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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / Simms

Simms tradutor Francês

650 parallel translation
I see The Tribune is favouring Culbertson to beat Simms.
Selon le Tribune, Halvorsen battra Sims.
I don't know. If I was a betting man, I'd take Simms.
Moi, je parierais sur Sims.
Simms packs the punch.
Sims encaisse bien.
- He's Henry Sims, the wheat king.
C'est Henry Simms, le roi du blé.
Mr. Powell... - Glad to know you, Mr. Sims.
Enchanté, M. Simms.
It's Sully Mason, Ginny Simms, Harry Babbitt, Ish Kabibble and all the gang.
C'est Sully Mason, Ginny Simms, Harry Babbitt, Ish Kabibble et son groupe.
Now, then, Miss Bellacrest Miss Simms, Mr. Kyser, Mr. Deems.
Bien, MIle Bellacrest, MIle Simms, M. Kyser, M. Deems.
I think with a little persuasion we might get Ginny Simms to sing for us.
Je pense qu'avec un peu de persuasion, Ginny Simms pourrait chanter pour nous.
Do you have Mr. John Simms registered here?
- M. John Simms est descendu ici?
- Tomorrow I'm going to Judge Simms.
- Demain, j'irai chez le juge Simms.
As I was saying, tomorrow morning I'm going to Judge Simms.
Comme je disais, demain matin j'irai voir le juge Simms.
" Eddie Melton has booked Jimmy Metcalfe, comic with Sid Simms on the Orpheum circuit.
" Eddie Melton a fait engager Jimmy Metcalfe... et Sid Simms dans le circuit Orpheum.
There have been other cases, Ludie Simms.
Il y a eu d'autres cas, comme celui de Ludie Simms.
I want some information about FIapjack Simm's claim.
J'ai besoin d'informations sur la concession de Flapjack Simms.
The claim of FIapjack Simms.
La concession de Flapjack Simms.
The Simms claim.
La concession Simms.
- Lucky for Simms you happened along.
- Simms a eu de la chance que vous soyez là.
That's how our friend Mr. Simms came into it.
Jusqu'a l'arrivée de M. Simms.
Yes, Mr. Simms, of course if we were going to build a house, we'd want it well, just a little bit different.
Si nous reconstruisons tout, autant avoir quelque chose d'un peu original...
Yeah, and closets, Mr. Simms, plenty of closets.
Et plein de placards!
And bathrooms, Mr. Simms.
Et des salles de bains!
- Simms, I hold you equally responsible. - What happened?
Je vous tiens pour également responsable!
- We'd better let the plans go for now. - No, Simms.
- Nous reparlerons des plans plus tard.
- Six thousand dollars. - Good night, Mr. Simms.
6000 $!
Don't bother, Mr. Simms. We're getting to be old hands at this sort of thing.
Pas la peine, nous commençons a avoir l'habitude.
Well, we'll just see Simms about that too. "
Simms en entendra aussi parler!
- Where's Simms?
- Ou est Simms?
Teeler, you and Walt and Simms are on the next watch.
Teeler, vous et Walt et Sims prenez la prochaine garde.
I'm going out with Tunis Simms.
Je dois retrouver Tunis Simms.
And on River Street, the Simms boys are awful nice.
Et de notre côté, les frères Simms sont très intéressants.
No, I'm with Millie and the two Rover Boys.
Non, je suis venue avec Millie et les frères Simms.
What were you doing out with the Simms boys?
Que faisiez-vous avec les frères Simms?
I persuaded the manager, Mr Simms, to give me the Mrs William Sutton shoplifting report from the store files.
J'ai persuadé le directeur du magasin de me donner le rapport du détective.
Hello, Larry. Mrs. Simms.
- Bonjour, Larry.
Are you Mr Simms?
Vous êtes M. Simms?
I told you not to let anybody through except Simms. Get back and see you do it.
Je t'avais dit de ne laisser passer personne sauf Simms.
- Afraid you got me confused, young fella.
- Vous faites erreur, je crois. - Vous n'êtes pas M. Simms?
- Aren't you Mr Simms? The hangman from Silver City?
Le bourreau de Silver City?
Take Mr Simms'horse to the stable.
Amène le cheval de M. Simms à l'étable.
Simms is the name, from Silver City.
Mon nom, c'est Simms, de Silver City.
Mr Simms?
M. Simms?
- Your room's ready, Mr Simms.
- Votre chambre est prête.
Mr Simms is with me.
M. Simms est avec moi.
Thank you, Mr Simms. - And Primo...
- Primo.
Mr Simms may wanna get to bed early.
M. Simms voudrait se coucher tôt.
That must be the real Mr Simms.
Ça doit être le véritable M. Simms.
I'll just see Simms about this. "
Simms va m'entendre!
- Over this way, Simms!
- Par ici, Sims!
Mr Simms knows who I am.
M. Simms me connaît.
- Madame Simms.

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