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There was nothing we could do tradutor Francês

117 parallel translation
There was nothing we could do.
Nous ne pouvions rien faire.
There was nothing we could do.
On n'a rien pu faire.
It was a Russian patrol and there was nothing we could do.
C'étaient des Russes, j'ai rien pu faire.
We saw everything and there was nothing we could do.
On aurait bien voulu mais on ne pouvait rien faire.
There was nothing we could do, mervyn.
Il n'y avait rien à faire, Mervyn.
They said there was nothing we could do.
Que nous ne pourrions rien faire.
There was nothing we could do now but wait for the bomber's next move and hope we could stop him before he struck again.
Il ne restait plus qu'à attendre son prochain coup et espérer l'arrêter avant l'explosion.
She has special clearance. There was nothing we could do.
- Elle a une autorisation.
- There was nothing we could do.
- On pouvait rien faire.
I'm sorry. There was nothing we could do.
Il n'y avait plus rien à faire.
There was nothing we could do about it.
On n'aurait rien pu y faire.
There was nothing we could do, Wally.
Il n'y avait rien que nous puissions faire, Wally.
She called me right away, but there was nothing we could do.
Affolée, elle m'a tout de suite appelée, mais c'était trop tard.
There was nothing we could do.
Nous n'avons rien fait. Nous ne pouvions rien faire.
There was nothing we could do about it.
Et on ne pouvait rien faire.
There was nothing we could do.
On ne pouvait rien faire.
Bv the time he got here there was nothing we could do.
Désolé. Il a perdu trop de sang. On n'a rien pu faire.
There was nothing we could do.
Nous n'avons rien pu faire.
There was nothing we could do, sir.
Il n'y avait rien que nous puissions faire, monsieur.
but there was nothing we could do about it, so we buried her.
On n'a rien pu faire d'autre que l'enterrer.
And there was nothing we could do.
On ne pouvait rien faire.
[Inmate # 2] Ethan, there was nothing we could do.
On n'a rien pu faire.
There was nothing we could do.
On avait les mains liées.
There was nothing we could do.
On ne pouvait rien faire de plus.
- There was nothing we could do. - Take it easy.
- On n'a rien pu faire.
There was nothing we could do, so... we boarded the Transport Pod to return to Moya... and, um... and that's when you captured us.
Il n'y avait rien que nous puissions faire, donc... Nous sommes retournés dans la Navette pour revenir sur Moya. Et c'est à ce moment que vous nous avez capturés.
There was nothing we could do
Qu'il n'y avait plus rien à faire.
We tried to resuscitate him, but there was nothing we could do.
On a tenté de le réanimer, en vain.
I'm sorry, detectives, there was nothing we could do.
Je suis désolé, détectives, On ne pouvait rien faire.
We had no time to run any tests. There was nothing we could do.
On n'a pas eu le temps de faire d'examen, on ne pouvait rien faire.
There was nothing we could do.
On n'aurait rien pu faire.
There was nothing we could do.
De quoi tu parles?
He got septic and there was nothing we could do.
Il a eu une infection, et on n'a rien pu faire.
And there was nothing we could do.
Et nous ne pouvions rien faire.
He told me it would all be okay And besides that there was nothing we could do to bring Taylor back.
Il me disait que tout irait bien, et que je ne pouvais pas faire revenir Taylor.
Once I figured out what happened to you, I realized there was nothing we could do.
Quand j'ai compris ce qui t'était arrivé, je savais qu'on ne pouvait rien faire.
There was nothing we could do.
- Nous n'avons pas pu le sauver.
There was nothing we could do, Kyle!
On ne pouvait rien faire, Kyle!
There was nothing we could do.
On ne pouvait rien faire...
But since they stopped on this side of the Arno, and there was nothing more we could do, we went and joined them.
- Si. Mais ils ont dû s'arrêter de ce côté du fleuve. Du coup on est allés à leur rencontre.
There was nothing else we could do.
Nous devions vous détenir!
I know what they did, Slater. They moved fast, we were outnumbered, there was nothing I could do.
Si elles touchent un seul fût, je ferai arracher vos boutons de cuivre!
There was nothing else we could do.
Il n'y avait rien d'autre à faire.
Paul, there was nothing we or anybody else could do.
Personne n'y pouvait rien. Ni vous ni qui que ce soit.
We all know there was nothing you could do.
On sait tous que tu pouvais rien faire d'autre.
There was nothing we could not do.
- Rien ne pouvait nous résister.
" There was really nothing much we could do, other than pray.
" Nous ne pouvions pas faire grand-chose, sinon prier
There was nothing more we could do for him.
Il n'y avait plus rien à faire pour lui.
There was nothing else we could do.
On ne pouvait rien faire d'autre.
I mean, there was nothing that we could do to deserve...
Rien ne pouvait justifier...
I know, when we were stranded in the desert I felt like there was almost nothing I could do.
Oui, quand on était perdus dans le désert, je me sentais impuissante.

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