restera rien de la tache dont l'accusation, imprudente et mal inspirée, a maculé sa personne.
Now it's broken and has to be replaced.
Maintenant elle est vraiment cassée.
- It has to be now.
Il faut que ce soit maintenant.
Because now he cannot dance and has to be a puppeteer, and doesn't always like it.
Parce que maintenant il ne peut plus danser et doit être un marionnettiste, et qu'il n'aime pas ça toujours.
Now I understand that the job, whatever it is, has got to be done at low level.
Ce que je sais, c'est que le boulot, quel qu'il soit, devra être fait à basse altitude.
It appearing to the court that the crime of manslaughter, a felony, has been committed, and that there is reasonable cause to believe that the defendant committed said crime, it is now ordered that the defendant be bound over to Superior Court for trial.
Il apparaît à la cour qu'un homicide involontaire, un crime, a été commis, et qu'il y a des raisons suffisantes de croire que l'accusé a commis ledit crime. L'accusé doit être transféré à la cour supérieure où il sera jugé.
Now that's the way it has to be.
On n'a pas le choix.
Now, it has to be said, you do all you can to excite the male.
Maintenant, il faut bien le dire, vous faites tout pour exciter les mâles.
It has to be right now at twelve.
Ça doit se faire maintenant. À minuit.
And it is not enough that the subcommittee has permitted a great man to be smeared. Now the chairman of that subcommittee is deliberately blocking the committee vote.
La Commission a permis qu'un homme soit sali, à présent, son Président fait de l'obstruction.
It has come to my attention that a supply train from the Ordnance Depot... at Denver, en route to the 2nd California Column... now garrisoned in Santa Fe... should be encamped tomorrow morning at the Sand River crossing... thirty miles away.
Il semble qu'un train d'approvisionnement venu du dépôt de matériel de Denver, en route pour la 2e Colonne de Californie en garnison à Santa Fe devrait s'arrêter demain matin au croisement de la Sand River, à 48 km.
"You will be glad to know that the slight technical difficulty... " which it was thought would keep Orvil Newton out of the race... " has now been ironed out.
L'incident technique dont fut victime M. Newton, est réglé.
Can it be that this stranger has become everything to me now?
Se peut-il que cet étranger me soit devenu tout...
When it makes its first flight, Col. Dougherty will be going it alone because that bird was designed for two men but now has been modified, of course, to carry four men.
Dougherty sera seul pour le premier vol... car l'Oiseau, conçu pour deux... vient d'etre modifié pour 4 occupants.
We even have a computer now and it has to be fed with information.
Nous avons même un ordinateur maintenant. Il nous faut lui donner des informations.
It may be that he has left us, being far from us. Or maybe his God has now left him, being so near to him.
Peut-être nous a-t-il abandonnés, lui qui était loin de nous, peut-être son Dieu l'a-t-il abandonné, dont il était près ;
It's a problem, and it has to be discussed now.
Et nous devons en parler maintenant.
It has to be off, as it is now.
Là, elle est éteinte.
But I've now skipped 2 meals, because of your stupidity and that has impacted on my private life for reasons it would be inappropriate to discuss.
Mais ça fait 2 repas que je saute à cause de vos conneries qui ont des incidences sur ma vie privée pour des raisons qu'il serait inopportun de vous dire.
But has it every occurred to you, Wally, that the process... that creates this boredom that we see in the world now... may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing... created by a world totalitarian government based on money... and that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks... and it's not just a question of individual survival, Wally... but that somebody who's bored is asleep... and somebody who's asleep will not say no?
Mais le processus qui conduit à cette morosité alimente peut-être une entreprise de lavage de cerveau mise en place par un totalitarisme basé sur le fric! C'est plus dangereux qu'on ne croit! Ce qui est grave, c'est que, si on s'emmerde, on s'endort, et l'homme qui dort ne sait plus dire non.
Now, Bob's particular expression of it has to be explained, I think, obviously in terms of his background.
Je pense que pour expliquer l'expression singulière de Bob, il faut comprendre d'où il venait.
No, no, no, no. It has to be done now.
- Il faut le faire maintenant.
I, uh, think you'll both be happy to hear that the missile has been recovered, and the three goons that took it are very busy right now pointing the finger at each other.
Vous serez heureux d'apprendre qu'on a récupéré le missile. Et les trois sbires se rejettent maintenant la faute.
No, it has to be right now.
Non, immédiatement.
Now that I have your attention, let it be known that the annual Fizzics Follies has been fractioned to the final four finalists.
Maintenant que j'ai votre attention, sachez que le concours annuel Fizzic en Folie en est maintenant aux quatre derniers finalistes.
He is now side by side with the race leader, the man who has dominated this entire event today may be about to give it away!
Il est côte à côte avec le leader. L'homme qui a dominé la course entièrement va peut-être être dépassé!
Now, someone has to take charge here, and it's gonna be me.
Quelqu'un doit prendre les choses en main, et ce sera moi.
One has to be... What's it called now? "A fisher of souls."
Il faut être... comment dit-on maintenant?
Tell me, Detective Bullock how does it feel to be cleared of all charges now that Killer Croc Morgan has been arrested?
Dites-moi, inspecteur Bullock... quel effet ça fait d'être totalement innocenté... maintenant que le tueur, Croco Morgan, a été arrêté?
Now, for a CD-ROM drive to be effective, it must be portable it has to be fast.
Un tel lecteur doit être portable et rapide.
The computer has analyzed all our tricorder data, so this ought to be pretty close to what it looks like now.
L'ordinateur a analysé les données. Ce schéma devrait être proche de la réalité.
It must be clear to you by now that your government has cruelly abandoned you.
Vous devez avoir compris que votre gouvernement... vous a cruellement abandonnés.
Now, it may be that Satan has conquered Mary and sent her here today to distract our sacred purpose.
Certes, Satan peut avoir séduit Mary... et nous l'envoyer pour nous dévier de notre but sacré.
Now it just has to be stolen.
Non, ça doit être simplement volé.
It has to be exceptional circumstance for us to grant a termination now.
Un avortement après 17 semaines requiert des conditions très particulières.

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