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Kojima tradutor Francês

103 parallel translation
Production Design by MOTOJI KOJIMA
Décors : KOJIMA Motoji
A comrade named Kojima Kaname ought to know the answer as he's especially close to Niiro Tsuruchiyo.
Mais je sais que Kojima est un ami de Niiro.
You should definitely hear what Kojima has to say, sir.
C'est à lui qu'il faut demander.
By the way, Kojima...
Au fait, Kojima.
I, Kojima Kaname, personally attest!
Je m'en porte garant.
I heard from Kojima Kaname that you're here all the time so I became worried.
Kojima m'a dit que tu étais ici. J'étais inquiet.
Kojima will tell him that, even though it's late... an emergency meeting will be held at Yamazakiya, by the Nihonbashi Bridge.
Kojima va aller l'avertir qu'on se réunit en pleine nuit à Nihonbashi.
So, anyway, Kojima...
Kyosuke Kojima, a survivor of the Sakashita incident, and Totsuan Ohashi, who's pulling the strings.
Kojima, un survivant de l'attentat contre Ando Nobumasa, et Ohashi, l'éminence grise du complot.
Ohashi's only a scholar, so it'll be easy, but Kojima's the Yashu clan's best swordsman.
Ohashi est une proie facile mais Kojima est plus aguerri. C'est le meilleur sabreur de Yashu.
Ohashi and Kojima left Mito Mansion.
Ohashi et Kojima ont quitté la résidence.
- Kojima.
- Kojima.
You're good with the doh attack.
Si vous êtes Kojima, vous êtes un maître du nuki do.
Shinji Takano Keiko Kojima Yuriko Mishima
Shinji Takano Keiko Kojima Yuriko Mishima
KO JIMA Motoji
Kojima Yu, convicted of illegal tattooing... and serving a sentence of two years, was pardoned and released on probation.
Oyu Kojima. Condamnée à deux ans pour avoir tatoué des gangsters.
Original story by Kazuo Koike Goseki Kojima
D'après le manga de KOIKE Kazuo et KOJIMA Goseki Scénario KOIKE Kazuo
Original story by Kazuo Koike Goseki Kojima
Scénario de KOIKE Kazuo
Original story by Koike Kazuo Goseki Kojima
Œuvre originale - Scénario :
I'm Kojima Keishiro, a weII-known Hatamoto... and I'II be ashamed for my whole life.
Je suis Kojima Keishiro, le serviteur d'un shogun très connu. J'aurai honte le reste de ma vie!
Jun Aki, Reiko Fujinam, Maya Hamazak and Tomomi Meguro
Jun Aki - Reiko Fujinami Hidetoshi Kageyama - Yôko Kojima
If a guy called Kojima calls me, tell him I'll be late or something.
Rien... Si un certain Kojima m " appelle, dis-lui que je ne suis pas là.
Kojima gave us tickets to his next fight.
Il nous a donné des billets Pour son prochain match. On ira, hein?
It's me, Kojima.
C " est moi, Kojima.
What the hell was he here for?
Kojima? Il est revenu ici?
Kojima, what makes you think you are an in-fighter?
Kojima, tu n "es qu" un frimeur. Dês que t " es dans les cordes, tu décroches!
Takuji Kojima, the winner!
Le vainqueur est Kojima!
You and Kojima, was it only a kiss between you and him?
Pourquoi es-tu allée voir ce match? Il n'y a vraiment eu qu'un baiser entre vous?
I heard today that Kojima once... chickened out of a fight before.
Ecoute-moi ça! Au club, on dit que c " est un dégonflé... qu'il refuse de monter sur le ring. Il a même refusé un combat.
A big loser like Kojima.
Ie club garde une si mauvaise recrue.
- Kojima? - Umh?
- Kojima! - Yes?
- Kojima!
Kojima, gotta learn boxing.
Kojima! On va apprendre la boxe tous les deux...
Kojima, this'only a beginning!
Kojima, ce n'est qu " un début!
Kojima, listen.
Kojima, tu m " entends?
Hizuru, what's Kojima to you?
Hizuru... Kojima, c " est quoi Pour toi?
Fantastic, Kojima!
Formidable, Kojima!
Listen, finish him off next round.
Vas-y, Kojima! Liquide-le!
Kohji TSUKAMOTO as Kojima
T S U K A M O T O Shin " ya Kojima :
I sold him to Kojima!
Je l'ai vendu à Kojima!
Kojima, too.
Kojima aussi.
That's Kojima.
C'est Kojima.
Shiro Hisano Kyoichi Sato Keishiro Kojima Chota Tamagawa Kiyoshi Hitoshima Shogo Shinoe
Shiro HISANO - Kyoichi SATO Keishiro KOJIMA - Chota TAMAGAWA
M. Kojima..?
Kojima waited for you.
Kojima vient de repartir.
C " est toi, Kojima?
No, no.
Kojima, ça va Pas!

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