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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / There was nothing i could do

There was nothing i could do tradutor Francês

433 parallel translation
But it was night, and I realized there was nothing I could do.
Mais c'était la nuit, et je savais que je ne serais guère utile.
There was nothing I could do.
Je ne pouvais rien faire.
He said there was nothing I could do about it because as long as he lived... he would insist he had lent them to you.
Il a dit que je ne pourrais rien y faire tant qu'il vivrait... parce qu'il insisterait qu'il vous les a pretees.
There was nothing I could do!
Je n'ai rien pu faire!
I know how you must feel, but there was nothing I could do.
Je comprends votre déception, mais je n'ai rien pu faire...
Hey. There was nothing I could do.
Qu'est-ce que tu veux, j'ai pas pu l'éviter, moi.
When all of a sudden... My leg gave out on me. There was nothing I could do.
Quand tout d'un coup... ma jambe s'est dérobée.
There was nothing I could do.
Je n'ai rien eu à faire.
There was nothing I could do to save her.
Je n'ai rien pu faire pour la sauver.
There was nothing I could do. Nothing.
Je ne pouvais rien y faire.
You had your job, your own apartment. There was nothing I could do for you. Make an exception.
Tu gagnais ta vie, je ne pouvais rien faire pour toi financièrement.
Je n'y pouvais rien, j'en avais trois autour de moi.
There was nothing I could do for him, I'm afraid, inspector.
Je ne peux rien pour lui inspecteur.
But there was nothing I could do.
Mais je n'ai rien pu faire.
There was nothing I could do but wait.
Je n'avais qu'à patienter.
It was your fault, not mine! There was nothing i could do!
Je ne pouvais rien faire!
No, there was nothing I could do.
Non, il n'y avait rien que je puisse faire.
They dropped by the office, and there was nothing I could do.
Ils sont venus au bureau. Je ne pouvais rien faire.
I know what they did, Slater. They moved fast, we were outnumbered, there was nothing I could do.
Si elles touchent un seul fût, je ferai arracher vos boutons de cuivre!
There was nothing I could do to stop it!
Je n'ai rien pu faire pour empêcher ça!
- There was nothing I could do.
- Je ne pouvais rien faire.
There was nothing I could do. I lied. I said no.
J'ai dit : non.
I tried to bring it down, but without a rope there was nothing I could do.
Je voulus l'amener mais sans corde, je ne le pus
I couldn't help him. There was nothing I could do.
Je n'ai rien pu faire!
There was nothing I could do!
Je n'ai rien pu y faire.
I couldn't see. There was nothing I could do, I swear it.
Je ne pouvais rien faire, je le jure.
There was nothing I could do. It was too late.
Je n'ai rien pu faire. ll était trop tard.
But with a son who is neither consenting nor dissenting there was nothing I could do.
Mais avec un fils ni soumis, ni rebelle, je ne pouvais rien faire.
There was nothing I could do to help that young lad.
Je n'ai rien pu faire pour aider ce garçon.
Listen, about last night, sir, there was nothing I could do about it, sir.
A propos d'hier soir, je n'ai rien pu faire, mon colonel.
There was nothing I could do when he went on one of his cocaine binges, except hope and pray that some interesting case would come along to snap him out of it.
Je ne pouvais rien faire, quand il s'adonnait à la cocaïne, si ce n'est prier qu'une affaire vienne le tirer de là.
I'm very sorry, sir, but there was nothing I could do.
Désolé, je n'ai rien pu faire.
There was nothing I could do but send her off to give what help she could.
Et bien sûr, j'ai préféré envoyer Dolly à son chevet.
There was nothing I could do, so why be careful of me?
Je ne pouvais rien vous faire de toute façon.
There was nothing I could do.
Je n'ai rien pu faire.
There was nothing I could do but co-operate with these schmucks.
J'étais forcé de coopérer avec ces imbéciles.
There was nothing I could do.
Je ne pouvais rien y faire.
But when I hear them machine guns a-going and all them fellows are dropping around me, I figured that them guns was killing hundreds, maybe thousands, and there weren't nothing anybody could do, but to stop them guns.
Là-haut, quand j'ai vu les copains tomber, je me suis dit que ces mitrailleuses allaient en tuer des milliers.
There was nothing more I could do.
Désolé de n'avoir rien pu faire.
But I suppose there was nothing else you could do.
Vous ne pouviez faire autrement.
But there was nothing I could do about it.
Je l'avais prévu il y a longtemps.
There was nothing else I could do.
Je ne pouvais rien faire d'autre.
There was nothing Eve could do except stay there. It had been over three months since I'd
Je n'avais plus fait de tournée depuis trois mois.
I know you must despise me right now but there was nothing else I could do.
Vous me méprisez maintenant, mais je n'ai pas pu faire autrement.
- There was nothing you could do. - This time I saw it with my own eyes.
Mais je l'ai vu, cette fois, de mes yeux!
I told you that I was sorry, there was nothing that I could do for you.
Je t'ai dit que je ne pouvais rien faire pour toi.
As long as there was no wind, there was absolutely nothing I could do.
Sans vent, je ne pouvais rien faire.
I'm sorry, there was nothing else I could do,... but the girl will live. Yes.
Mr. Nazerman... there was... nothing I could do.
M. Nazerman... Il n'y avait rien... que je puisse faire.
But there was nothing I could do about it.
Je suis désolé.
I knew I was being set up But there's nothing I could do then
Je t'ai élevée pour que tu puisses venger tes parents.

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