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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ R ] / Run as fast as you can

Run as fast as you can tradutor Francês

118 parallel translation
Look here, Maximych, run as fast as you can to Derenkov's bakery.
Écoute, Maximovitch, cours vite à la boulangerie de Derenkov.
Here, hold these balloons high in the air, and when I say "run", run as fast as you can and don't let the balloons go.
Elevez ces ballons autant que possible. Et sur mon ordre, courez aussi vite que possible. Sans les lâcher.
You can run as fast as you can, they'll catch you.
Tu peux courir autant que tu veux ils te rattrapent.
Run, Alice! Run as fast as you can away from here.
Fuyez, Alice, fuyez!
Run as fast as you can!
Courrez aussi vite que possible!
Run as fast as you can!
Cours aussi vite que tu peux!
I'd give $ 1,000 to be able to run as fast as you can.
Je paierais 1000 dollars pour courir comme toi.
Run, run as fast as you can You'll not catch me, I'm the Jokerman
Cours, cours aussi vite que le vent Tu n'attraperas pas le Joker vivant
"Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, " I'm the Gingerbread Man. "
"II faut que je déguerpisse je suis le bonhomme en pain d'épice"
" Run, run, run as fast as you can.
" Cours, cours aussi vite que tu peux...
Run as fast as you can!
Cours aussi vite que tu peux chez toi.
Run, run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me.
Cours, cours, aussi vite que tu peux.
Run. Run as fast as you can. Find a road.
Cours vite, trouve une route, arrête une voiture et appelle la police.
Run as fast as you can.
Pars aussi vite que tu peux.
Dash, if anything goes wrong, I want you to run as fast as you can.
Dash, si ça tourne mal, je veux que tu coures le plus vite possible.
So when I say go. I want you to run as fast as you can to the goal.
Alors... à mon signal, fonce vers le but.
" Run as fast as you can.
" Cours le plus vite possible.
I need you to run as fast as you can.
Quand je te dirai de courir. J'ai besoin que tu cours aussi vite que tu le peux.
Run as fast as you can. Walk out that door and don't look back.
Sors d'ici, tant qu'il est temps, et ne regarde pas derrière!
Run as fast as you can, I'm coming to find you.
Courez aussi vite que vous le pouvez, je vais vous trouver.
Just run as fast as you can.
Cours aussi vite que tu peux.
You better run as fast as you can.
Courez aussi vite que possible.
I need you to run as fast as you can in a zigzag like this, OK?
J'ai besoin que tu cours aussi vite que peux, en zigzag comme ça, OK?
Run back to the hotel as fast as you can and put this in the lost-and-found.
Fonce à l'hôtel et mets ça aux objets trouvés.
You get in behind, fast. Cut out as many as you can, and run them up the ravine.
Vous arrivez par derrière, vous en isolez autant que vous pouvez et vous les emmenez vers le ravin.
Run as hard and as fast as you can and come back with help.
Courez aussi vite que vous pouvez et ramenez de l'aide.
I'll delay them. Meanwhile, run away as fast as you can.
Je les retiendrai.
Can you run as fast? Can you mix it up as good? I sure can't.
Pouvez-vous courir... vous battre, penser comme autrefois?
Do you intend to keep up on foot? Can you run as fast as a horse?
Tu crois pouvoir battre les chevaux?
Run after me as fast as you can.
Courrez aussi vite que vous pouvez.
Run, as fast and as far as you can.
Fuis, aussi vite et aussi loin que tu le pourras.
Can you still run as fast as in the Olympics?
Vous courez toujours aussi vite qu'aux Jeux olympiques?
Please, Rose, just drop the phone and walk over to the door and run outta that place as fast as you can.
Laisse tout tomber. Sors de là! Sors de là à toute vitesse!
Then with these here bars, you pry back the grates, and you get out, and you run as far and as fast you can,
Avec ces barres, tu forces le grillage, vous sortez et vous courez le plus vite possible.
Run as fast as you fuckin'can!
Cours aussi vite que tu peux!
Now, come. Run for your uncle as fast as you can.
Allez voir votre oncle aussi vite que possible
Species 8472... You know where the ridge ends just below the peak? Run there as fast as you can.
Vous voyez où la corniche s'arrête sous le pic?
If you don't run fast enough, you can't get away.
Tu as beau courrir vite, tu ne peux pas leur échapper.
the first thing it tells is to run away as fast as you can
la première chose qu'il constate c'est qu'il a intérêt à courir tant qu'il peut, loin d'ici.
Run-run-run, as fast as you can, like a budong...
Cours-cours-cours, aussi vite que possible, comme un budong...
Okay, here's what I want you to do. I want you to run that way as fast as you can.
Je veux que tu coures par là le plus vite possible.
Run, run, run, as fast you can!
Cours, file, galope, cavale!
Run as fast as you can, okay?
File aussi vite que possible.
No, seriously, I think you're sweet, which is probably whyyou should run away from me as fast as you can.
Non, sérieusement, je pense que tu es gentil, ce qui est probablement pourquoi tu devrais partir loin de moi aussi vite que tu peux.
Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing. When it comes to bad stuff and tough stuff, it's best to just run away as fast as you can.
c'est pas grave. il vaut mieux juste se casser.
All right, when I say "go," I need you to run as fast as you possibly can towards the doors at the far end.
Quand je dirai "Allez-y", courez aussi vite que possible vers la porte du fond.
Give me the gun and run to your country as fast as you can.
Et rejoignez votre pays, aussi vite que vous le pourrez.
I'm just as sick as can be don't let me faint, someone get me a fan someone else run for the medicine man everyone hurry as fast as you can
Ne me laissez pas m'évanouir, donnez-moi un éventail, qu'on aille chercher un médecin, Faites le plus vite possible
Hope you can run your feet as fast as you run your mouth.
J'espère que tu cours aussi vite que tu parles.
And when you get free, Jonathan, you run as far and as fast as you can.
Et quand tu seras libre, Jonathan, cours aussi vite et aussi loin que tu peux.
I want you to run as fast and as far away from here as you can, you understand me?
Je veux que vous couriez le plus rapidement possible et que vous alliez les plus loin possible ok?

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