Northman tradutor Francês
150 parallel translation
They were taken to the hall of King Osric, the Usurper. Once a powerful Northman like my lord but now old and sotted.
On les mena à la cour du roi Osric, l'Usurpateur... naguère puissant homme du Nord, comme mon Seigneur... mais qui n'était plus qu'un vieillard décrépit.
It's all a memory, now that the Northman come.
C'est du passé, les Nordistes arrivent.
Have you forgot the time of the Northman invasion?
Rappelle-toi l'invasion des hommes du nord.
Yes, sir, it's all been taking care of by a Mr. Northman.
Oui, tout est à la charge de M. Northman.
Why am I here, Mr. Northman?
Pourquoi suis-je ici, M. Northman?
Let me call and wake up Eric Northman.
Laisse-moi réveiller Eric Northman.
Well, it seems your friend Mr. Northman is here.
Apparemment, ton ami M. Northman est ici.
Mr. Northman.
M. Northman.
All due respect, Mr. Northman, I'm due a lot more respect than that.
Sauf votre respect, M. Northman, vous me devez plus de respect que cela.
Well, congratulations. According to the State of Louisiana should Mr. Northman meet the true death you will become a very wealthy vampire.
Félicitations. vous deviendriez un vampire très riche.
We don't even know Eric Northman.
On connaît même pas Eric Northman.
I will kill Eric Northman.
- Je tuerai Eric Northman.
- lt's Northman.
- C'est Northman.
Mr. Northman, will you please come in?
Monsieur. Northman, vous s'il vous plaît entrer?
Eric Northman's the one who sent me.
Eric Northman m'envoie.
What I don't understand is if you had Eric Northman's blood and all, why he can't look after you himself.
Ce que je comprends pas... pourquoi il ne veille pas sur toi?
Went to Northman for a loan.
Northman a fait un prêt.
Yeah, Northman mentioned that.
Northman en a parlé.
Eric Northman, the queen's sheriff of Area 5 has been selling vampire blood and I believe it is at her behest.
Eric Northman, le shérif de la zone 5, a vendu du V. Selon moi, sur injonction de la reine.
Two days, Mr. Northman, or she dies.
Deux jours... ou elle mourra.
Eric Northman, sheriff, Louisiana Area 5.
zone 5 de la Louisiane.
I hate your fucking guts, Eric Northman.
Eric Northman.
Mr. Northman, would you accompany me this evening?
M'accompagneriez-vous ce soir?
I've already pinned it on Eric Northman.
J'ai déjà mis ça sur le dos d'Eric Northman.
And Mississippi's proud to claim Mr. Northman as one of her own.
Et le Mississippi est fier de reconnaître en lui l'un des siens.
Is it true what Northman says?
Northman dit-il vrai?
I've got a message for you from Eric Northman.
J'ai un message d'Eric Northman.
Mr. Northman and I will try to find some way to amuse ourselves.
M. Northman et moi trouverons un moyen de nous distraire.
Northman was right about you.
Northman avait raison sur toi.
I'm a Northman.
Je suis un homme du Nord.
My name is Eric Northman.
Je m'appelle Eric Northman.
If she would have let her parakeet rest in peace then Eric Northman and Bill Compton wouldn't be marching on Moongoddess to blow up my only fucking cousin.
Si elle avait laissé sa perruche mourir en paix, Eric Northman et Bill Compton ne fonceraient pas sur le Bazar pour faire exploser mon unique cousine.
True death for you too, Northman.
La vraie mort pour toi aussi, Northman.
But I will never be Eric Northman's puppet.
Mais je refuse d'être sa marionnette.
This is Eric fuckin'Northman, who's fuckin'ancient, and stupid powerful, and can kill all of us! It's not just any fanger!
Pas n'importe quel vampire!
Eric Northman is a thousand years old.
Eric Northman a 1 000 ans. La police peut rien contre lui.
I want you to take care of Eric Northman.
J'aimerais que tu t'occupes d'Eric Northman.
I need you to talk to Eric Northman, and beg him to forgive Lafayette.
Supplie Eric Northman de pardonner à Lafayette.
I want you to take care of Eric Northman.
Je voudrais que tu t'occupes d'Eric Northman.
I am trying to salvage the future of equality for vampires in this country after Russell Edgington butchered a man on television, and you send Eric Northman after Wiccans?
J'essaye de sauver le futur de l'égalité pour les vampires dans ce pays, après que Russel Edgington ait éviscéré un homme à la télé, et tu envoies Eric Northman après des wiccas?
Marnie, all you have to do is come with us, and reverse the spell you cast on Eric Northman.
Marnie, tout ce que tu as à faire c'est venir avec nous, et inverser le sort que tu as jeté sur Eric Northman.
Eric Northman at your house, you...
Eric Northman dans ta maison, tu...
Mnemosyne, goddess of memory, goddess of time, heal your wayward son of the underworld, Eric Northman.
Mnemosyne, Déesse du souvenir, Déesse du temps, Soigne ton indocile fils de l'enfer, Eric Northman.
It's just that if someone had told me a week ago I'd be curled up in bed with Eric Northman, stroking his hair I would have- -
Si on m'avait dit, il y a encore une semaine, que je réconforterais un jour Eric Northman après un cauchemar, j'aurais...
I doubt your granddaddy's gonna help against a pissed-off Eric Northman.
Je vois pas ce que ton grand-père fera contre Eric Northman.
And you think Grandpa is gonna protect us from big bad fucking Eric Northman?
Parce que ton papy sera de taille contre le grand méchant Eric Northman.
I'm back here 20 minutes and Eric Northman wants to kill me.
Je venais d'arriver que Northman essayait déjà de me tuer.
You hate Eric Northman.
Tu hais Eric Northman.
- I paid my debt to Eric Northman.
Je suis quitte avec Eric.
We all know it's your queen behind this, Northman.
On sait tous que votre reine est derrière tout ça.
What do you think, Northman?
Qu'en dites-vous?
north 417
northwest 51
northeast 38
northwestern 16
north carolina 83
north america 24
north korea 68
northern light 22
north dakota 52
north africa 17
northwest 51
northeast 38
northwestern 16
north carolina 83
north america 24
north korea 68
northern light 22
north dakota 52
north africa 17