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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ M ] / Mrs williams

Mrs williams tradutor Francês

194 parallel translation
Hold your tongue, Mrs Williams.
Tenez votre langue, Mme Williams.
- Hi, Mrs Williams. Michael.
- Bonjour, Mme Williams.
We'll be able to monitor any phone calls that come in, Mrs Williams.
Nous enregistrons tous les appels que vous recevrez, Mme Williams.
- Er, Mrs Williams?
- Mme Williams?
Mrs Williams, I think we can forget about the pen.
Mme Williams, je crois qu'on peut oublier ce stylo.
( Carlson ) Strange thing, Mrs Williams, when you look at the route your husband must have taken...
C'est étrange, Mme Williams, quand on regarde le trajet que votre mari a dû faire...
Mrs Williams is to fly alone, north along this highway,
Mme Williams doit longer cette autoroute, seule, en avion,
- Er, Mrs Williams.
- Mme Williams.
That's very kind, Mrs Williams, but we just do what we can.
C'est très gentil, Mme Williams, on fait juste notre travail.
I have to tell you, Mrs Williams, you've got some beautiful place here.
Vous avez une bien belle maison, Mme Williams.
Mrs. Williams called and says your phone is out of order. She wanted me to tell you the water's rising.
D'apres Mme Williams, votre téléphone est en dérangement.
Mrs. Carmody... and Mrs. Williams...
Mme Williams.
Phone Mrs. Williams, [INAUDIBLE].
Appelez ma femme.
Mrs. Williams on three.
- Mme Williams sur la ligne 3.
Yeah, Mrs. Williams wasn't able to go with me.
Mme Wiliams n'a pas pu m'accompagner.
She said Mrs. Williams was taking something to make her sleep and wasn't to be disturbed. But perhaps...
Elle a dit que votre épouse a pris un somnifère et ne ne voulait pas être dérangée.
I want to see Mrs. Walter Williams.
Je viens voir Mme Williams.
Yes, Mrs. Williams.
Oui, Mme Williams. Il est mort, n'est ce pas?
It wasn't a hitchhiker, Mrs. Williams.
Ce n'était pas un auto-stoppeur, Mme Williams.
Mrs. Williams will see you presently.
Mme Williams va vous recevoir. Un instant, s'il vous plaît.
[DOOR BELL] Flowers for Mrs. Walter Williams.
- Des fleurs pour Mme Walter Williams.
You mustn't blame yourself, Mrs. Williams.
Ne culpabilisez pas, Mme Williams.
It seems that your first hunch, remember, that a hitchhiker was responsible for your husband's death, well, Mrs. Williams, you may have been right.
Qu'un auto-stoppeur avait tué votre mari. Eh bien, Mme Williams, vous avez eu du flair. Eh bien...
Don't you worry, Mrs. Williams.
Il y avait des empreintes sur la serviette.
Why there isn't even evidence there of Mrs. Williams intent to communicate with Torrence.
- de contacter Torrence.
While beautiful Irene Williams is held for trial charged with conspiring to kill her late husband, the police are searching for James Torrence believed to be the lover of Mrs. Williams and her partner in the horrible murder of Walter Williams.
La splendide Irène Williams sera jugée pour avoir commandité le meurtre de son mari. La police recherche James Torrence, l'amant supposé de Mme Williams, et son complice dans l'odieux meurtre de Walter Williams.
If I'm handling your case, my dear Mrs. Williams, I want one third of everything you get.
Si je m'occupe de votre affaire, chère Mme Williams, je veux le tiers de vos indemnités.
Very thoughtful of you, Mrs. Peters.
M. Williams...
Mrs. Williams, we have news for you.
Mme Williams? Nous avons des nouvelles pour vous. Vraiment?
Mrs. Williams, was there a witness to the threat you mentioned?
Quelqu'un l'a-t-il entendu vous menacer? Non!
I feel rather ill. Will you have Mrs. Williams ready for the grand jury 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Mme Williams sera jugée demain matin à 10 h.
That fiction of Mrs. Williams must have been very convincing.
Mrs. Williams was released.
Je vois...
In the bedroom occupied by Mr. Williams in Mrs. Peters'home in Larkspur, Idaho.
De la chambre occupée par M. Williams, chez Mme Peters, à Larkspur, Idaho.
Message for Mrs. Walter Williams Penthouse D. Mr. Williams called, said he wants you to forget all about a certain problem that Softy's going to take care of it thoroughly.
Appartement D. "Mr Williams dit qu'il va s'occuper de votre problème. " Ton... doux va tout prendre en main. "
That most unhappy day from Mrs. Williams bedroom his voice very loud and angry. A flower vase broke into pieces.
Dans la chambre de Mme Williams, sa voix était forte et en colère, il a cassé un vase.
And Mrs. Williams she's not true even to that Torrence man.
Et Mme Williams n'est pas loyale. Même envers ce Torrence.
Your honor, we will call Mrs. Irene Williams.
Votre honneur, j'appelle Irène Williams.
Take the stand Mrs. Williams.
Venez à la barre, Mme Williams.
Now, Mrs. Williams this photograph of you...
Mme Williams... - Cette photo de vous...
Now, Mrs. Burns, I mean Mrs. Williams.
Maintenant, Mme Burns... je veux dire, Mme Williams...
This J. Burns, Mrs. Williams, was his first name Jack?
Ce J. Burns, Mme Williams... - Son prénom est Jack?
That is all, Mrs. Williams.
Ce sera tout.
Just a moment, Mrs. Williams.
Un instant, Mme Williams.
You must remember Dr. And Mrs. Williams.
Tu te souviens du Dr et de Mme Williams.
Mrs. Williams?
Mme Williams?
Mrs. Burgoyne would like to meet Miss Williams.
Mme Burgoyne aimerait rencontrer Mlle Williams.
He's sitting up there with Mrs. Sears, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Reynolds.
Il est avec Mme Sears, Mme Williams et Mme Reynolds.
But there's a risk Mrs. Williams has one like it.
Mais je cours un risque. Mme Williams a la même.
I simply drop in to see Mrs. Williams'maid,
Well, Mr. Williams, we're still trying to find this unfortunate young woman, Mrs. Braithwaite.
Bien, Mr Williams, nous essayons toujours de trouver cette malheureuse jeune femme, Mrs Braithwaite.

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