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Jeffords tradutor Francês

83 parallel translation
How do you know, Jeffords?
Qu'en savez-vous?
Jeffords I think I know how we can stop Cochise.
Nous avons les moyens de coincer Cochise.
Jeffords, I'm an expert on open warfare.
Je suis expert en ce genre de combats...
- Maybe Captain Jeffords became too friendly with the Apaches.
Jeffords est devenu ami avec les Apaches!
I believe Captain Jefford's word but not the word of and Apache murderer.
Je crois le capitaine Jeffords... mais pas un Apache assassin!
Are you willing to bet on the word of an Indian?
Tu es prêt à parier, Jeffords?
The mail's piled up and the route's guaranteed safe by Tom Jeffords and Cochise.
Le courrier attend. La route est garantie par Jeffords et son copain Cochise.
Looks like you'll have to go yourself, Jeffords.
Faudra y aller toi-même, Jeffords!
You lost your bet, Lowrie. It don't pay to bet with Tom Jeffords.
Contre Jeffords tu partais perdant, Lowrie!
Here's your 300 dollars, Jeffords.
Tes 300 dollars, Jeffords!
Those signal of Jeffords did us a lot of good a lot of good.
C'est beau, les signaux de fumée, hein?
Yeah, Captain Jeffords.
Oui, c'est bien moi.
Well, I learned one thing when I was with... Tom Jeffords chasing Cochise.
J'ai appris un truc en poursuivant Cochise avec Tom Jeffords.
There's a helo meeting us at Jeffords Airstrip out by Hobson.
Un hélico va nous retrouver à l'aéroport Jefferds, à Hobson.
Okay, Janice, I'm going to need you to make sure Mr Jeffords gets his meds.
Janice, assure-toi que M. Jeffords reçoit bien ses médicaments.
Why'd he tell me to give meds to Mr Jeffords?
Donner des médicaments à M. Jeffords?
Chief Jeffords from Brooklyn South is waiting for you in the conference room.
Le commissaire de Brooklyn vous attend.
Colonel Harrison Jeffords, of the Fourth Michigan Infantry, saw his flag being carried away.
Le colonel Harrison Jeffords, de la Quatrième Infanterie du Michigan, a vu son drapeau se faire emporter.
If Jeffords limps his way to a corner office,
Si Jeffords boite en se rendant au bureau,
- Sergeant Jeffords, a word.
- Un mot, sergent Jeffords.
sergeant jeffords, my office.
Sergent Jeffords, dans mon bureau
ma'am, can you please describe the perp to sergeant jeffords?
M'dame, pouvez-vous s'il vous plait décrire le suspect au sergent Jeffords?
captain, the credit really goes to sergeant jeffords.
Capitaine, tout le crédit va au sergent Jeffords.
nice work, jeffords.
- Bien joué.
sergeant jeffords searched the internet for "undiscovered muscle."
Jeffords a recherché "Découverte d'un muscle".
I want to assure you that the call To put sergeant jeffords back in the field Wasn't a spur-of-the-moment, impulse decision.
Je tiens à vous assurer que l'idée de renvoyer le Sergent Jeffords sur le terrain n'était pas la-lubie-du-moment, une décision impulsive.
Sergeant jeffords was correct When he said that his choice to go back In the field that night was an impulse decision.
Sergent Jeffords disait la vérité quand il a dit que son choix de revenir sur le terrain ce soir-là était une décision impulsive.
With the twins learning how to walk, Chaos reigns at the jeffords household.
Avec les jumelles qui apprennent à marcher, le chaos règne au foyer des Jeffords.
Sergeant jeffords is just getting back in the field.
Le sergent Jeffords vient de revenir sur le terrain.
Terry jeffords is back! Chest bump me.
Terry Jeffords est de retour!
Terry jeffords.
Terry Jeffords.
You have one play. You give the ball to jeffords,
Tu passes la balle à Jeffords, et il court dans l'en-but.
The holt-jeffords vortex.
le vortex Holt-Jeffords.
Jeffords and I will get right to work.
Jeffords and moi allons nous remettre au travail.
Sergeant Jeffords, you're right.
Sergent Jeffords, vous avez raison.
You know what I'm saying? Terry jeffords, allow me to introduce to you...
Terry Jeffords, permets moi de te présenter...
Hi. Hi.
Nathaniel Jeffords, Alexa Jeffords...
So now that we are alone,
Terry Jeffords, tu es enceinte. Ce sont des noms de bébé.
I worked so hard on that.
Ouragan Jeffords. Ça fait fille et garçon.
This kid's name is Marshall jeffords.
Un jeune, Marshall Jeffords.
So, Wolverine was telling the truth about Marshall jeffords.
Wolverine disait la vérité au sujet de Marshall Jeffords.
Did you know that Marshall jeffords has a juvenile record?
Vous saviez que Marshall Jeffords a un passé de délinquence juvénile?
Jeffords and Peralta.
Jeffords et Peralta.
Put your hands together for the dance duo, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jeffords.
Applaudissez tous pour le duo de danseur, M. et Mme. Terry Jeffords.
Sergeant Jeffords, why don't you just lie down?
Pourquoi ne vous allongez vous-pas plutôt?
Chief Fisker. Sergeant Jeffords.
Chef Fisker.
You are not a renegade, Jeffords.
Je ne pense pas que tu sois un espion.
Jeffords nothing can compensate you for the terrible thing that happened.
Rien ne compensera ce que vous avez souffert.
The guy's name is Jeffords.
Le nom du gars est Jeffords.
sergeant jeffords, thank you for coming in today.
QG de la police.
Sergent Jeffords.

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