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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ P ] / Pulse is thready

Pulse is thready tradutor Francês

105 parallel translation
Carotid pulse is thready, regular 180 over...
Le pouls est irrégulier...
Pulse is thready, blood pressure dropping steadily.
Pouls faible, pression artérielle en chute.
Pulse is thready. I'll get the kit.
Le pouls est faible. Prends le matériel.
Pulse is thready.
Pouls faible.
His pulse is thready.
Son pouls ralentit.
- His pulse is thready. - Will he be OK?
- Son pouls est imperceptible.
My... pulse is thready.
Mon pouls a ralenti.
He's diaphoretic. His pulse is thready and he's bleeding internally.
Il est diaphorétique et il a une hémorragie interne.
- My pulse is thready.
- Mon pouls est faible.
- Pulse is thready.
- Le pouls est rapide.
- Pulse is thready.
- Le pouls est filant.
Pulse is thready.
- Pas assez de place.
- Pulse is thready at 110.
- Pouls filant à 110.
Pulse is thready.
Le pouls est erratique.
- Pulse is thready.
- Pouls filant.
B.P. 70 over palp, pulse is thready.
- Signes vitaux? T.A. 70, pouls filant.
Pulse is thready.
Le pouls est irrégulier.
Pulse is thready.
Le pouls est faible.
Carotid pulse is thready.
Pouls carotidien faible.
Her pulse is thready and she's non-responsive. And there's an empty bottle of pills on the nightstand.
Elle ne se réveille pas, et il y a un flacon vide sur sa table de nuit.
his pulse is thready.
Son pouls est faible.
Pulse is thready.
- Je veux rester.
Pulse is thready, tacky at 125.
Pouls filant, il bloque à 125.
BP's 60, pulse is thready.
Tension à 60, pouls irrégulier.
His pulse is thready, but he's breathing.
Son pouls est faible, mais il respire.
Oh, there is a God. - Pulse, thready 1 20.
- Pouls filant à 120.
Pulse is thready at 145.
Pouls filant à 140.
Pulse is 110. Rapid and thready.
Elle est cyanosée.
Pulse is 112 and thready. B.P. has dropped from 75 to 60.
Pouls à 112, tension en baisse.
- BP is 90 / 50, pulse is 60 and thready.
- TA 9 / 6, pouls à 60 et filant.
Pulse is weak and thready.
Sifflements bilatéraux.
Pulse is weak and thready.
Vous avez mal à la poitrine?
BP is 40. Pulse is weak and thready.
Son pouls est très faible.
Pulse is weak and thready at 140.
Pouls faible et filant à 140.
- Pulse is 124 and thready.
- Pouls filant à 124.
BOBBY : Pulse is weak and thready.
Le pouls est faible et filant.
Pulse is thready, bradying down to 50.
Le pouls est filant.
- Pulse is 110, thready.
- Pouls à 110, filant.
Radial pulse is pretty thready.
Il a un pouls radial plutôt filant.
- Pulse is weak and thready.
- Pouls faible et filant.
Pulse is slow and thready.
Le poul est faible et filant.
Pulse is weak and thready come on let's go harry up!
Allez, dépêchons nous!
Tachy at 120. Pulse is weak and thready.
Tachycarde à 120, le pouls est faible et filant.
His pulse is thready.
Son pouls est filant.
ANDY : Pulse is weak and thready.
Le pouls est faible.
He's diaphoretic, but he's hot, and his pulse is weak and thready.
Il est diaphorétique, mais il est chaud, et son pouls est faible et fuyant.
Lost consciousness, pulse is 170, rapid and thready.
Perte de conscience, pulsations à 170, rapides et irrégulières.
Pulse is slightly thready.
Le pouls est légèrement faible.
Pulse is weak and thready.
Pouls faible et irrégulier.
Pulse is 140 and thready.
Pouls à 140 et faible.
Pulse is weak and thready.
Son pouls est presque imperceptible.

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