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There's something going on here tradutor Francês

217 parallel translation
There's something funny going on here.
Il se passe quelque chose de bizarre ici.
I don't think anything! There's something funny going on here. And I want to talk to Jones.
Mais quelque chose n'est pas clair, et je veux interroger Jones.
Well, there's certainly something screwy going on around here.
Consentez-vous à le transporter à l'hôpital, à mes frais?
For more than a month there's been something funny going on here.
Ça fait plus d'un mois que vous êtes bizarres.
Listen, I know I look a fool... but there's something fishy going on around here.
La voiture était là. Je sais que j'ai l'air d'un idiot. Mais il se passe quelque chose d'étrange.
There's something very peculiar going on here.
Il se passe quelque chose de louche, ici.
There's something going on here that don't meet the eye.
Il y a quelque chose de bizarre, là-dedans.
Anderson, there's something funny going on here.
Anderson, il y a quelque chose de louche, ici.
That is, there's something very mysterious going on around here.
Il se passe des choses très mystérieuses ici.
There's something mysterious going on here.
Il se passe quelque chose d'étrange ici.
- There's something going on here.
- Ah, il se passe quelque chose ici.
There's something going on around here tonight.
Il y a quelque chose de louche, ici ce soir.
Because there's something funny going on here and I'm not in the mood for laughs.
Parce que j'ai une drôle d'impression et que je ne suis pas d'humeur à rire.
You'll not deny there's something very strange going on here.
Vous ne pouvez nier qu'il se passe des choses très étranges.
No, Mr. Cernik, there's something going on around here, and I don't like it.
Non, M. Cernik, il se passe quelque chose, et ça me déplaît.
There's something going on here, and you're very pleased about it.
Il se passe quelque chose qui te fait très plaisir.
Listen, Little Joe, we've had it pretty easy up here, but there's something going on across the river.
On n'a pas eu de problème jusqu'à présent, mais y a de l'activité près de la rivière.
Look, there's something weird going on here, and I can't quite follow it.
Bizarre ce qui se passe ici!
Lieutenant Bixby, there's something funny going on in here.
Lieutenant, il se passe quelque chose.
There's something very funny going on here.
Il se passe des choses étranges, par ici.
Ah, there's something funny going on here, isn't there?
Chargez-vous de faire envoyer ce télégramme!
Mullins, there's something weird going on around here. Come on.
Mullins, il se passe des choses bizarres ici.
There's something going on in this house or I wouldn't be here.
S'il ne se passait rien ici, je n'aurais rien à y faire.
He's either out of his head or there's something fishy going on here.
Il a perdu l'esprit ou il se passe des choses étranges par ici.
But I'll tell you this there's something very big going on here, and if the Daleks are involved, you can bet your life our whole galaxy is in danger!
Je ne sais pas. Mais je vais te dire une chose. Il se passe quelque chose de très sérieux ici, et si les Daleks sont impliqués, tu peux parier ta vie que toute notre galaxie est en danger.
Vicki... do... do you think there's something strange going on around here?
Vicki... tu... tu ne crois pas qu'il se passe des choses étranges ici?
Aunt Clara, there's something funny going on around here.
Tante Clara, il se passe de drôles de choses, ici.
There's something odd going on here.
Il se passe quelque chose de bizarre ici.
If you ask me, there's something mighty peculiar going on around here.
A mon avis, quelque chose d'étrange se trame.
Oh yes, there's something strange going on here.
Il se passe quelque chose d'étrange ici.
There's something funny going on here.
- Il se passe des choses étranges.
There's something bloody weird going on in here.
Contrôleur! - Monsieur?
There's something going on here.
C'est louche.
There's something going on here.
Il se passe quelque chose ici.
No, but I think there's something going on here.
Non, mais je crois que quelque chose se passe ici.
There's something fishy going on here.
Il se passe quelque chose de louche.
There's something going on here that we don't know about.
Il se passe des choses que nous ignorons.
Bidibidibidibidi. Uh-oh. There's something fishy going on here, folks.
Il se passe des choses louches, ici, les amis.
I'm convinced there's something strange going on here.
Je suis convaincu que quelque chose se trame.
But there's something else going on here that Galileo understood perfectly :
Mais il se produit autre chose ici que Galilée comprit parfaitement :
There's something going on at this island off the coast north of here.
Il y a quelque chose sur cette île au nord d'ici.
There's something fishy going on here and I don't like it.
Il se passe quelque chose de louche, et j'aime pas ça.
There's something going on around here, Foster.
Il se passe quelque chose ici, Foster.
There's something going on here, I can feel it.
Quelque chose ne va pas. Je le sens.
There's something going on in here.
Quelque chose se passe là dedans.
Ryan, there's something weird going on here.
Ryan, il y a quelque chose de bizarre dans tout ça.
I'm telling you, there's something big going on here.
Je vous le dis, ce qui se passe est grave.
- So, there's something going on here.
- Et donc? - On nous cache quelque chose.
There's something else going on here.
Il y a autre chose dans cette histoire.
Your cousin Maddy's here, and I think there's something going on between the two of them.
Ta cousine Maddy est ici. Je crois qu'il y a quelque chose entre eux.
There's something going on here that I really don't understand?
Il se passe quelque chose que je ne comprends pas du tout.

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