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Rodney tradutor Francês

2,239 parallel translation
He told you his password?
Rodney vous a donné son mot de passe?
The year Rodney was born.
Et Rodney est né en 1968.
Which means the guys upstairs either haven't noticed, or, more likely, they don't have Rodney's password to turn it off.
Alors, les gars en haut n'ont pas remarqué ou n'ont pas le mot de passe de Rodney.
Start searching for any explosives Rodney might've left.
Cherchez des explosifs que Rodney aurait pu laisser.
Rodney, you can't give up.
Rodney, n'abandonne pas.
Was Rodney the one who finally disabled the self-destruct?
Rodney a-t-il désactivé l'autodestruction?
No, it's still armed, and I haven't heard from Rodney.
Elle est toujours activée. Aucune nouvelle de lui.
Hello, Rodney.
Salut, Rodney.
- Rodney?
- We just had a Wraith on base, Rodney, working with you, side by side, on your computers.
- Comment les auraient-ils? - On avait un Wraith sur la base, qui travaillait avec vous.
- Rodney, talk to me.
Rodney, parlez-moi.
- Rodney?
Got an idea, Rodney.
J'ai une idée, Rodney.
Rodney, we're out of time.
Rodney, le temps s'est écoulé.
Not everybody worked in the mines, Rodney.
Ils n'étaient pas tous mineurs.
Jennifer, Rodney.
Jennifer, Rodney.
- Rodney!
- Rodney!
- You will go back to your parents, you will tell them we need help, or so help me...
- Rodney... - Allez voir vos parents pour leur dire qu'on a besoin d'aide, sinon...
- It's not my first rodeo, Rodney.
- Ce n'est pas ma première fois, Rodney.
Rodney, don't let go!
Rodney, ne lâchez pas!
- Rodney?
- Rodney?
She can't just hang there forever, Rodney.
Elle ne peut rester accrochée.
Rodney, I can't help you. I can't even stand up.
Non, je ne peux même pas être debout.
We already lost our exit, Rodney.
On a déjà perdu notre sortie, Rodney.
You're doing great, Rodney! You're doing just great.
Vous vous débrouillez très bien, Rodney!
Rodney, your hands.
Rodney, vos mains.
Rodney, you have to use your body and start swinging.
Rodney, vous devez vous balancer.
We just came back from the bio-screen, rodney.
On vient de passer le test de dépistage, Rodney.
Rodney, has dr.Keller made any progress with her investigation?
Rodney, l'enquête de la Dre Keller avance-t-elle?
You didn't have to do this, rodney.
Ce n'était pas nécessaire.
What do you want me to do, rodney?
Que faire, Rodney? Lui dire de renoncer?
Rodney, ronon, we're heading out.
Rodney, Ronon, on s'en va.
Let's go, rodney.
Allons-y, Rodney.
Rodney, come in.
Rodney, communiquez.
Rodney, what's going on?
- Rodney, qu'y a-t-il?
Sorry, rodney.
- Désolée, Rodney.
Rodney... one of our people, teyla, was taken by a dart today.
Rodney. Une de nos camarades, Teyla, a été enlevée par un chasseur aujourd'hui.
- Rodney.
{ \ pos ( 192,220 ) }
- Carson.
- Rodney. - Carson.
You do remember, Rodney? - Yes.
{ \ pos ( 192,200 ) } Tu t'en souviens, Rodney?
- No, Rodney, this is too much.
- Non, Rodney, c'en est trop.
- I'm willing to do whatever I can, Rodney, but I'm not so sure that my help will be wanted.
- Je suis prêt à faire mon possible, mais je ne suis pas si sûr qu'on désire mon aide.
She's got a point, Rodney.
Elle marque un point, Rodney.
Go ahead, Rodney.
Vas-y, Rodney.
Rodney told me.
Rodney me l'a dit.
- Easy, Rodney.
- Du calme, Rodney.
Rodney, I was just heading down to get geared up.
Rodney, je descendais me préparer.
- Rodney...
- Rodney...

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