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Jonestown tradutor Francês

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Besides, captain Starr's promised to tell us about the battle of Jonestown. Haven't you, captain?
Et le capitaine a promis de nous parler de la bataille de Jonestown.
The Kiwi Jonestown, of course, that's it.
Le Kiwi Jonestown, bien sur, C'est ca.
- A week in Jonestown. - Where are you going?
- Une semaine à Jonestown.
Their own mini-Jonestown.
Leur propre campagne d'éradication.
We'll have Jonestown.
Mais celui de toute la secte.
He calls it our Jonestown office.
Il appelle ça le bureau de Jonestown.
- Sorry. No Jonestown on my watch.
- Je ne veux pas de massacre.
Jonestown : one charismatic leader exerting his demonic will over scores of followers.
À Jonestown, ce leader charismatique a exercé sa volonté démoniaque sur des centaines d'adeptes.
Paramedics said the site looked like Jonestown.
Il paraît que l'endroit ressemble à Jonestown.
'On the 21st October, 1978, 'Congressman Ryan was gunned down'on an airstrip near Jonestown, Guyana.
Le 21 octobre 1978, le député Ryan est abattu près d'un aéroport à Jonestown.
A real Jonestown.
Façon Jonestown.
Well, you better remember, or you're gonna be visiting Jonestown. In a brightly lit, cold cage.
Accouche ou je t'envoie en désintox dans une jolie cellule.
1995, this is the year I met Anton Newcombe and his band, the Brian Jonestown Massacre.
1995. Je rencontre Anton Newcombe et son groupe, les Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce a band that knows where I live, the Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Mesdames et messieurs, on se tient à carreau, voici les Brian Jonestown Massacre!
eric : What's different about Jonestown?
Les Jonestown?
The only band I've made the effort to go see in the last three years is Brian Jonestown.
C'est le seul groupe que j'ai voulu voir en 3 ans.
and I would say Brian Jonestown Massacre and the Dandy Warhols.
"Les Brian Jonestown Massacre et les Dandy Warhols."
Jonestown and the Dandys have a window of opportunity. They can relate to suburban people, drug people, and they can also relate to literary people, and also to people who have some real knowledge of how music developed.
Les Jonestown et les Dandy ont la possibilité de toucher les banlieues, les gens qui se droguent, les littéraires aussi, les gens qui ont une vraie connaissance musicale.
Now, unlike the Brian Jonestown Massacre, we had just signed with a major label, and, of course, they thought we were gonna be the next big thing.
Contrairement aux B.J.M., on venait de signer avec un grand label, et ils pensaient qu'on allait être le prochain gros succès.
In 1996, the Brian Jonestown Massacre had a record out.
En 1996, les B.J.M. ont sorti un disque.
The Brian Jonestown Massacre had released three full-length albums in just that year,
Les B.J.M. avaient sorti trois albums entiers dans cette seule année.
COURTNEY : This guy wasn't long for the Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Ce type ferait pas long feu avec les B.J.M.
Brian Jonestown Massacre left our video shoot convinced that we had blown way off course.
Les B.J.M. ont quitté le tournage convaincus qu'on s'était plantés de cap.
The guys in the Brian Jonestown Massacre actually did the drugs we were singing about, and, still, they seemed to miss the irony in the song.
Les B.J.M. consommaient les drogues de notre chanson, mais ils ne voyaient pas l'ironie.
COURTNEY : The Brian Jonestown had a party to show us their new house and their cool scene.
Ils ont fait une fête pour nous montrer la maison et leur super décor.
Today, it's the Brian Jonestown Massacre.
"aujourd'hui, chez les B.J.M."
I guess the Brian Jonestown Massacre wanted revenge, so when they scammed some time at a local studio, they wrote us a song.
voulaient se venger. Ils ont tapé l'incruste dans un studio et ils nous ont écrit une chanson,
Seemed the only inspiration I found at the label was looking through the pictures of the shoot we staged at the Jonestown house.
Ma seule source d'inspiration était de regarder les photos prises chez les B.J.M.
Didn't we have fun at the Brian Jonestown house?
Quelle rigolade, chez les B.J.M.!
So I found one of those drive-away car deals, caught up with the Brian Jonestown Massacre in Detroit and found out that Anton had written a couple of songs for me.
Alors j'ai trouvé une voiture à rapatrier, j'ai chopé les B.J.M. à Detroit et découvert qu'Anton m'avait écrit des chansons.
There's this great sense of expectation and anticipation when one goes and sees Brian Jonestown Massacre about exactly what could go down.
On a de grosses attentes, quand on va voir les B.J.M., sur ce qui va se passer.
I saw this record, Satanic Majesties, and I went home and listened to that record, probably about 100 times in a row, and I was totally obsessed with it, and I didn't know what the Brian Jonestown Massacre was.
J'ai vu ce disque, "Satanic Majesties", et une fois rentré, je l'ai écouté 100 fois de suite. J'étais obsédé.
The Brian Jonestown left New York the next morning to play a round of shows in the South, but only got as far as Homer, Georgia.
Les B.J.M. ont quitté New York pour une tournée dans le sud, mais ne sont pas allés plus loin que Homer, Géorgie.
COURTNEY : Before their first American tour went south literally, the Brian Jonestown Massacre had managed to attract quite a bit of industry attention on the road.
Avant que leur tournée ne capote, les B.J.M. avaient réussi à attirer l'attention de l'industrie.
COURTNEY : Meanwhile, Adam Shore convinced TVT Records, the largest indie label in America, that the Jonestown Massacre was the best band in the country.
Pendant ce temps, Adam Shore persuadait TVT Records, le plus gros label indé, que les B.J.M. étaient le meilleur groupe du pays.
ADAM : One thing that we're absolutely 100 % sure of, the Brian Jonestown Massacre can make records.
Une chose est sûre à 100 %, les B.J.M. savent faire des disques.
Our management had thrown the Brian Jonestown Massacre off our bill at CMJ, but Anton showed up on the TVT records dime to distribute his ode to us anyway.
de la convention CMJ, mais Anton s'est quand même pointé au stand TVT pour distribuer son Ode à Nous.
- This is the Brian Jonestown Massacre. - Oh, really?
C'est les B.J.M.
Anton from the Brian Jonestown Massacre.
- Anton, des B.J.M.
The people who worked there were so excited to work the record, and they convinced the music industry at large that the Brian Jonestown Massacre were the next great thing.
Tout le monde était ravi de préparer le disque et on a réussi à convaincre toute l'industrie que les B.J.M. allaient casser la baraque.
What is it? The Brian Jonestown Massacre?
Quoi, les B.J.M.?
And then they'd have The Brian Jonestown Massacre on.
Et il inviterait les B.J.M.
There were a bunch of girls, "Brian Jonestown Massacre".
Les filles étaient là "Les B.J.M.!"
Look at that, The Brian Jonestown Massacre.
"'Give it Back! des B.J.M. "
COURTNEY : This was Matt Hollywood's last show with The Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Ça a été le dernier concert de Matt avec les B.J.M.
Hello, this is Matt from The Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Bonjour, c'est Matt, des B.J.M.
Invite everybody you know. Say, " You want to be in a Brian Jonestown Massacre two-page spread in Magnet
Invite qui veut se faire photographier avec les B.J.M.
I guess TVT wound up losing a lot of money on The Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Au final, TVT a perdu beaucoup avec les B.J.M.
COURTNEY : With disappointment at the label and strife inside the band, it seemed like the end of the line for The Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Entre la déception du label et les dissensions au sein du groupe, ça sentait la fin pour les B.J.M.
The feeling of hope that The Brian Jonestown Massacre had had in Japan died upon their arrival back in Los Angeles.
au Japon s'est évanoui à leur retour à L.A.
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