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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / It just came to me

It just came to me tradutor Francês

261 parallel translation
- It just came to me.
- Comme ça.
" It just came to me.
" Juste comme ça.
It just came to me all of a sudden.
Ça m'est venu comme ça, d'un coup.
It just came to me.
Ca m'est venu comme ça.
One night it just came to me.
Une nuit... ça m'est venu.
It just came to me.
Ça vient de me revenir.
I didn't think! It just came to me.
Tu sais, je ne suis pas idiote.
Listen. It just came to me, what was wrong with that picture.
Il y avait un truc qui clochait sur cette photo.
I don't know, man, it just came to me like that.
J'en sais rien, c'est parti tout seul
You're not gonna believe this, but... there I was, lying on that table... and I had my feet in those stirrupy things... and all of a sudden, it just came to me in a flash... that maybe the only reason I wasn't roasting somewhere in hell was- -
Tu ne vas pas le croire, mais... j'étais là, allongée sur cette table... et j'avais les pieds dans ces sortes d'étriers... et tout à coup, il y a eu comme un éclair en moi.
I don't know exactly. It just came to me.
Je ne sais pas exactement.
Yeah, I sort of imagined this huge shape go by, with almost no... - It just came to me. Boom.
J'imaginais cette forme gigantesque qui passait, pratiquement sans aucune turbulence.
It just came to me.
Ça m'est venu comme ça.
Why, tonight I fell asleep wishing... everything could go on and on... just as it has ever since I came to you.
Ce soir je me suis endormi souhaitant... que cela continuer indéfiniment... comme depuis que je vous ai rencontré.
You made a nervous wreck out of me, you tortured me, you took my pride away, my self-respect and I stood for it, but if you try to tell me that he just came here to bring a handbag, I'll kill you.
Tu m'as mis les nerfs en boule, torturé, privé de ma fierté, de ma dignité, et je t'ai laissée faire. Si tu essaies de me faire croire qu'il est venu te porter un sac à main, je vais te tuer.
I just came out. I thought it was just about time for me to kick off.
Il est temps pour moi d'être dans les bras de Morphée.
I mean, it just sort of came to me.
Je veux dire qu'elle est entrée en moi en quelque sorte.
No, dear, because I remember when Mr. Hoskins first came in it occurred to me that he'd make just an even dozen.
Je me rappelle, quand M. Hoskins est entré... je me suis dit que ça ferait la douzaine.
But you can't expect me to be a cook and housekeeper during the day... and a loving wife in the evening. Just because you feel like it. There are as good fish in the sea... as ever came out of it.
Je ne veux pas être une bonne à tout faire dans la journée et une amoureuse le soir, simplement parce que tu en as envie.
That's why I came back. It belonged to a man who's crippled and who accused his wife, just as you're now accusing me.
Il appartenait à un infirme jaloux.
When I first came to the hospital, I was just like you. I guess I'd still be the same way if it hadn't been for... someone who kept talking to me and made me feel I wasn't alone.
Quand je suis arrivée j'étais comme toi, et je le serais encore si personne ne m'avait parlé.
Then I'll swear it came as just as big a surprise to me as any one of you here.
Je le jure aussi. Je suis aussi surpris que vous tous.
Matter of fact, it's a pastel, and as for the model, just came to me out of the blue.
En fait, c'est un pastel et pour ce qui est du modèle... il m'est tombé du ciel.
It's hard to believe me being the same Lloyd Gruver that came over from Korea just a little bit ago.
Je me sens si différent du Lloyd Gruver qui a débarqué de Corée il y a quelques semaines.
I told him I didn't want to swim in it but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me into the water all the way in and I came out looking naked.
J'ai donc refusé de me baigner avec... mais Sébastien m'a attirée de force dans l'eau. Quand j'en suis sortie, j'avais l'air nue.
It just came home to me today, when we were passing through Cooma seeing all them sheilas.
Ça m'est revenu aujourd'hui, à Cooma, en voyant toutes ces nanas.
If you came here to park this i'll just charge you nominal rates but if you're here to sell it you'll have to give me three and a half minutes for my little laugh.
Si vous voulez le vendre, donnez-moi trois minutes, que je rigole.
I puzzled over it for days, let me tell you, and then suddenly the answer came to me just like that.
Je me suis cassé la tête pendant des jours et tout à coup, j'ai eu l'idée du siècle!
It was just me. Just you? You mean to say that blast came out of you?
J'étais persuadé, en 1992, quand on a fait le film, que Ruskin allait revenir à la mode.
It just came back to me.
Ça vient de me revenir.
My girl keeps talking about some beauty queen and I think, she is young, you know, inexperienced, somebody might get the better of her, so I came to ask... to see... well, just to find out what it's all about.
Je me dis qu'elle est jeune et naïve. Elle pourrait se faire avoir, alors je suis venue voir comment ça se passe.
Then it came to me that we were chosen... Chosen for just this work. To bury what was dead, to burn what was evil... to destroy what was dangerous.
J'ai compris que nous avions été choisis... pour enterrer ceux qui étaient morts, brûler les démons... détruire ce qui était dangereux.
Just that when you first came to visit me in prison... that you said... if they don't wanna spring you... and if you knew where the stone was... you could get it... and sell it.
Juste que quand tu es venu me voir en prison... tu as dit... si ils ne te font pas évader... et si tu savais où était la pierre... tu pouvais la prendre... et la vendre.
Just a moment ago it came back to me.
Ça m'est revenu encore une fois.
I was just staring at it and the words of my old flight instructor came back to me.
Je la regardais et ça m'a rappelé les paroles de mon professeur de vol :
It came to me just like that.
Ca m'est venu juste comme ça!
Crazy notion just jumped into my head, I don't know where it came from, but I was wondering if you'd like to come along.
Une idée folle m'est venue de je ne sais où... Je me demandais si tu viendrais avec moi.
It just came back to me.
C'est pour toi et moi
If it came down to just us two, would you take my head?
S'il ne restait plus que nous deux... me trancherais-tu la tète?
Is it a drinking holiday just because my father came to visit?
C'est une fête à boire juste parce que mon père est venu me rendre visite?
They were fast enough to keep up with me going the wrong way on the expressway but when it came time to jump that drawbridge they just didn't have the guts.
Ils étaient assez bons pour me suivre à contresens sur l'autoroute, mais quand il a fallu sauter le pont à bascule, ils ont pas eu le cran.
Look, I'm really sorry about that, darling, but it just came as... As such a shock to me. And I...
Ecoute, je suis réellement désolé à propos de ça, chéri, mais c'était un tel choc pour moi, je ne savais plus ce que je faisais, j'ai foutu le camp et commencé à boire,
I thought, if they came to me and asked me... that I was just gonna say the truth, and that's it.
Si on me posait des questions... je dirais la vérité, et c'est tout.
I don't believe it! A great player like you came all the way down here just to tell me this garbage!
Un joueur professionnel de haut niveau qui prend la peine de venir en personne m'avertir de ma défaite?
It was a couple of years ago, a young attractive bride to be came up to me after the service and asked me just that question.
Ce fut quelques années en arrière. Une jeune mariée vint me voir et me demanda ça.
It just came to me.
Ca vient de me traverser l'esprit.
Since I've gone to all this trouble you think it'd be all right if I just came in talked to you for a few moments?
Comme je me suis donné du mal... tu ne crois pas que je pourrais entrer... parler un petit moment?
So I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and just like that, it came to me - the answer I was looking for.
Alors j'ai fermé les yeux, respiré très fort et tout à coup, j'ai trouvé la réponse.
It's just that Cmdr Riker came to see me this afternoon.
Le Cmdt Riker est venu me parler cet après-midi.
It just kind of came to me.
Ca m'est venu tout seul.
I was willing to let it go at that but then, he pulled a knife and came at me and the truth of the matter is he was so inebriated that he just fell...
Et en vérité... il était tellement soûl qu'il est tombé dessus.

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