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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ M ] / Meera

Meera tradutor Francês

306 parallel translation
"Love is Meera, love is Krishna.."
L'amour, c'est Meera et Krishna...
She must have been Meera, mom.
Ça doit être Meera, maman.
Meera, what happened to that Sintel file?
Meera, qu'est-ce qui y est arrivé au fichier Sintel?
My name is Meera and I am one stone off my target weight.
Meera, à 6 kg de mon poids cible.
Oh, hi, Meera.
Salut, Meera.
You can't blame Anthea for that, but anyway, Meera?
Vous pouvez pas accuser Anthea. Bref...
- Vanessa...
Meera? - Vanessa...
- Hi, Meera.
- Bonjour, Meera.
Aren't they, Meera?
N'est-ce pas, Meera?
But Meera Sharma...
Mais Meera Sharma...
Dear, oh, dear, Meera.
Chère, chère Meera.
Sorry, Meera. Vultures.
Des "vautours".
Sorry, Meera, I was just thinking of the English people.
Désolée, Meera. Je pensais surtout aux Anglais.
- What about you, Meera?
- Oui. - Et toi, Meera?
- Meena? It's Don Merrick.
Meera, c'est Don Merrick.
Who's calling? Could you tell him Meena Najar phoned, please?
Dites-lui que Meera Najar a appelé.
- Because Meena said she spoke to someone and then you turned up.
Meera Najar dit qu'elle a appelé et que tu t'es pointé avec ta carte.
- Hi Meera!
Hé Meera!
Keep your floating candles ready, Meera
Tenez votre action de flotter Bougies prêtes, Meera
Sometimes be Radha, sometimes be Meera.
".. vous aussi, mourez tous les jours! " " Parfois devenez Radha et parfois Meera. "
Yes, Meera?
Oui, Meera?
And I should warn you, that one over there is Mira.
Celle-là, c'est Meera.
- Hello, Mira.
Salut, Meera.
Meera probably doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about.
Pardon, Meera. Tu dois pas savoir de quoi je parle.
EastEnders, Meera.
EastEnders, Meera.
Yes my name!
Oui Mon nom! - Meera
I'm meera here can i speak to shankar singh?
Je suis Meera Puis-je parler à Shankar Singh?
But it hurts it must be devastating for all of you and shankar's wife is she here?
Est-elle ici? - Oui, Meera doit travailler à l'intérieur. Comment votre époux connaissait-il Shankar?
But meera's life is useless. It's good i was born a man.
Au moins, tu réalises ce qu'une femme subit.
Now tell me, why are you upset?
Je... - Meera Didi!
- meera didi!
- Qui est-elle?
That is at a very high altitude, in the north, right?
Oui. - Meera Didi.
- You really are good, meera.
Elle n'est pas bonne. Il y a si longtemps que je n'ai pas mangé de bonbons.
When the sun set, and the moon rose, he would say...'meera, one day, you and me will go on the moon riding a camel "
Quand le soleil était couché, et la lune levée, il disait... 'Meera, un jour, toi et moi, on ira sur la lune à dos de chameau " 'Ce sera juste toi et moi
Meera, you'll have to help me.
- Tu me l'as dit le premier jour.
That the innocent, naive meera is talking of killing?
Que l'innocente et naïve Meera parle de meurtre?
- Where's Meera?
- Où est Meera?
- Meera?
- Meera?
Thanks, Meena.
Merci, Meera.
- Yes, meera must be working inside how does your husband know shankar?
Amir et Shankar ont été compagnons de chambre au Saudi
I want to talk to meera... not a word goes to meera Amir and shankar were roommates in saudi roommates?
Compagnons de chambre?
Look, your anger is justified.
Mais pourrions-nous avoir une discussion calme? J'aimerais rencontrer Meera.
But we can have a decent discussion i want to meet meera.
- Impossible
- Not possible for god's sake, listen to my request.
J'aimerais parler à Meera...
Don't mind my words.
- Tu es vraiment bonne, Meera.
And then, a man has his needs. The fact is, i want meera.
Le fait est que je veux Meera.
Meera is beautiful, and young too.
Meera est belle, et très jeune.
Who zeenat?
Celle qui rencontre Meera Didi au temple tous les jours.
- Yes, i am late.
Meera, tu dois m'aider.
No meera, i know amir.
Non Meera, je connais Amir.

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