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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / There's something wrong with you

There's something wrong with you tradutor Francês

330 parallel translation
I know at once when there's something wrong with you.
Je le vois tout de suite quand vous allez mal.
There's something wrong with you.
Je ne vous reconnais plus.
You know, I think there's something wrong with you.
Je pense qu'il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.
If there's something wrong with you let me help you.
Je suis ton frère. Si quelque chose ne va pas, laisse-moi t'aider.
If you've done anything to - Boss, there's something wrong with this. He must have -
Si vous avez fait quelque chose à - Quelque chose ne va pas.
When I watch you I get a feeling that there's something wrong with me.
Je n'y comprends rien. J'ai parfois l'impression d'être anormal.
Say, there's something wrong with this watch. I wonder if you'd look at it.
Ma montre ne marche pas, vous pourriez y jeter un oeil?
You know what she is. There's something wrong with a woman like that.
Tu sais ce qu'elle est, elle a quelque chose de malsain.
You think there's something wrong with my mind, don't you?
Tu crois que je perds la tête, c'est ça?
There's something wrong with you, Owen.
Quelque chose ne tourne pas rond chez toi.
There's something wrong with your car, you said.
Votre voiture est en panne?
At my age, when you're out of work, people think there's something wrong with you.
A mon âge, quand on est au chômage, les gens pensent qu'on a un problème.
Oh, no. Not at all. If there's something wrong with our kids, you don't have to horse around.
Si quelque chose ne va pas, vous pouvez nous le dire.
I tell you, Tex... there's something really wrong with Bruhn.
Je vais te dire, Tex. Ya quelque chose qui cloche chez Bruhn.
And there's something very wrong with you for thinking you can talk to me this way.
Et il y a un gros problème avec toi, si tu crois pouvoir me parler ainsi.
You can leave it there. It's okay. So what's the matter, something wrong with it?
Je dois me reposer, et il y a aussi l'aspect financier.
You know chickens as well as I do, and when they won't eat, there's something wrong with what they're being fed.
Si elles ne mangent pas, c'est que les graines n'ont pas bon goût.
But there's something wrong around here... whether Loy is playing hide-and-seek with you or not.
Mais quelque chose ne va pas ici, que Loy joue à cache-cache avec toi ou non.
Do you suppose that's the reason Mr. Pomeroy thought there was something wrong with us?
Penses-tu que ce soit pour cela que M. Pomeroy a pensé qu'on n'était pas recommandables?
You know, there's got to be something wrong with us... to do what we did.
On a sûrement quelque chose qui tourne pas rond pour avoir fait ce qu'on a fait à ces gens.
If what you remember is different from the facts I'll assume the doctors are right, that there's something wrong with you.
Si votre récit diffère des faits... je vous reconnaîtrai malade, avec les médecins.
Sweetheart, I don't wanna alarm you, but there's something wrong with me.
Chéri, je ne veux pas t'alarmer, mais j'ai un problème.
Maybe you are right. Maybe there's something wrong with the computer.
L'ordinateur est peut-être déréglé.
Are you saying there's something wrong with her?
Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas?
If not, there's something wrong with you.
Sinon, quelque chose ne va pas chez vous.
- You see, there's something wrong with her, Eddie.
Elle est quand même bizarre.
Sometimes, I think there's something wrong with the way you think.
C'est pas évident, ta façon de penser.
You know... you know there's really something wrong with you.
Tu sais, tu as quelque chose de pas net.
Madam says there's something wrong with you, that you're some kind of cream puff or something.
Elle dit que quelque chose ne va pas, que tu es une folle.
There's something wrong with you.
Il y a un problème chez toi.
There's something wrong with this. There's something wrong with the way you try to keep men off me.
C'est pas normal d'éloigner les hommes de moi.
There's something wrong with you.
Tu es malade.
Colonel, I'm telling you something. There's something wrong with this guy Dugan.
Je vous le dis, ce Dugan a quelque chose.
There's something wrong with you. You know that?
Il te manque une puce dans la tête.
Seems to me there's something wrong with you this morning and not just this morning, when I think about it.
Selon moi, c'est toi qui ne tourne pas rond ce matin... et pas seulement ce matin maintenant que j'y pense!
Do you think there's something wrong with me?
Tu ne me trouves pas bien?
I think there's something wrong with you.
Je pense que tu ne vas pas bien.
Your father says there's something wrong with you. He wants me to bring you out of your shell ;
Ton père est inquiet, il voudrait que tu sortes de ton cocon.
There's something wrong with you.
Tu ne tournes pas rond.
I've tried not to think about this, but... there's something very wrong with you.
J'ai essayé de ne pas me torture pour cela. Mais, il a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond chez toi
What ´ s the problem? There ´ s something wrong with you.
Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.
They only make money if they tell you there's something wrong with it.
Ils font leur beurre sur les clients.
Now would you be willing to admit there's something wrong with your program?
Vous avouerez qu'il y a une faille dans votre programme.
Can't you see there's something wrong with her?
Tu ne vois pas qu'il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas avec elle?
Are you trying to tell me there's something wrong with drinking beer?
Qu'y a-t-il de mal à boire de la bière?
I think there's something wrong with you.
Docteur... quelque chose cloche chez toi.
You go back there and tell them there's something wrong with their judge rather you laughed I bet no, they do it to me anyways and they go soft on sweet Tanaka
{ \ 3cH00718E } Endo { \ 3cH0000AD } Matsumoto { \ 3cH026A00 } Yamasaki { \ 3cH900074 } Tanaka { \ 3cH0000AD } Tu leurs diras aux juges qu'ils sont injuste envers moi je parie ils me punissaient quoiqu'il arrive { \ 3cH0000AD } et ils sont plutôt cléments envers Tanaka
I mean, if there's something wrong with that, I want you to tell me. You can... No.
S'il y a du mal à ça, Je veux que tu me le dises.
Can't you see there's something wrong with him?
Vous ne voyez pas qu'il y a quelque chose de mal sur lui?
He's trying to tell you there's something wrong... with this school.
Il essaie de vous dire qu'il y a des problèmes majeurs dans ce lycée.
You know, there's something very wrong with that.
Tu sais, c'est pas bien, ça.

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