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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ K ] / Katy

Katy tradutor Francês

1,035 parallel translation
Wait a minute, Katey. That was a very nice invitation.
Il t'offrait ça gentiment, Katy.
- Mrs. Hobbs, Mr. Saltonstall. - My daughter Katey. - Hello, Katey!
Mme Hobbs et ma fille, Katy.
I asked the kids how they'd like a little sun on the beach, and then... and... and...
J'ai dit à Katy : "Un petit tour à la plage?"
But what are we gonna do, honey? We can't let her go through the whole vacation in this kind of misery. Wh...
On ne peut pas laisser Katy gâcher toutes ses vacances.
The girls will be here soon, and they'll... they'll snap her out of it. Yeah.
Quand les deux aînées seront là, elles entraîneront Katy.
Why, that little monkey will have her laughing so hard... she won't remember she has braces or anything. Won't she?
Elle fera le singe et Katy en oubliera son appareil.
Hey, Peg, Katey! The fleet's in.
Peggy, Katy, on va danser!
- And our daughter Katey.
- Notre fille, Katy.
Now, look at that one. You can't tell me that Katey's not prettier than that little hobgoblin.
Katy est quand même plus jolie que cette espèce de phénomène-là!
Excuse me. Are you Katey?
C'est vous, Katy?
This is my daughter Katey.
Viens, Katy.
Nice to meet you.
Je vous présente ma fille, Katy.
- We've got to get started.
Il faut qu'on parte, Katy!
I'll write to you, Katey!
Je t'écrirai, Katy!
So Katey doesn't need you. Susan and Janie don't need you.
Katy, Suzie et Janie n'ont donc pas besoin de toi.
- Katy?
- Katy?
- Katy's back in town.
- Katy est de retour.
You know the answer, Katy.
Tu connais la réponse, Katy.
You're whistling in the wind, Katy.
Tu perds ton temps, Katy.
- Katy.
- Katy.
- I thought maybe Katy shot you.
- J'ai eu peur que Katy vous tue.
Then you do remember them good old days, don't you, Katy?
Vous vous souvenez donc du bon vieux temps, Katy?
Where is the Katy
Où sont Katy
Katy Gilhooly.
Katy Gilhooly!
- It was Katy.
- C'était Katy.
Mrs Warren was there, and you was there, and the whisky bottle was there, and Katy's temper being what Katy's temper is, well, there you are.
Mme Warren était là, et vous ici, et la bouteille de whisky là, et Katy ayant le tempérament qu'elle a, voilà ce que ça a donné.
No, Katie Nanna, don't go!
- Katy Nounou, ne partez pas!
No, no, Katie Nanna!
Voyons, Katy Nounou...
Good evening, Katie Nanna and Ellen.
Bonsoir Katy Nounou et Ellen.
Thank you, Katie Nanna.
Merci, Katy Nounou!
What is it, Katie Nanna?
Qu'y a-t-il, Katy Nounou?
- I do beseech you...
- Katy Nounou, je vous en prie...
Hello, Katie Nanna.
Bonsoir, Katy Nounou.
Katie Nanna has looked everywhere.
Katy Nounou les a cherchés partout.
They're gonna rob the Katy Flyer.
Ils vont dévaliser le Katy Flyer.
Maria. Frieda. Aunt Katy.
Maria, frieda... tante katy!
But, Aunt Katy, it's not lack of respect. We wore black for more than two months, until last week.
Sauf votre respect, nous avons porté le deuil pendant 2 mois, jusqu'à la semaine passée.
You'd better put out the candles.
- C'est pour tante katy... il la terrifie. Eteins la chandelle.
Aunt Katy shut the door.
Tante katy a fermé la porte.
Christopher and Katy Coombs!
Christopher et Katy Coombs!
Do you realize that Christopher and Katy haven't addressed a single word to any of the staff since they ran away.
Vous rendez-vous compte que Christopher et Katy n'ont pas adressé un mot au personnel depuis leur fugue?
This is my sister, Katy, and I'm Christopher Coombs.
Voici ma sœur, Katy. Je suis Christopher Coombs.
- Much more, Katy.
- Bien plus, Katy.
Did you find the old nightclothes for Katy and Christopher?
Avez-vous trouvé les vieux pyjamas pour Katy et Christopher?
Katy, promise me never to do that again.
Katy, promets-moi de ne jamais le refaire.
It's Katy, it's not Katharine.
C'est Katy, ce n'est pas Katharine.
- It's not my Katharine, it's Katy.
- Ce n'est pas ma Katharine, c'est Katy.
Christopher, Katy is still a very little girl.
Christopher, Katy est encore très petite.
It's Katey that has me worried.
Mais Katy m'inquiète.
Phil, this is Katey. Katey, this is Phil.
Phil, voici Katy.
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