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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ K ] / Knut

Knut tradutor Francês

140 parallel translation
I have talked to Knut Huseby, and you will receive a warm welcome.
J'ai parlé à Knut Huseby, et il te recevra chaleureusement.
Knut Huseby
Knut Huseby
Aslaug. Knut Huseby's daughter - Gull Cronvall
Aslaug, la fille de Knut Huseby :
Tomorrow I will follow you to Huseby and propose in Knut's presence.
Demain je vais avec toi chez Huseby, et je fais ma demande en présence de Knut.
You, Knut Huseby, are a wealthy man, and I myself am no church mouse.
Toi, Knut Huseby, tu es un homme fortuné, et je ne suis pas non plus à plaindre.
HUNGER based on a novel by KNUT HAMSUN
LA FAIM d'après le roman de KNUT HAMSUN
# I'm Gilbert the Filbert The Knut with a "K" #
# Je suis Gilbert le noisetier Le koala avec un "K" #
And according to this notebook, my real name was Knut Wileton.
Selon ce cahier, mon nom était Knut Wileton.
That was Knut with a "K," so I was named after the king and not the salamander, which is something of a relief.
Knut avec un K, donc mon nom venait du roi, pas de la salamandre... ce qui me soulage un peu.
It seems this Knut Wileton is into the ten-year plan.
Apparemment, Knut Wileton suit un plan sur dix ans.
Yes! Oh, golly, Knut, yes! "
Oh, Knut, oui! "
Look, Knut, you and I are different.
Knut... toi et moi, on est différents.
[Knut] Great, uh... Great party, huh?
Chouette fête, hein?
Uh, Knut, you know, I was really thinking about what you said this afternoon, and, uh, you were right.
Knut, j'ai repensé à ce que t'as dit cet après-midi... et t'avais raison.
Yeah, right.
Oui, c'est ça. Knut Wileton.
Knut Wileton. No, this is not a prank!
Non, ce n'est pas une blague!
Scooter? Knut, here!
- Knut, ici!
It seems when Knut did it, uh, he missed.
On dirait que Knut s'est planté en plongeant.
T.K.B. is the life for me! [Al] Oh, now I know how Knut broke his neck.
Oh, je sais maintenant comment il s'est brisé le cou.
It is based on Knut Hamsun's novel Dreamers
Il est... c'est tiré du roman de Knut Hamsun Le Rêveur,
Next up is the Happy Hour with Knut from the Tower.
Et maintenant, Happy Hour avec Knut de la Tour.
You can see Poland, the stadium.
Tu vois la Pologne, le stade... Ça va, Knut?
Knut, this is my girlfriend.
Knut, voici mon amie.
- Knut?
69.9 KNUT, the station all in your mouth.
69.9 KNUT, la station toute entière dans votre bouche.
69.9 KNUTin your mouth.
Ecoutez ça. 69.9 KNUT dans votre bouche.
69.9 KNUT, the station in your mouth.
69.9 KNUT, la station dans votre bouche.
Tooth is up next on 69.9 KNUT, the station in your mouth.
La Dent arrive sur 69.9 KNUT, la station dans votre bouche.
This is Tooth coming to you live, KNUT 68.9 on your FM dial... on your lunch hour.
Ici La Dent qui vous parle en direct sur KNUT 68.9... pendant votre déjeuner.
This is Tooth coming to you live, KNUT.
Ici La Dent, en direct sur KNUT.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Tooth on KNUT, 68.9.
Mesdames et messieurs, ici La Dent, sur KNUT, 68.9.
Knut bird?
Knut Vogel?
Hallgeir Finnbråten and Knut Holte!
Hallgeir Finnbraten et Knut Holte!
Call me Knut.
Moi c'est Knut.
Yeah, he takes care of everything The computer guy Knut.
Oui, il s'occupera de tout. Ordi à Knut. Knut à ordi.
Knut, we take the Ferrari.
Knut, on s'occupe de la Ferrari.
Knut, get your jinx out of here!
Knut, debarasse moi de ca!
Knut knew from his father that those who fought for the crown could gain much, but they could also lose everything.
Knut savais de son pere que ceux qui se battaient pour la couronne gagnaient mieux - mais ils pouvaient aussi tout perdre.
Knut is not safe here. I say we send him to his brothers in Norway.
Knut n'est pas en sécurité ici. il faut l'amener ches ces freres en norvege
So it is. Where is Knut?
voila ou est Knut?
But should Knut not be king?
- Mais Knut ne devrais pas etre roi?
- It is Knut's bird.
- c'est l'oiseau de Knut.
- Is Knut here?
- Knut est la?
He knows that Knut can come back and that he could be the next king.
Il sait que Knut peut revenir.
- Knut has returned.
- Knut est revenu.
Everyone knows that you and Knut are best friends.
tout le monde sait que toi et Knut etes de meilleurs amis.
Knut... I can understand if you don't want to get involved, but I can't stop thinking of Cecilia.
Knut... je comprend que tu ne veuilles pas etre impliqué, but je n'arrete pas de penser à Cecilia.
- You okay, Knut?
- Tu as l'air fatigué.
I'm Knut Elstermann!
Je suis Knut Elstermann!

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