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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ N ] / Now get the fuck out of here

Now get the fuck out of here tradutor Francês

139 parallel translation
Now get the fuck out of here
Fous-moi le camp.
Because I'm sending you, now get the fuck out of here.
Et c'est moi le chef, maintenant bouge-ton cul.
Now get the fuck out of here!
Now get the fuck out of here.
maintenant sortez d'ici, bordel!
Now get the fuck out of here.
Now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant, casse-toi!
Now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant fous le camp d'ici.
Now get the fuck out of here!
Maintenant, casse-toi!
Now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant, casse-toi.
Now get the fuck out of here.
Tirez-vous, dégagez!
Now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant, dégage.
Now get the fuck out of here before you ruin my movie.
Maintenant dégagez d'ici, avant de foutre en l'air mon film
Now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant dégage.
You can now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant, tu peux foutre le camp.
- Now get the fuck out of here.
- Maintenant, débarrasse.
Now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant, partez.
Now get the fuck out of here!
Maintenant, fous-moi le camp.
Now get the fuck out of here so I can get some sleep.
Dégagez maintenant, que je puisse dormir un peu.
Now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant dégagez de là!
Why don't you start right now and get the fuck out of here?
Commence tout de suite et fous le camp d'ici.
Get him the fuck out of here right now!
Foutez-moi le camp.
How do we get the fuck out of here, now?
Comment on sort, bordel?
Now, why don't you take your Gamma dogs and get the fuck out of here?
Vraiment. Alors pourquoi tu fous pas le camp d'ici avec tes chiens Gammas?
Now, get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant, foutez le camp d'ici.
I vote we get the fuck out of here now.
je vote pour se tirer d'ici, des maintenant.
Now, me, I'm gonna do what any rational human being would do, which is get the fuck out of here.
Alors, je vais faire le seul truc raisonnable :
Get the fuck out of here, now!
Foutez le camp d'ici immédiatement!
You get the fuck out of here right now.
Tu sors d'ici tout de suite, putain.
Get me the fuck out of here, now! - Bear!
- Sortez-moi de là, maintenant!
Wake up and let's get the fuck out of here! Now!
On doit se barrer d'ici... maintenant!
- Now, get the fuck out of here, pervert!
Je pense que si vous l'aimez vous devriez l'acheter... Maintenant dégagez le plancher, sale pervers!
Get the fuck out of here now!
Dégagez maintenant!
Get the fuck out of here now!
Dégage de là maintenant!
Get the fuck out of here right now!
Fous-moi le camp!
Now, get the fuck out of here, man.
Allez, foutez le camp, merde.
Now, take your weapons of mass destruction and get the fuck out of here.
Prends tes Armes de Destruction Massive et vire ton cul d'ici!
Now, get the fuck out of here, Wu, the back way, you understand?
Wu, tu sors par derrière, tu piges?
Now, get the fuck out of here!
Maintenant, foutez le camp d'ici!
I need to get the fuck out of here now, man!
Il faut que je sorte d'ici!
Now, how are we gonna get the fuck out of here?
Maintenant, faut pas traîner. On se tire d'ici en vitesse!
Let's get the fuck out of here. Now, you fuck, here's what :
Hé ducon, y a un truc :
Now, you could either say your piece to me and Johnny... or you can get the fuck out of here.
Dis ce que tu as à dire à Johnny et moi ou alors dégage.
Now, get the fuck out of here...
Foutez le camp d'ici...
Now, get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant, tire-toi.
Now, why don't you get the fuck out of here?
Alors ça va maintenant, fous le camp d'ici.
Now get the fuck out of here.
Let's get the fuck out of here, now!
Fais-nous sortir de là tout de suite!
I need a $ 10. Get the fuck out of here, now.
Fous le camp d'ici tout de suite.
Let's get the fuck out of here now.
Foutons le camp d'ici tout de suite.
Now, can we please get the fuck out of here?
Qu'on parte au plus vite d'ici.
Thats it! Get the fuck out of here, now!
allez, allez vous faire foutre.

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