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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / There is nothing wrong with you

There is nothing wrong with you tradutor Francês

78 parallel translation
There is nothing wrong with you that a woman... That a young girl can't fix.
Une jeune fille saura réparer ce qui est cassé en toi.
We know that there is nothing wrong with you medically.
Que vous n'avez rien, médicalement.
There is nothing wrong with you, organically.
Vous n'avez rien, physiquement.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Ce n'est pas ta faute.
Exactly what I thought. There is nothing wrong with you. Just some stress
Tu n'as absolument rien, t'es juste un peu surmené.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Tu n'as rien fait de mal.
There is nothing wrong with you. It's all up here.
Vous allez bien, tout est là-dedans.
I know there is nothing wrong with you, Christina.
Mais je sais que tu es normale, Christina.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with you.
Hey, il n'y a aucun problème avec toi.
What's wrong with you? There is nothing wrong with your furnace.
Il n'y a pas de problème avec votre four.
Just like there is nothing wrong with you.
Tout comme toi.
There is nothing wrong with you.
T'as aucun problème.
There is nothing wrong with you at all.
Il n'y a rien du tout de blâmable en toi.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Rien ne cloche chez toi.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Peggy. Tu vas très bien.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Tu es tout à fait normale.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Il n'y a rien de mal.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Il n'y a rien qui ne va pas avec toi.
And there is nothing wrong with you.
Et tu n'as rien d'anormal.
When Itchen, Boles, Coombe put up a house for rent, you may be sure there is nothing wrong with the drains.
Lorsque nous louons une maison... rien ne cloche.
There is nothing wrong with the city's credit, and you know it.
Le crédit de la ville va bien, et vous le savez.
All I've learned from this is that there's nothing organically wrong with you.
J'y ai appris que vous n'avez pas de problème physique.
I mean, do you really hope and feel... that you wish the service was satisfactory? Is that what you really feel? There was nothing wrong with the dinner?
Espérez-vous vraiment que le service était satisfaisant?
There's nothing wrong with you, is there?
Vous... vous n'avez rien qui cloche?
There's nothing wrong with you, is there?
Tu es parfaite, n'est-ce pas?
You know, there is nothing wrong with enjoying your success.
Il faut profiter de son succès.
You see, Pino, this is a respectable business and there's nothing wrong with that.
Pino, J'ai une affaire respectable, et il y a rien de mal à ça.
My dear man, your mind is ill but there's nothing wrong with you.
Cher monsieur, ton esprit est malade mais toi tu n'as rien. Change-toi les idées!
There is nothing wrong with anyone you know, and you're not under suspision.
Il n'est rien arrivé à personne, et vous n'avez rien à vous reprocher.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Mais non.
What you have to understand... is there's nothing wrong with his body.
Son corps n'a aucun problème.
You can love someone deep inside your heart... and there is nothing wrong with it.
Tu peux aimer quelqu'un profondément, dans ton coeur sans qu'il y aie rien de mal à ça.
- There is nothing wrong with you,
Il n'y a rien qui cloche chez toi.
Oh, tiger, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.
Mais tu n'as pas de problème. Tu es parfaite.
- There is nothing wrong with the way you look.
Y'as rien qui cloche chez toi.
There's nothing wrong with me, but the word is... There's something really wrong with you.
J'ai pas de problème, mais on dit que toi, t'en as un fameux!
There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you.
Il n'y a rien de mal à accepter l'aide des gens qui vous aiment.
There is nothing wrong with that- - who are you?
Qui êtes-vous?
It's just... If there were something that you had to put past you... to get on with your life... and you tried every way that was fair and honest to do that... and nothing worked... is it really wrong to bend the rules just once?
C'est juste que... s'il y avait quelque chose que tu essayais d'oublier pour aller de l'avant dans ta vie
Stan we showed you how happy and healthyour family is, you'd see that there's nothing wrong with a gay couple raising children.
Voyez comme notre famille est heureuse et équilibrée. Un couple homo peut tout à fait élever des enfants.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a poof or being a gay... or whatever it is you call it, I don't know.
Y a pas de mal à être pédé. Enfin, gay ou ce que tu veux.
I'm almost certain, Sophie, that there is nothing physically wrong with you.
Je suis presque sûr que tu n'as aucune maladie.
So, the good news is there's nothing permanently wrong. Nothing physically, permanently wrong with him, that is, you know.
Alors, la bonne nouvelle, c'est que, physiquement, il n'y a pas de danger.
Then you'll be Chuck and there is nothing wrong with that.
Tu seras Chuck, il n'y a pas de mal à ça.
I want you to know there is nothing wrong with a man showing his feelings.
Il n'y a rien de mal à s'ouvrir pour un homme.
There is nothing wrong with Paul, I told you.
Elle a pas à s'inquiéter pour Paul.
There is so nothing wrong with you.
Il n'y a rien qui cloche chez toi.
And you're open and that's why I love you, Carroll. There is nothing wrong with that.
Et tu as un cœur immense et je t'aime pour ça, Carroll.
And I assure you, that there is nothing wrong with either of us.
Et je t'assure, qu'il n'y a rien qui cloche avec aucune de nous.
And there is nothing wrong with my going out with any woman any time of night provided that Robie is taken care of, and that's where you come in.
Et il n'y a rien qui m'empêche de sortir avec n'importe quelle femme à n'importe quelle heure de la nuit du moment que Robie est entre de bonnes mains et c'est là que tu interviens.
Are you saying that there is nothing wrong with stealing?
Tu es en train de dire qu'il n'y a pas de problème à voler?

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