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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ K ] / Kow

Kow tradutor Francês

38 parallel translation
He has just come from Kow Chai.
II arrive de Kow Chai.
He has walked all the way from his native village of Kow Chai.
Il a marché depuis son village natal de Kow Chai.
Now, that I kow everything.
Maintenant que je le sais?
Did you know that? Even little kids kow that here.
Ici en Sicile tout le monde le sait.
Transmittin'from KOW, spelt K-O-W. The noisiest, bounciest, fanciest radio station... in the Far West!
Vous etes a l'ecoute de KOW, K-O-W, la plus bruyante, la plus vibrante, la plus delirante des radios du Far West.
- Right here at KOW... - It's Super Soul. Who else?
- Ben c'est Super Soul.
But I'm here on Sunday for the first time in my life... and for the very first time this KOW radio station begins... not only to deejay and to do my own thing... but to tell you a little story.
C'est la premiere fois que je viens un dimanche, et pour la premiere fois j'ouvre les ondes de la radio KOW, avec de la musique, bien sur, mais aussi avec une petite histoire.
Yes, but we must avoid all negative publicity, now. You perfectly kow that, right?
Nous devons éviter toute publicité, et vous Ie savez.
You had "Hong ching chu"... and I had "kow dung woo fong."'
Vous avez pris "hong ching chu"... et moi "kow dung woo fong".
Uncle Kow is here.
L'oncle Kow est là.
Uncle Kow.
Oncle Kow.
Can't let Uncle Kow knows you're sleeping.
Il ne doit pas apprendre que tu as dormi.
You kow, what you watched on TV... Did you know your ABCs...
Tes goûts en matière de télé, si tu connaissais l'alphabet...
Kow Fuhong and Christopher Tseng
Kow Fuhong et Christophe Tseng
I'm Kow
Je suis Kow.
So you were the guy they beat up, Kow told me
Alors, tu es celui qui s'est fait tabasser, Kow me l'a dit.
Um, now he's chosen Kow Chan, a Chinese cameraman... done some stunning work, mostly with the Red Army.
Hum, il a choisi Kow Chan, un cameraman chinois. qui a fait un étonnant travail avec l'Armée Rouge.
Mr. Kow, these are the workers you requested.
M. Kow! Les serviteurs que vous demandiez.
Bfba, you kow the story about Rostam and Sohrab.
Tu connais cette légende, la légende de Rostam et Sohrab.
Me, you, dinner. Pi-cha-kow!
Moi, vous, dîner aux chandelles.
I barely even know where Ban Kow Tai is.
Je ne sais même pas où est Ban Kaw Tai.
Yesterday Kowloon Bay, yesterday, 6 officers injured Two officers are still in intensive care
Kow Loon Bay, hier... 6 officiers blessés, dont 2 toujours en soins intensifs.
- I don't kow what to tell you Dee, that guy is a sleazebag.
- Je ne sais pas quoi te dire Dee, ce mec est un minable.
But now, come on. Pa-kow!
Mais là, voyons.
What kow, Rémy?
Quoi encore?
I don't kow him.
lui non.
Aliia, yo kow'm ot here bease of shool.
Tu sais que je ne suis pas là pour l'école.
Please tell me, you kow where this motherfucker is.
Dites-moi que vous savez où il est.
♪ I just wanna know ♪
♪ I just wanna kow ♪
I couldn't remember anything and... then it started coming back to me, you kow, bits and pieces of the truth.
Je n'ai pu me souvenir de quoi que ce soit... Puis ça a commencé à me revenir, des petits morceaux de vérité.
I don't kow.
Je ne sais pas.
And please don't take this the wrong way, but your butt is like ka-kow. They're going to kill me.
Ne le prenez pas mal, mais vous avez un postérieur à tomber!
Oh, yeah, and a ginger beer and crispy beef from Ho Kow... and chicken from that disgusting Italian place he likes.
Oui, et une bière au gingembre et un bœuf croustillant chez Ho Kow... et du poulet de chez ce restau italien immonde qu'il adore.
Ho Kow crispy beef.
Bœuf croustillant.
- But, Mr. Kow...
- M. Kow...
Some weird woman, from I don't kow.
Une femme mariée de Maroma.

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