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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / It was about time

It was about time tradutor Francês

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That's right. And we thought it was about time... for us to make it more permanent.
Justement, nous pensons qu'il est temps de régulariser.
I thought it was about time you came. I've been waiting.
En effet, je me disais que tu allais revenir bientôt et je t'attendais.
Well, I thought it was about time that I was moving on.
Je crois qu'il est temps que je passe à autre chose.
Yes, I thought it was about time I got you out of that fake mourning.
Pour vous faire oublier ce deuil de convention.
So I thought it was about time he stopped pretending to me that he likes Crystal.
Alors, il devrait cesser de faire semblant d'aimer Crystal.
It was about time.
Il était temps.
And it was about time.
Il était temps.
I thought it was about time I began to run my life with some intelligence.
J'ai pensé qu'il était temps de vivre ma vie de manière intelligente.
I thought it was about time something was in that vase.
J'ai pensé qu'il était temps de remplir ce vase.
I told you it was about time you started learning about women.
Je t'avais dit : "Lance-toi, avec les femmes."
I figured it was about time we let him know that we know.
Je me suis dit qu'il était temps qu'il sache qu'on le savait.
I don't know, I thought it was about time your hair needed doing.
Je ne sais pas. J'ai pensé que vos cheveux en avaient besoin.
She thought it was about time that you had a weekend alone, the both of you.
Elle voulait passer un week-end seule avec vous.
- She went to fire the accountant... - It was about time!
Elle est allée licencier le fermier.
But if it worked once... it was a mistake. Well, it's about time.
Mais si ca a marché C'était une erreur ll était temps
The first time I was here, it was about 170,000.
- En effet. Quand j'ai commencé, c'était 170000.
It's about the time I was down on Mrs. Donati's farm.
C'est au sujet de mon séjour à la ferme de Mme Donati.
It seems that once upon a time, there was a little boy... about your size, Timmy...
Il était une fois un petit garçon de ta taille, Timmy...
Every time I mention his name... it's sorta like I was talkin'about a ghost.
A chaque fois que je mentionne son nom... on dirait que je parle d'un fantôme.
I just came out. I thought it was just about time for me to kick off.
Il est temps pour moi d'être dans les bras de Morphée.
I'm having him dine at my place. It's about time he found out I was a home girl.
Il est temps qu'il me voie en femme d'intérieur.
And last time, the train disaster, Captain Shore was on the telephone immediately and Scotland Yard knew all about it.
La dernière fois, pour le train, le capitaine a téléphoné et Scotland Yard le savait déjà.
I was here at the time, there was nothing intentional about it.
J'étais là en même temps, ce n'était pas intentionnel.
All the time I was thinking about that dark street on the way to the station... where I was to do it... and the three honks on the horn that were to be the signal.
Je pensais à la rue sombre où il faudrait agir et aux 3 coups de klaxon.
I believe it was about the time the monster made his reappearance wasn't it?
C'est à ce moment que le monstre est réapparu.
I think it's time something was done about your hair anyway.
Ce serait bien de te trouver une nouvelle coiffure.
I'm thinking it's about time I was thinking about settling down.
Je suis en train de penser qu'iI serait temps... que je m'ètabIisse.
Anyhow, I was so busy I didn't have time to think much about it.
Mais j'étais trop prise pour y penser.
It was about the time that Micky rang Netta's doorbell... and found that she'd disappeared.
C'était au moment où Micky a sonné à la porte de Netta et a découvert qu'elle avait disparu.
I think it was about my fourth or fifth jump. Anyway, about five minutes before it was time to go... I felt myself starting to get the shakes.
A mon 4ëme ou 5ëme saut... 5 minutes avant, je me suis mis à trembler.
By the time it was over, she couldn't remember much about it.
Elle se rappelait pas grand-chose.
About time! There was no need for it.
J'avais pas besoin de ça pour ne rien dire.
- Isn't it about time I was up there?
Depuis le temps que j'attends ça!
All the time I was planning to marry Julie Ann, I knew it didn't make sense, But there was something about her.
Quand je voulais épouser Julie Ann, je savais que c'était absurde mais elle avait quelque chose...
I guess I forgot about everything, even the time, but... but it was so wonderful. I'm sorry.
Je suis désolée!
For a long time I thought it was just about Michel, but now I know it has only been an excuse!
J'ai longtemps cru que c'était à cause de Michel, mais maintenant je sais que ce n'était qu'un prétexte.
Well, it was a Saturday afternoon... about this same time last year.
C'était un samedi après-midi, environ à la même époque, l'an dernier.
Perhaps you knew all the time what was going on and didn't have the courage to do anything about it.
Peut-être savais-tu ce qui se passait et n'as-tu pas eu le courage de réagir.
And it was just about the same time I was in line to get somewhat of a promotion myself.
Simultanément, j'allais aussi être promu.
I was away from you a long time, Mark. That's when I thought about it.
Je ne t'ai pas vu pendant longtemps.
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
It's about a kid with a gun, who was with me the first time I met up with barb wire.
Un jour, un gosse armé d'un pistolet s'est heurté à des barbelés...
It was about this time that my younger brother Jimmie... began to have some very serious problems.
C'est à peu près la, que mon jeune frère Jimmie, a commencé à avoir de gros ennuis
Last time I listened to you it was about the beauty contest in Canada.
La dernière fois que je t'ai cru, c'était au Canada.
When a guest can't come to my house without being attacked by rowdies, it's time something was done about it.
Si je ne peux pas recevoir un invité sans que des voyous ivres l'attaquent, il est temps d'agir.
So I said to him maybe it was time we forgot about football.
Je lui ai demandé de laisser tomber le football...
Each time was a new time and he never thought about the past when he was doing it.
Chaque fois était comme la 1re et il ne pensait pas au passé dans le feu de l'action.
Well... it was about the same time as we first observed the cloud.
et à peu près en même temps, nous avons vu Le premier nuage.
I remember it particularly, because it was just about that time... that a friend of mine and I... picked up a couple of girls on Lake Shore Drive.
Je me souviens qu'à 18 h, avec un ami, nous avons rencontré deux filles.
I built this factory from two little presses to what we've got now and, well, I think it's about time that I was getting out.
J'ai bâti toute cette usine à partir de deux petites presses. Il est peut-être temps que je me retire.
At the time, they seem very important. But now- - You know, I can't even remember what it was about.
A l'époque, ca semblait important, mais aujourd'hui... je ne me rappelle même pas pourquoi nous nous sommes disputes.

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