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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ J ] / Jogan

Jogan tradutor Francês

15 parallel translation
I'm sorry, my lady, but it appears the dessert is missing its jogan fruit.
Excusez-moi, Madame, mais il manque les fruits de jogan sur le dessert.
Excuse me, fine sir, but do you by any chance have jogan fruit?
Excusez-moi, Monsieur, avez-vous par hasard des fruits de jogan?
So I have jogan?
Si j'ai des jogans?
Might I please purchase four jogan?
Puis-je acheter quatre jogans?
Artoo and C-3PO have not returned with the jogan fruit for the cake.
R2 et C-3PO ne sont pas revenus avec les fruits de Jogan pour le gâteau.
To the signing of the treaty and to my favorite dessert, Jogan fruitcake. Yes.
À la signature du traité et à mon dessert favori, le gâteau aux fruits de Jogan.
- Hey, mister, a spare jogan?
- Hey, monsieur, un bout de jogan?
He could be dead by now, Jogan.
Il pourrait être mort à l'heure qu'il est, Jogan.
His name is Jogan.
Il s'appelle Jogan.
Jogan the Wulfing.
Jogan le Wulfing.
Where are Jogan and the boy?
Où sont Jorgan et le garçon?
And tomorrow... you will hunt down Beowulf and avenge Jogan.
Et demain... Tu chasseras Beowulf et vengeras Jogan.
Jogan was my brother.
Jogan était mon frère.

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