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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Q ] / Qabbani

Qabbani tradutor Francês

11 parallel translation
All right, the guy sitting with Krasny- - his name is Mahmoud Qabbani, a Syrian arms dealer.
Bien, le gars assis avec Krasny il s'appelle Mahmoud Qabbani, un trafiquant d'armes Syrien.
Just stay with Qabbani.
Reste avec Qabbani.
Stay with Qabbani.
Reste avec Qabbani.
I'm sorry, but Qabbani had to pay.
Je suis désolé mais Qabbani devait payer
Qabbani supplied them with the bomb material.
Qabbani leur a donné le matériel.
Qabbani was gonna serve me Belenko on a plate, and you killed him.
Qabbani allait me servir Belenko sur un plateau, et tu l'as tué.
Belenko was gonna buy something from Qabbani.
Belenko allait acheter quelque chose à Qabbani.
What else do you know about Qabbani?
Que sais-tu d'autre sur Qabbani?
Do you know where Qabbani was staying?
Sais-tu où Qabbani logeait?
This is where Qabbani was staying.
C'est ici que Qabbani restait.
I know you were responsible for the attacks in Chicago and D.C., and I know the reason you're here is because the buy you were making from Mahmoud Qabbani went south.
Je sais que vous êtes responsable des attaques de Chicago et D.C., et je sais que vous êtes ici à cause de l'achat que vous faisiez pour Mahmoud Qabbani.

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