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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ N ] / None of this would have happened

None of this would have happened tradutor Francês

358 parallel translation
And if you weren't so busy trying to teach me some stupid lesson, none of this would have happened.
Et si tu n'étais pas si occupé à m'apprendre une leçon stupide, rien ne serait arrivé.
If you hadn't brought her here... none of this would have happened.
Si tu ne l'avais pas amenée ici... rien de ceci ne serait arrivé.
None of this would have happened.
Rien de ceci ne serait arrivé.
It's a pity you can't behave like one. None of this would have happened!
Si tu te conduisais de même, rien de ceci ne serait arrivé.
If I hadn't climbed up this blamed old thing, none of this would have happened.
Si je n'avais pas grimpé là-dessus, ça ne serait pas arrivé.
But if you hadn't run away just now on the bridge, none of this would have happened.
Si vous ne vous étiez pas sauvée tout à l'heure, ça ne vous serait pas arrivé.
If I hadn't come here, none of this would have happened.
Si je n'étais pas venue ici, rien ne se serait passé.
If he didn't need to come, none of this would have happened.
Ça ne serait pas arrivé...
If you hadn't kept us prisoner here, none of this would have happened!
Si vous ne nous gardiez pas prisonniers ici, rien de tout ça ne serait arrivé!
If you had really paid attention to him, none of this would have happened!
Si tu avais vraiment fait attention à lui, rien de tout cela ne serait arrivé!
None of this would have happened if you hadn't killed Pavel.
Ça ne serait pas arrivé si vous n'aviez pas tué Pavel.
We better reason first together with the union. I'd say maybe none of this would have happened.
Si vous aviez d'abord collaboré avec le syndicat, peut-être que rien de tout cela ne serait arrivé.
None of this would have happened if I'd left well enough alone.
Rien de tout cela ne serait arrivé si je n'étais pas intervenu.
Look, if we'd have gone to the garage and gotten the turpentine like I suggested, none of this would have happened.
Ecoute si on était aller chercher la térébantine au garage ca ne serait jamais arrivé.
If he wasn't cheating on his wife, none of this would have happened.
S'il ne trompait pas sa femme, ceci ne serait pas arrivé.
If you had prayed, none of this would have happened.
Si tu avais prié, rien de cela ne serait arrivé.
If you had accepted my first offer, Nathan... none of this would have happened.
Si vous aviez accepté ma première offre, Nathan, rien de tout cela ne se serait produit.
If you hadn't poisoned him, none of this would have happened.
Si vous ne l'aviez pas empoisonné, nous n'en serions pas là.
If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened to you, right?
Rien de tout cela ne te serait arrivé sans moi?
If I had done the honourable thing and left the show, none of this would have happened.
Si j'avais agi honorablement et quitté la série, rien de tout ça ne serait arrivé.
If she had known, none of this would have happened.
Rien ne serait arrivé, si elle avait su.
You're not fooling anybody because you stuck to being a cop instead of dancing around in your fairy suit none of this would have happened.
Personne n'est dupe. Si tu étais resté un flic, au lieu de danser en costume, rien ne serait arrivé.
None of this would have happened... if you hadn't insisted on making fun of your cousin.
Rien de ceci ne serait arrivé si tu n'avais pas cherché à te moquer de ton cousin.
- none of this would have happened.
- Rien de tout cela ne serait arrivé.
None of this would have happened if you hadn't said, "God bless you"!
Tu n'aurais jamais dû dire "A vos souhaits".
None of this would have happened if you had been here to keep me from acting stupid!
Rien de tout ça ne serait arrivé si tu avais été là.
None of this would have happened, you know, if you hadn't been a bad boy!
Tout cela ne serait pas arrivé, si tu avais été sage.
If you had not refused the Captain, none of this would have happened.
Si vous n'aviez pas dit non, rien de cela ne serait arrivé.
That's right. If he'd handled things better with the Dominion none of this would have happened.
S'il s'était mieux débrouillé avec le Dominion, on n'en serait pas là.
If only Mr Bennet had taken us all to Brighton, none of this would have happened!
si seulement Mr Bennett nous avait tous emmenés à Brighton, rien de tout cela ne serait arrivé!
There was no reason to say no, but if we hadn't gone, none of this would have happened.
Nous n'avions aucune raison de refuser, mais si nous n'y étions pas allés, rien de cela ne serait arrivé.
If not for you, none of this would have happened... so I wanted to show my appreciation.
Sans toi, je n'en serais pas là. Je voulais te remercier.
Tell Mr. Doyle if he'd have hired smarter guys... none of this would have happened.
Si M. Doyle avait embauché des gars plus intelligents... rien de tout ça ne serait arrivé.
You know that none Of this would have happened If you hadn't Joined the band.
Tout ça ne serait pas arrivé si tu n'étais pas venu.
If we hadn't fought him when he tried to destroy Voyager, he wouldn't have been pulled back in time, his ship wouldn't have crash-landed on Earth and none of this would have happened.
Si nous nous étions laissés détruire, son vaisseau ne se serait pas écrasé et tout ceci ne serait pas arrivé.
None of this would have happened.
Rien de tout ça ne serait arrivé.
None of this would have happened... if you'd gotten them at the same time.
Il serait rien arrivé si t'avais chopé ce con avec sa femme.
If I had not desired you as well, none of this would have happened.
Si je ne t'avais pas désiré, rien de cela ne serait arrivé.
If you'd followed Sorimachi's plan and took the money together none of this would have happened.
Si vous aviez suivi le plan de Sorimachi et pris le pognon..... rien de tout cela ne serait arrivé.
None of this would have happened, right?
Rien de cela ne serait arrivé?
If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened.
C'est à cause de moi que tout ça est arrivé.
If I hadn't of instigated him that day... none of this would have happened.
Si je ne l'avais pas provoqué ce jour-là... rien de tout ça ne serait arrivé.
None of this would never have happened inside a menhir.
Ça ne serait pas arrivé dans un menhir.
If you were never born, none of this would have happened.
Voilà votre ordonnance.
None of this would ever have happened.
Rien de tout ceci ne serait arrivé.
If I hadn't bought that damn book, none of this would have ever happened.
rien ne serait arrivé.
I wish I had a gun. If it wasn't for this kid coming into our lives, none of this would ever have happened.
Mais, je suis retombée enceinte!
None of this would have ever happened.
Il ne serait rien arrivé.
A man who brought me to this company without whom none of this tonight would ever have happened.
L'homme qui m'a fait entrer dans cette société, mais aussi sans qui on ne serait pas là à s'amuser.
If I'd just married her to begin with... none of this shit would have happened.
Si je l'avais épousée dès le départ... rien de tout cela ne serait arrivé.
- She rejected you? ! If you hadn't rejected her at the wedding, none of this ever would have happened!
Si tu ne l'avais pas jetée du mariage, rien ne serait arrivé.

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