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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ K ] / Klump

Klump tradutor Francês

93 parallel translation
They hid them in every millionth Krusty Klump Bar and Krusty Klump Bar with almonds.
Une barre sur un million en a, même les barres aux amandes.
Get Klump in here now!
Appelez-moi Klump, et que ça saute!
BOY 1 : Professor Klump.
- Professeur Klump.
Good morning, Professor Klump.
- Bonjour, professeur Klump.
Professor Klump.
Professeur Klump.
Well, Professor Klump, allow me to answer that question by posing another.
Eh bien, professeur Klump, permettez-moi de vous répondre par une question.
Do I look excited, Klump?
J'ai l'air enthousiasmé?
Now, I'm going to set up a meeting with Harlan Hartley... Klump!
Je vais prendre rendez-vous avec Harlan Hartley.
And I want that money, Klump.
Et je veux cet argent.
WOMAN : Professor Klump?
Professeur Klump?
I was looking for Professor Klump.
Je cherche M. Klump.
I'm Sherman Klump.
Sherman Klump.
Well... ( SCHOOL BELL RINGS ) Professor Klump, it's been more than a pleasure meeting you.
Eh bien... ça a été un immense plaisir.
Klump, shut up!
- Klump, tais-toi!
Is Professor Klump here?
- Le professeur Klump est-il là?
Professor Kl u m p?
- Professeur Klump?
Sherman, Sherman Klump.
Sherman Klump?
The professor must have got a little carried away last night.
Le professeur Klump a dû travailler très fort hier soir.
I only wish Professor Klump was here to have seen it.
J'aurais bien aimé que le professeur Klump vous voie faire.
Hey, Professor Klump is here?
- Le professeur Klump est ici?
That's not Professor Klump.
- Oui. Ce n'est pas le professeur Klump.
That's good, Klump. Let me know your results.
Tenez-moi au courant.
Don't nobody want to hear your flatulence, Cletus Klump.
Garde tes flatulences.
But Professor Klump has got a meeting tonight with Harlan Hartley at the Ritz.
Klump doit rencontrer H. Hartley ce soir, à 20 h, au Ritz.
Have you seen Professor Klump?
Où est le professeur Klump?
Do you think you can do Klump's job and help me crowbar that dough out of Hartley?
- Vous pourriez le remplacer? Et faire cracher Hartley?
Well, this had better be Professor Klump.
C'est Klump, j'espère?
No, sir, this is the man behind Klump's work, the real genius.
Non. Mais le génie qui a signé son oeuvre.
How'd you like to fill in for Professor Klump on a more permanent basis?
Que diriez-vous de remplacer Klump en permanence?
Thank you, Mrs. Klump.
- Merci, Mme Klump.
Well, Mrs. Klump, I hope you have a wonderful evening.
Excellente soirée.
( CHUCKLING ) Mr. Klump.
M. Klump.
At midnight, I don't have to worry about turning into no Klumpkin.
Pas de danger de redevenir Klump à minuit.
Who you think you're talking to, Sherman Klump?
Tu ne t'adresses pas à Sherman Klump.
This man is trying to kill Professor Sherman Klump!
Cet homme veut tuer M. Klump!
Ladies and gentlemen, say goodbye to Sherman Klump!
Mesdames, messieurs, dites adieu à Sherman Klump!
Professor Klump, the cages, what happened?
Monsieur... les cages! Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
Do you, Sherman Klump?
Acceptes-tu, Sherman Klump?
- The eminent scientist, Professor Sherman Klump... - Mm-hmm. - and his longtime sweetheart,
L'éminent scientifique, le professeur Sherman Klump... et son grand amour, Denise Gaines.
Show'em what the Klumps are made of!
Montre-leur de quoi les Klump sont faits.
Klump in charge!
Oui. Klump tient les commandes.
Klump in charge. Yes, indeed.
Klump tient les commandes.
Hey, Professor Klump. How's it going?
- Professeur Klump, ça va?
Klump in charge.
Je tiens les commandes.
Oh, Professor Klump.
- Saignez-vous? - Oh, professeur Klump.
Klump, party of six, please.
- Klump, nous sommes six.
By the way, congratulations, Mr. Klump.
En passant, félicitations, M. Klump.
Look here, Denise, you have to stop that "Mr. Klump" stuff...'cause I've been hearing that for the last year or so, and I'm starting to feel old.
- Denise, ne m'appelle pas "M. Klump". J'entends cela depuis un an et je commence à me sentir vieux.
- Clesius Marcellus Klump.
- Cletus Marcellus Klump!
[klump, klump] what?
- Hé, voisin!
Cet escroc?

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