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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ R ] / Ruble

Ruble tradutor Francês

53 parallel translation
For the broken lock... 1 ruble 30 kopecks.
1 rouble 30 kopecks le cadenas cassé.
Here's a ruble 20 for you, and go to bed!
Voici 1 rouble 20 kopeck, et va dormir!
The ruble.
- Le rouble.
What will you do if you don't find the ruble?
Et si vous ne Ie trouvez pas?
I dropped a ruble and he helped me find it... then he gave my little brother some money.
II m'a aidé à retrouver 1 rouble. II a donné de l'argent à mon frère.
My life wasn't worth a dollar before. It ain't worth a ruble now.
Ma vie valait déjà pas grand-chose.
I'll have to charge you half a ruble extra.
Il faudra que je te surcharge d'un demi-rouble!
Someone else in my place would call a policeman now, slip him a ruble, and he would arrest you.
Un autre à ma place aurait appelé la police, lui aurait graissé la patte pour te coffrer.
I gave the cabby a whole ruble!
J'ai donné le rouble un cocher entier!
The romance of the ruble, the feel of the franc
Le romantisme du rouble. La fraîcheur du franc.
One ruble twenty.
Un rouble vingt.
For you, Mendel, a ruble.
Tiens Mendel, voilà un rouble.
A real ruble.
Un vrai.
Spare us a ruble, relative.
Passe-moi un rouble, cousin.
Afonya owes me a ruble.
Afonya m'en doit un.
Gimme a ruble, relative!
Envoie un rouble, cousin!
Afonya owes me a ruble.
Afonya.. me devait un rouble.
Platoon commander, give a ruble. I'll dance on my belly.
Donne-moi un rouble, etje vais danser sur une corde raide.
I won a ruble twice.
Deux fois déjà - un rouble.
Not one ruble have I lost, not one.
Je n'ai pas perdu un seul rouble!
A ruble for your thoughts.
À quoi pensez-vous?
I owe you a ruble!
A propos, je te dois un rouble!
Marusya, give me a ruble, quick!
Maroussia, vite, donne-moi un rouble!
Marusya, come on, give me a ruble or Varelik will be gone!
Maroussia, passe-moi vite les sous, sinon, Valéri va partir!
And I owe you a ruble!
Tiens, je te dois un rouble!
I'd be willing to pay one ruble to every crew member if she were to come on board my "Swallow".
J'aurais donné 1 rouble à mes matelots si elle voulait venir sur I'"hirondelle".
One pirouette, 1 ruble.
Une pirouette... un rouble.
15 rubles a bottle. We get a ruble for each one.
15 roubles la bouteille, tu gagnes 1 rouble dessus.
What about Jessica Rueble?
T'as pas invité Jessica Ruble?
No, Jessica Rueble's the one who pulled your pants down at your school assembly.
Jessica Ruble, c'est celle qui t'a descendu le pantalon le jour de ton conseil de classe.
Let's say I owe Larry 1 ruble.
Admettons que je doive 1 rouble à Larry.
- Give me 1 ruble.
- Donnez-moi 1 rouble.
He gives me the glove, I give him the ruble.
Il me rend le gant, je lui rends le rouble.
Lomonossov has his ruble, and we're quits with Customs.
Lomonossov, son rouble, et on est quittes avec les douanes.
But you said, within a year, 1 ruble would be worth 1 dollar.
Mais tu as dit que, dans un an, 1 rouble vaudrait 1 dollar.
This is a hundred-thousand-ruble note, which is worth approximately nothing.
Voici mille roubles ce qui vaut environ presque rien.
At work they congratulated me gave me a 50-ruble bonus and proposed I work on a new project
À l'institut, on m'a félicité, on m'a donné 50 roubles et proposé de passer au projet suivant.
Lenny will come through... but he will rape that Russian for every ruble he can get.
Lenny fera ce qu'il faut mais il saignera le Russe à blanc.
- Well, lets said half a ruble.
Disons un demi-rouble.
- Turn right We have nowhere to rehearse, not a single ruble Nor do we have the time to put together a proper orchestra
Pas de salle de répétition, pas un rond, pas de temps pour constituer un vrai orchestre... 80 musiciens en 15 jours!
If my stupid phone would cooperate I am trying to check the exchange rate of the ruble.
Mon portable refuse de marcher. Je veux savoir le taux de change du rouble.
By the time you are done, I will be like six-million-ruble man.
Au moment où vous le ferez, je ressemblerai à l'homme qui valait 6 millions.
Then, a part is in Euro and then Ruble.
Alors une moitié en euros et l'autre en rouble.
Not a ruble more.
Pas un centime de plus.
A ruble?
Un rouble?
It's a five-ruble piece.
5 roubles.
- You'll get every ruble.
Tu auras chaque rouble.
Our fear is more killings, more company seizures. That leads to a run on the banks, collapse of the ruble, default on debts.
Ces meurtres et ces saisies pourraient semer la panique et l'effondrement du rouble.
Live as you like, and with that half ruble you give me
Vis à ta façon et moi.
For 1 ruble.
Pour 1 rouble.
Give me a ruble, you rich pig!
Donne moi quelques copechs! Donne moi un rouble! Donne moi un rouble!

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