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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ P ] / Pamuk

Pamuk tradutor Francês

31 parallel translation
Can you look after Pamuk?
Tu peux t'occuper de Pamuk?
What's Pamuk doing?
Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait, Pamuk?
A Mr Kemal Pamuk.
Un certain M. Kemal Pamuk.
I shall invite this Mr Pamuk to stay here as well.
Je convierai donc aussi M. Pamuk à résider chez nous.
What about Mr Pamuk?
Et M. Pamuk?
Papa, this is Mr Pamuk.
Père, voici M. Pamuk.
And this is Mr Pamuk.
Et voici M. Pamuk.
Apparently his man speaks no English, so Mr Pamuk decided to leave him in London.
Il ne parle pas anglais, donc M. Pamuk l'a laissé à Londres.
What about you, Mr Pamuk.
Et vous, M. Pamuk?
I don't think Mr Pamuk bothered with cocoa much, or books.
Je n'imagine pas M. Pamuk porté sur le cacao ou les livres.
Well, we couldn't criticize Mr Pamuk where that's concerned.
Ce que M. Pamuk s'efforçait de faire.
And poor Mr Pamuk has been taken care of?
Qui s'occupe de ce pauvre M. Pamuk?
What did you mean, Mr Pamuk lived each day as if it were his last?
Je n'ai pas compris. M. Pamuk vivait chaque jour comme si c'était le dernier?
If you think she'll ever recover from carrying the body of Mr Pamuk from one side of the house to the other, then you don't know her at all.
Elle ne se remettra jamais d'avoir transporté M. Pamuk d'un bout à l'autre de la maison, c'est bien mal la connaître.
She was very upset by the death of poor Mr Pamuk. Why?
La mort de M. Pamuk l'a bouleversée.
She's been that down in the mouth since the death of poor Mr Pamuk.
Tu dois y aller. Elle ne se remet pas de la mort de M. Pamuk.
Well, I didn't tell about Pamuk.
- J'ai rien dit sur Pamuk.
I found myself wondering about the connection between the poor Turkish gentleman, Mr Pamuk, and Lady Mary's room.
Je me suis surprise à chercher le rapport entre ce pauvre Turc, M. Pamuk, et la chambre de Lady Mary.
You remember the Turkish gentleman, Mr Pamuk?
Vous vous souvenez de M. Pamuk?
Only she's been talking recently as if she had ideas about Mr Pamuk's death.
On dirait qu'elle sait des choses sur la mort de M. Pamuk.
My lover. - Kemal Pamuk.
Mon amant, Kemal Pamuk.
It seems His Excellency has made him privy to a scurrilous story concerning Lady Mary and the late Mr Pamuk.
Son Excellence lui a fait part d'une histoire scabreuse concernant Lady Mary et feu... M. Pamuk.
I said it was a story made up by Mr Pamuk's enemies to discredit him.
J'ai dit que c'était un mensonge inventé par les ennemis de M. Pamuk pour le discréditer.
She hasn't said anything yet, except that she's going to have to tell him about Pamuk.
Pas encore. Mais elle veut tout lui dire concernant Pamuk.
I've recently heard gossip about the time when I came to Downton with Kemal Pamuk.
Il y a des rumeurs sur mon séjour à Downton avec Kemal Pamuk.
Do you stay with Carlisle because he threatened to expose the story of Mr Pamuk dying in your bed?
Restez-vous avec Carlisle parce qu'il menace d'exposer l'histoire de M. Pamuk mourant dans ton lit?
How does he view the late Mr Pamuk?
Que pense-t-il de cette histoire avec Pamuk?
And what about the late Mr Pamuk?
Et M. Pamuk?
I got him Pamuk.
Je lui ai acheté Pamuk.
Don't be silly, you've earned it fair and square, keeping my secrets, hiding that fearful Dutch thingamajig, carrying poor Mr Pamuk down the gallery in the dead of night.
Mais si, vous l'avez bien mérité. Vous avez gardé mes secrets, caché cet horrible contraceptif, porté ce pauvre Mr Pamuk au beau milieu de la nuit.
What do say, Mr Pamuk?
À votre avis?

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