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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ K ] / Kisha

Kisha tradutor Francês

49 parallel translation
- You don't want Kisha to come down.
Tu veux réveiller Kisha?
Yeah, please don't have Kisha come down here flippin'on us
Ferme-la! Envoie pas Kisha nous faire chier à 3 h du mat'!
Now, Kisha, Kisha was a bad motherfucker.
Kisha, c'était une putain de bombe.
- This is Kisha.
C'est Kisha.
Kisha, I'm gonna just be honest with you.
Je vais être franche.
Kisha, you got life.
Tu as la vie!
Hey, Kisha, what up? This is knowledge right here.
Allo Kisha, c'est Knowledge.
I thought it might be some beef with Kisha or something.
J'ai cru à une dispute avec Kisha.
- They fuckin'probably got Kish, man.
Ils ont dû embarquer Kisha.
- lt's Kish right there, man. - Come on.
C'est Kisha!
- lt's Kish again, man.
C'est encore Kisha!
You gotta tell Kish what's up for me.
Dis à Kisha ce qui m'arrive.
knowledge knew where Kisha lived, so he knew Tommy wouldn't be far behind.
Knowledge savait où vivait Kisha. Tommy devait pas être loin.
- I'm Kisha Birch. - Hi.
Kisha Birch.
Kisha, there's the bitch who wrote the article.
Mira, Kisha, voilà l'idiote qui a écrit l'article.
- Kisha, wait!
Kisha, n'y va pas.
Actually, you're skin and bones, Kisha.
En fait, tu n'es qu'un squelette avec la peau sur les os, Kisha.
Kisha! We're not trying to hurt anyone, okay?
- On ne veut blesser personne d'accord?
Kisha, come on.
Kisha. Viens ici.
Run, Kisha baby, run!
Cours, Kisha, cours!
And that was the end of Sara Tidwell and her daughter, Kisha.
C'en était fini de Sara Tidwell et de sa fille, Kisha.
Her daughter's name is Kisha.
Sa fille s'appelle Kisha.
She mentioned something - about a little girl named Kisha.
Elle a parlé d'une petite fille, Kisha.
That's her imaginary friend, Kisha, but it's okay,'cause the doctor said that she's perfectly normal and I don't have a crazy kid, so that's...
C'est son amie imaginaire. Le médecin m'a dit que c'était normal et que ma fille n'est pas folle.
And then she and her little daughter, Kisha, were killed by a group of teenagers, led by the young Max Devore.
Puis, sa fille Kisha et elle ont été tuées par des adolescents emmenés par le jeune Max Devore.
Sara and Kisha are at rest, sweetheart.
Sara et Kisha sont en paix.
Киша, съпротивлявай се!
- Kisha, résiste!
Are you gonna let that bitch choke you out, cuz?
Je parle à Kisha! Ray! Tu vas laisser cette garce t'étouffer?
- Kisha!
Мисля, че Киша е мъртва. Супер!
- Kisha est morte, je crois.
Is aghoul the same demon that possessed Kisha?
Aghoul est-il le même démon qui possédait Kisha?
- Kisha?
Is that right, Kisha?
C'est vrai, Kisha?
Where's Kisha?
Où est Kisha?
Nigga, I don't know where the fuck Kisha is at, cuz! Shh!
Le nègre, je ne sais pas où est Kisha!
The white girl's neck, snapped it back.
- Kisha a causé tout ça? - Elle a brisé le cou de la Blanche.
Kisha did that shit?
- Kisha a fait ça?
You and Kisha can swim in the pond.
Toi et Kisha, vous pouvez vous baigner dans l'étang.
Kisha, Kisha!
Kisha, Kisha!
So, how Kisha, man?
Comment va Kisha?
- Hey, it's Kish.
C'est Kisha.
- Kisha?
Patrick, Shawn, and now Kisha.
Et regardez-la maintenant. Patrick, Sean et maintenant Kisha.

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