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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ O ] / Oppressed

Oppressed tradutor Francês

401 parallel translation
Slowly, but surely, you're feeling what it is to be oppressed.
Lentement, mais sûrement, vous ressentez ce qu'est être opprimé.
Gentlemen, an immortal soul has been tortured on the rack... and I ask you as men with blood in your veins... who have helpless women in your own homes... to think of one of your innocent, dear ones... wronged and oppressed, like this poor defenseless woman.
Messieurs, une âme immortelle a été au supplice, et je vous demande à vous, hommes de chair et de sang, qui avez des femmes sans défenses dans vos foyers, de penser à l'une de vos innocentes chères et tendres qu'on opprimerait comme cette pauvre femme sans défense.
And so oppressed too, as you say.
Opprimés, comme vous dites.
You ask me why I'm for oppressed people?
Tu veux savoir pourquoi je défends les opprimés?
Yang, that money was the bitterly earned personal property of 500,000 oppressed people who want your heel off their collective neck.
Yang, cet argent est la propriété de 500000 opprimés qui l'ont durement acquis et qui veulent vous empêcher de les piétiner.
I mean the freedom of your people, an oppressed minority.
Je parle du peuple opprimé.
I wouldn't face the fact that I can make myself the instrument... of all the pitiable, oppressed, suffering people of the world!
Je n'acceptais pas le fait que je pouvais me faire l'instrument... de tous les opprimés pitoyables qui souffrent de par le monde!
They're not interested in an oppressed nation.
Ils ne sont pas intéressés par une nation opprimée.
Michele de la Becque, champion of the poor, protector of the oppressed.
Michêle de la Becque, défenseur des pauvres et des opprimés.
He's a man whom people who are persecuted and oppressed... will believe in and follow.
Les gens persécutés ont foi en lui et le suivront.
Then, we'll go greet our comrades in the countries oppressed.
Ensuite, nous irons saluer nos camarades dans les pays opprimés.
Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible to feeling as to sight, or art thou but a dagger of the mind? A false creation, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?
N'es-tu pas, vision fatale, sensible au toucher et à la vue, ou n'es-tu qu'un poignard de l'esprit, une trompeuse création émanant d'un cerveau en feu?
- With the poor,... the oppressed, and all those of good will.
Avec tous les pauvres,... les opprimés, et tous les hommes de bonne volonté.
A people who will never fight against the glorious land of socialism which will bring freedom and justice to our oppressed proletariat.
Et ce peuple ne combattra jamais le glorieux pays du socialisme qui apportera à notre prolétariat opprimé la liberté et la justice.
These are the children of misery, the afflicted, the hopeless, the oppressed.
Voici les enfants de la souffrance, les affligés, les sans espoir, les opprimés.
I took an oath to defend the unfortunate and oppressed.
J'ai promis de protéger Ies malheureux et les opprimés.
Are there in this castle any wretched, oppressed, unjustly condemned, or captives?
N'y aurait-il pas dans ce château des malheureux, des opprimés, des condamnés injustement, ou bien des prisonniers?
Tell me, in America, are you one of the oppressors or one of the oppressed?
Êtes-vous un oppresseur ou un opprimé?
How long, then, must we remain oppressed by Rome?
Et jusqu'à quand voudras-tu que nous restions opprimés?
Then for a brief moment, the oppressed become the oppressors as the crowd take their revenge on the uniformed men inside.
Les opprimés sont les oppresseurs alors que la foule se venge sur les policiers.
A poor oppressed man who had been suffering in silence.
Qui d'autre était là?
Accompanied with our brave allies... brothers in arms on other fronts... you are bringing about the destruction of the German war machine... the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe... and security for ourselves in a free world.
Avec nos braves alliés et nos frères sur d'autres fronts, vous mettrez fin à l'effroyable machine de guerre allemande, éliminerez la tyrannie et rendrez sa liberté au monde.
It has always been that women in Russia were oppressed and unhappy.
Ça vient de loin. En Russie, les femmes ont toujours été humiliées et battues.
Relieve the oppressed ; Defend the fatherless.
" secourez l'opprimé, prenez la défense de l'orphelin.
The people are oppressed by the powerful.
Le peuple est opprimé par les puissants.
But Samuel used to send the money anonymously to charities, to the oppressed.
Mais Samuel envoyait l'argent anonymement à des œuvres, aux opprimés.
Our people have been oppressed for so long the guards have grown careless.
Notre peuple a été opprimé pendant si longtemps que les gardes sont devenus négligents.
I don't intend to leave these people in this oppressed state.
Je ne compte pas laisser ces gens se faire oppresser.
There's no question of anyone being oppressed.
Il n'est pas question d'oppression.
And we sit here more oppressed than when we begun and they think that the revolution's been won?
Et nous... sommes là, encore plus opprimés que par le passè. Et on s'imagine que la révolution est réussie?
God is with the poor and the oppressed.
Dieu est pour les pauvres.
An oppressed people's labor, their lives... and their loves. Once people became conscious of these things, they naturally turned to song to express themselves.
Le travail, la vie, l'amour du peuple opprimé ont été transcrits dans ces chansons.
They can't even sense that they're oppressed.
Insensibles à l'oppression!
We were oppressed by taxes.
Ils nous tuaient par les impôts.
Concessions to the small, formerly oppressed nation.
Faire des concessions à une petite nation auparavant oppressée.
Heavy-laden guilt oppressed
Toi que la culpabilité étouffe
İt was a dark, repugnant crime, but the only way for oppressed Koreans to pay the Japanese back for the Korean blood they've spilled, the blood of countless Koreans killed in Japan's name.
Ç'aurait été odieux... Mais c'est le seul moyen de se venger des Japonais. Au nom de l'État, les Japonais nous ont massacrés.
When people are most oppressed, they long for the brightest of lights.
Quand on est dans la misère, on recherche la lumière.
All Latin-Americans are negroes, discriminated against, oppressed, rejected, ignored, strangers in this new swindle which has pretensions of universality.
Tous les latinoamériSains son noirs, disSriminés, primés, refusés, ignorés, étrangers dans Sette nouvelle esSroquerie aveS des pro tensions d'universalité
... a number of sites for offensive missiles are being prepared on that oppressed island.
... une série de bases de fusés offensifs se préparent dans Sette île oppressée.
She has taught me to hate those who deserve it and be angry when I need to be, immediately for the oppressed.
Elle m'a appris à haïr l'haïssable, à m'indigner contre l'indignité, à avancer, inflexiblement.
On every planet he has found fools who bleed for him and shed tears for the oppressed one.
Il trouve toujours des imbéciles pour le plaindre et pleurer sur le sort des opprimés.
And the oppressed are craving for freedom.
Et les opprimés soif de liberté.
No one shall be oppressed anymore.
Personne ne sera plus jamais exploité.
The owner of this little house... of this relatively small house... will feel increasingly uncomfortable, discontented... and oppressed within his own four walls.
L'occupant de cette petite maison, petite proportionnellement au palais, se sentira de plus en plus insatisfait et à l'étroit entre ses quatre murs.
For all the oppressed
" De tous les affligés
It wasn't racism, the oppressed poor, or the war in Vietnam.
Ce rétait pas le racisme, les pauvres opprimés ou la guerre au Viêt-nam.
Or art thou but a dagger of the mind a false creation, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?
Serais-tu arme de l'esprit... création illusoire d'un cerveau enfiévré?
-... and the souls of the oppressed- - - Go away, you vile man!
Va-t'en, méchant homme!
For the oppressed, for you, for me, for millions of other good, white, Christian Americans, yes.
Pour les opprimés? Pour vous? Pour moi?
Oh, that salvation no more of my sinful care s oppressed but in thy presence ever blessed oh, God of my salvation doo doo doo?
Mais en Ta présence Toujours bénie  Dieu de mon salut

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