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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / There's something i need to say

There's something i need to say tradutor Francês

81 parallel translation
There's something I need to say to you and I think I ought to go first.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire et je crois que je devrais commencer.
There's something I need to say. - You want out.
En un mot on se marie.
Julianne, there's something I need to say.
Julianne, je dois te dire quelque chose.
But before I can say goodbye there's something I really need you to know.
Mais avant de pouvoir te dire au revoir... je veux vraiment que tu saches quelque chose.
Before we go, there's something I need to say.
Avant de partir, je dois te parler.
There's something I need to say
"There's something I need to say"
Thanks There's something I need to say to you
J'étais une mère célibataire qui travaillait dur à l'usine.
I haven't slept all night because there's something I need to hear you say...
Je n'ai pas dormi de la nuit parce que je veux t'entendre dire...
I haven't slept all night, because there's something I need to hear you say...
Je n'ai pas dormi de la nuit car je veux t'entendre dire...
Listen, there's something I need to say.
Y a une chose qu'il faut que je te dise.
There's something I need to say first.
Je dois d'abord vous dire quelque chose.
Look, there's something I need to say to you.
Okay, I'm not sure if there's something that you feel like you need to say or need to do. I realize you and Jess have some sort of history, but I really do like her a lot.
Je sais pas si tu veux me dire ou me faire quelque chose, et je sais que Jess et toi, vous avez un passé, mais je l'apprécie énormément.
" Tonya. There's something I need to say to you.
" Tonya... je dois te dire quelque chose
"Tonya, there's something I need to say to you..."
OK.. "Tonya, je dois te dire quelque chose..."
Tonya, there's something I need to say. Please.
Tonya, j'ai quelque chose à te dire
There's something I need to say while I still can.
Je veux te dire quelque chose tant que je peux.
Mrs. D'Angelo, you and I have never spoken and there's something I really need to say.
Mme D'Angelo, on ne s'est jamais parlés et je dois vous dire quelque chose.
There's something I need to say.
Je dois te dire quelque chose.
- Ruthie. I think there's something that I need to say.
Ruthie, je pense qu'il y a quelque chose que je dois te dire.
Look, I don't know how to say this... or if it's even the right thing to do, but... there's something I need to tell you.
Écoute, je ne sais pas comment dire ça... ou même si c'est la bonne chose à faire, mais... je dois te dire quelque chose.
All right, well... there's something I need to say to you, so just let me say it.
Très bien, bon... Il faut que je te dise quelques chose, alors laisse-moi le dire.
There's something I need to say to you.
Il y a quelque chose... que je dois te dire.
Yeah, I'm going to keep talking until I'm done and then if you feel like there's something you need to say, I'll give you a moment.
Oui, je vais continuer à parler jusqu'à ce que j'aie terminé, Et ensuite si vous avez quelque chose à dire, - Je vous donnerai un moment.
There's something I need to say about last night too.
Je voudrais dire quelque chose à propos d'hier soir.
Susan, there's something I need to say to you.
Susan, j'ai quelque chose à te dire.
There's something I need to say.
J'ai à vous dire ceci.
There's something I need to say.
Mais j'ai un truc à dire...
Um, there's something that I need to say.
Hum, il y a quelque chose que j'ai besoin de dire.
Look, I know you're crazy busy, but there's something I need to say to you.
Je sais que tu es très occupée, mais il faut que je te dise quelque chose.
All right. Before we start, there's something I need to say here.
Avant de commencer, j'ai quelque chose à vous dire.
I'm not sure if there's something that you feel like you need to say or do, and I realize that you and Jess have some sort of history, but...
Je sais pas si tu veux me dire ou me faire quelque chose, et je sais que Jess et toi, vous avez un passé, mais je l'apprécie énormément.
There's something I need to say.
Il y a quelque chose qu'il faut que je dise.
There's a conflict of interest. Let's just say something is rotten in the military state of Metropolis, and I need to make sure certain people know about it.
Il y a conflit d'intérêts. et je dois m'assurer que cela se sache.
There's something I need to say.
J'ai quelque chose à dire.
Look, there's something I need to say.
J'ai quelque chose à dire.
No, there's something that I need to say but I'm not sure how to say it.
En fait, j'ai quelque chose à te dire, et je ne sais pas trop comment m'y prendre.
Um, listen, Scott, there's something I... I want to say... That I need to.
Écoute, Scott, il y a quelque chose que je voudrais dire... que j'ai besoin de dire.
But there's something I need to say. If you don't pick me, But rather someone who's got good grades and won many prizes, if you picked a really impressive student, but that student is too lazy to work hard, gives up easily when the weather turns bad,
Mais il y a quelque chose que je dois dire. ça sera une grande perte pour l'université.
There's something I need to say.
J'ai besoin de dire quelque chose.
Hold on. There's something I need to say to you, okay?
Il y a quelque chose que je dois te dire.
There's something I need to say to you before you decide that we're not the right parents for your baby, starting with I'm sorry.
Il y a quelque chose que j'aimerai te dire avant que tu ne décides que nous ne sommes pas les bons parents pour ton bébé, a commencé par un désolée.
Um... There's just something I need to say. ( MAN ) Fuck off!
Il y a juste quelque chose que je dois dire... ( MAN ) Ferme la!
There's something that I need to say to you, too.
Y'a aussi un truc que je dois te dire.
I... there's something I need to say to you.
Il... y a quelque chose que j'aimerais te dire.
Look, Serena, while we're alone, there's something I need to say to you.
Ecoute, Serena, profitons de ce moment où nous sommes seul, il y a quelque chose que je dois te dire.
No, there's something that I need to say to you.
Non, il y a quelque chose que j'ai besoin de te dire.
There's something I need to say to you.
Il faut que je te dise quelque chose.
Lex, there's something I need to say that I should have said a long time ago.
Lex, je vais dire quelque chose que j'aurais dû dire il y a longtemps.
There's something I need to say. I should have said it a long time ago.
Je vais dire quelque chose que j'aurais dû dire il y a longtemps.
There's something I need to say to you.
Je dois te dire quelque chose.

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