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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / So i'll see you tomorrow

So i'll see you tomorrow tradutor Francês

143 parallel translation
I'll see you tomorrow. I shouldn't hurry so.
Je ne devrais pas me presser.
Ok, so I'll see you tomorrow night.
Alors, à demain soir.
'So I'll see you tomorrow, no, Sunday, rather,' 'Sunday afternoon or evening sometime.'
Alors on se verra demain, ou plutôt dimanche, dimanche après-midi ou dimanche soir.
Right. So... I'll see you at 10 tomorrow morning.
D'accord, on se voit demain à 10 h.
So I'll see you here tomorrow.
Alors, je te verrai ici demain.
So I'll see you tomorrow.
On se voit demain.
I'll come tomorrow at 5 pm... to see your studio as you so kindly suggested.
Je viendrai demain à 5 heures... visiter votre atelier comme vous me l'aviez si gentiment proposé.
- So I'll see you at lunch tomorrow?
- On déjeune ensemble, demain?
- So I'll see you tomorrow, huh?
On se voit demain?
So I'll see you tomorrow.
À demain.
- So I'll see you tomorrow, huh?
Je t'écoute.
Be there tomorrow or I'll mess up your life so bad you'll never see that kid again.
Viens demain... sinon je ferai en sorte que tu ne revoies jamais le gosse.
So I'll see you tomorrow.
A demain.
So I'll see you tomorrow?
Tu passes demain?
So, I'll see you tomorrow night?
On se voit demain soir?
- I think so. I'll see you tomorrow.
Je te vois demain.
So, I'll see you tomorrow.
Donc, je vous vois demain.
So, I'll see you guys tomorrow then.
Alors, à demain.
Ah, okay. So, uh, I'll see you tomorrow.
- Alors, à demain?
But, um, um- - So, I'll see you, um, tomorrow.
A demain.
So, I'll see you tomorrow to go see the loft?
Un instant. Alors, je te fais visiter le loft demain?
You never do clean your wastebasket. So I'm doing that. I'll see you tomorrow.
Vous ne videz jamais votre corbeille, alors je le fais.
So tomorrow will be - That'll be great. I'll see you then.
On se voit demain, super!
So, I'll see you tomorrow?
Alors, on se voit demain?
So I'll see you tomorrow, same time as always.
Alors, à demain à l'heure habituelle.
- Right. Good. So I'll see you tomorrow.
Bien, alors, on se voit demain?
So I'm leaving. And I'll see you tomorrow, if I can remember to show up.
Alors je m'en vais, et je te verrai demain si je me rappelle qu'il faut que je vienne bosser.
- So, I'll see you tomorrow.
- À demain, alors.
No, I'm just gonna finish up some paperwork, so, I'll see you tomorrow.
J'ai de la paperasse à finir. On se voit demain.
So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?
On se voit demain?
- All right. So, I'll see you tomorrow.
Bon, à demain.
- So I'll see you tomorrow morning?
- D'accord. On se voit demain matin?
Well, I need to get home early today, so I'll see you tomorrow.
Je dois rentrer tôt aujourd'hui. A demain.
I'm glad to see you boys are getting along so well... because tomorrow, Roberto and Enrique'll be riding along with you.
Ravi que vous soyez aussi raccords, car demain, Roberto et Enrique seront du voyage, avec vous.
Day after tomorrow I'm go on leave so I'll see you all next year.
Après demain je m'en vais ainsi je vous verrai l'année prochaine
So meet him at my office at 9 : 00 and then I'll call you tomorrow afternoon to see how it went okay?
Il vous attendra à mon cabinet à 9 h et je vous appelle demain pour savoir comment ça s'est passé.
So, I'll just see you two tomorrow.
Je vous vois toutes les deux, demain
So then I'll see you at home tomorrow.
Je te verrai à la maison, demain.
So I'll see you tomorrow?
À demain alors?
- So I'll see you tomorrow?
Alors, je te dis à demain
So, I'll see you tomorrow in class.
A demain en cours.
So I'll see you here tomorrow night at the play.
Alors, à demain soir pour la pièce.
You're busy, so I'll see you tomorrow. / Kite...
- T'es occupée, alors on se voit demain. / - Kite...
So I'll see you all tomorrow morning bright and early.
Alors, nous nous verrons demain matin à la première heure.
I know Dr. McNamara needs some private exam time... so I'll see you tomorrow morning before I go to work, okay?
Dr McNamara doit t'examiner en privé, je viendrai donc te voir demain matin avant d'aller au travail.
So I'll see you tomorrow?
On se voit demain?
Jenny's getting a bit jacked up at me showing up late. So, if there's nothing else, I'll see you tomorrow.
Jenny en a assez que je rentre tard.
So, I'll see you tomorrow : 2 : 30.
On se voit demain à 14h30.
So, I'll see you tomorrow?
On se voit demain?
I'm sorry. It's already late, so I'll come over and see you tomorrow.
Pardon... mais il est tard.
So go home, watch a movie... don't think about things, and I'll see you tomorrow at the courthouse.
Alors, rentrez chez vous, regardez un film... ne pensez plus à rien et je vous verrai demain au tribunal.

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