Neeley tradutor Francês
123 parallel translation
Neeley! Neeley, we gotta go home!
Neeley, il faut rentrer.
Bring them in here, Neeley.
Neeley! I ll mean problems for you, most likely. And thank you, Francie.
Elle ira à la fosse commune.
Neeley, sit down at your place. Well, why do girls always wear it when they're married, and when they're confirmed and when they graduate? Why does it always have to be white?
Pour se marier, pour communier, pour les prix... pourquoi doit-on être en blanc?
We'll see. Neeley will probably have to have shoes by that time.
Si ton frère n'a pas besoin de chaussures.
Neeley Nolan, you stop that!
Neeley Nolan, arrête!
Neeley, sometimes I think you make these holes on purpose.
Neeley, tu fais exprès de faire ces trous?
I ll come to you, Sonny. And another thing, we kept Francie out of here so she and Neeley could be in the same class and you could look after him.
Nous voulions que Francie et Neeley soient dans la même classe.
Neeley, our new fire escape leads clear up onto the roof.
L'escalier de secours mène au toit.
Neeley, I'm going to be a writer.
D'où ça sort, ça? Je serai romancière.
Merry Christmas, Mama, from me and Neeley.
Bon Noël, de Neeley et moi.
This is for you, Papa, from me and Neeley.
Pour toi, papa, de Neeley et moi.
Why can't it be Neeley?
Mais pourquoi pas Neeley?
See that Neeley gets to school on time in the morning. There's an apple for your lunches.
Veille à ce que Neeley ne sois pas en retard à l'école.
Maybe you wouldn't mind if... if Francie and Neeley come down and work for me, afternoons like. I mean, after school and Saturdays.
Si vous consentiez à ce que... Neeley et Francie travaillent pour moi, après l'école.
No she doesn't.
Non, elle a Neeley.
She's got Neeley! Why wasn't it Neeley she was going to make quit school. He never cared about it.
Il serait resté à l'école, alors qu'il s'en fichait!
Neeley's, well, a boy ain't much good at a time like this.
Neeley... un garçon n'est bon à rien dans ces cas-là.
Give Neeley a nickel to go after Grandma and Sissy.
Envoie ton frère chercher ta grand-mère et ta tante.
Mama, even if Neeley is a boy, wouldn't you rather have him here? He's always such a comfort to you.
Tu ne te sentirais pas mieux si Neeley était là?
Neeley, he don't like school. If he'd quit, he'd never go back again.
Si Neeley avait quitté l'école, jamais il n'y serait retourné.
Neeley's been gone a long time.
Neeley est parti depuis longtemps. Essuie ma figure.
If Johnny were here, he could go to your graduation, and I'd go to
Si Johnny était là, il irait à tes prix, et j'irais à ceux de Neeley.
Neeley's, but I, I can't tear myself into two pieces.
Mais je ne peux pas me partager en deux.
Hi, Neeley, how ya doing?
Ça va, Neeley?
I'm Neeley's aunt, this is his ma, but tha s his sister.
Je suis la tante de Neeley. Sa mère, et sa soeur.
Neeley, look at the tree, i s growing again, just like Papa said.
Neeley, regarde l'arbre. Il repousse, comme papa l'avait dit.
No, honest, Neeley. I want to know.
Sérieusement, Neeley, je veux savoir.
Approximately two hours ago, Tom Neeley was shot to death.
Il y a deux heures, Tom Neeley a été tué d'un coup de feu.
- He says you knew Neeley.
- Il dit que vous connaissiez Neeley.
There's a Mercedes in the garage belonged to Tom Neeley.
La Mercedes dans le garage appartient à Tom Neeley.
Found this in Neeley's glove compartment.
J'ai trouvé ça dans la boîte à gants de Neeley.
Did Tom Neeley deal the coke?
Tom Neeley fournissait la coke?
And today, yours is as bad as mine, only we're both better off than Tom Neeley.
Aujourd'hui, vous en avez aussi peu que moi, mais plus que Tom Neeley.
Now, Tom Neeley was a friend of mine so don't get cute with me.
Maintenant, Tom Neeley était un ami, alors, ne faites pas le malin.
- The ones you took out of Neeley's bedroom.
- Ceux qui étaient dans la chambre.
It's Kay Neeley.
C'est Kay Neeley.
- Was Neeley dealing?
- Neeley était-il un trafiquant?
- Was Neeley involved with Clements?
- Etait-il lié à Clements?
A former chief, Thomas Neeley, was found shot to death early this morning.
Un ancien chef, Thomas Neeley, a été trouvé assassiné tôt ce matin.
Tom Neeley served this community for 30 years.
Tom Neeley a servi cette communauté pendant 30 ans.
- Add Kay Neeley.
- Sans oublier Kay Neeley.
Now, apparently I've been assigned to this case because the Neeleys knew my family and Tom was very kind to me.
Apparemment, on m'a confié cette affaire car les Neeley connaissaient les miens et que Tom était très bon pour moi.
Yes, Tom Neeley was a good friend.
Oui, Tom Neeley était un bon ami.
Tom Neeley did not deal cocaine.
Tom ne trafiquait pas la cocaïïne.
Neeley, you cannot have any of those pennies to buy an ice cream cone.
Si, et ne touche pas à ces sous.
Sick, Neeley!
Malade, maman a dit.
He did too mean it, Neeley, Nolan, and
II l'a dit, et il le fera.
Help me put her to bed, Neeley.
Aide-moi à la coucher.
Neeley, am I good looking?
Comment suis-je?
You're sweet, Neeley.
Tu es gentil.