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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ K ] / Korn

Korn tradutor Francês

94 parallel translation
Isn't he the Kidley of Kidley's Korn Plasters?
N'est-ce pas le Kidley des Pansements Kidley?
- Quizzola? Korn Krunchies Quiz-Quiz.
- Le jeu des Krunchies.
- Colonel Korn isn't here.
- Korn n'est pas là non plus.
Colonel Korn, I'd like you to stay in the control tower.
Colonel Korn, restez à la tour de contrôle.
For Colonel Korn and me?
Pour Korn et moi-même?
What have you and Colonel Korn got to do with my country?
Quel rapport y a-t-il entre vous et ma patrie?
Bring me a schnapps, Maxie.
Un "Korn", Max.
- Neckar... Korn!
- Neckár, Korn!
- Kids, remember Korn?
- Vous vous rappelez Korn?
- Honni Korn.
- Des Honni Korn.
- I've got Honni Korn.
J'ai des Honni Korn.
We've got a haunted house and everyone is decorating for tomorrow night, HALLOWEEN, when the band KoRn, that's right, KoRn, is going to play live!
Ici, on prépare Halloween. Demain, le groupe Korn donnera un grand concert.
Yeah, and how about KoRn playing the big concert tomorrow?
Mais Korn vient jouer demain soir.
KoRn is a devil-worshipping group that plays violent music!
Korn vénère Satan et prône la violence.
Hay, you're that band KoRn.
Vous êtes le groupe Korn?
Oh, hi. We're KoRn.
On est le groupe Korn.
When you allow bands like KoRn to come to town and play your hedonistic Hallowen concerts, this is what you get!
Quand on invite Korn, ce groupe hérétique, voilà à quoi on s'expose.
This is what we get for celebrating Halloween and allowing that band KoRn to come play.
C'est ce qu'on récolte en célébrant Halloween et en invitant Korn.
He's right! Nothin'ever went wrong in this town before that evil KoRn band showed up.
Tout allait bien avant l'arrivée de ce groupe démoniaque.
Lynch mob!
Lynchons Korn!
lright, KoRn, time for you to get out of town!
On vous tient! Vous allez quitter la ville!
KoRn is sending their demon minions upon us!
Korn nous envoie ses créatures démoniaques.
Alright, gang. Looks like we're gonna have to use our special KoRn powers.
L'heure est venue d'utiliser notre super pouvoir Korn.
KoRn powers, vitalize!
Pouvoir Pop Korn!
Alright, KoRn, you can stop your demonic shenanigans and come downtown with me!
Arrêtez ces manifestations démoniaques, je vous embarque!
Well thanks a lot, KoRn! You KoRn powers really came through for us!
Merci, vos supers pouvoirs nous ont sauvé la mise.
It's all the new stuff, darling. You know, Slipknot, Papa Roach, Korn.
C'est les nouveaux trucs, Slipknot, Papa Roach, Korn...
Mrs. Walker? I'm Agent Korn, and this is Agent Pembleton.
Je suis l'agent Korn et voici l'agent Pembleton.
Agent Korn, Agent Pembleton. My name is Agent Poopy Pants.
Et moi, je suis l'agent Caca dans sa culotte.
Korn Look, I have something to show you.
Korn, tu veux des fruits?
Where are Por Yai and Korn?
Où sont Por Yaï et mon frère?
Those are the people that took Por Yai and Korn.
Ce sont eux qui ont kidnappé Por Yaï et Korn.
Be patient, Korn.
Sois patient, Korn.
Hey, Kham, We need to find a truck for Korn.
Kham. On doit trouver un camion pour Korn.
And when I'm not laying down tracks, I could rent it out to Korn or Iggy Pop or someone.
Et entre deux séances, je la louerais à Korn ou Iggy Pop, par exemple.
- What's Korn?
- C'est quoi?
"Korn." They spelled it wrong.
Korn, le R est à l'envers.
Korn has lost 80 % of his liver.
Plus de 80 % de son foie est endommagé.
The guy with the heavy arms is Rudy Korn. A prodigy.
L'homme armé, Rudy Korn, est un prodige.
I'm a Korn Krinkles secret operator.
Mission ultra-secrète!
I'm Agent Korn.
Je suis l'agent Korn.
I'm aware of the gravity, Agent Korn.
Si, agent Korn.
- Korn! - Shit!
- Korn.
- Korn.
And now I'll welcome Mr. K ^ rn from the police station in Wilster and Mr. Tolksdorf from the Public Order Office.
Je voudrais saluer M. Körn du commissariat de Wilster et M. Tolksdorf de la préfecture.

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