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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / To whom am i speaking

To whom am i speaking tradutor Francês

47 parallel translation
To whom am I speaking?
Qui êtes-vous?
To whom am I speaking?
A qui ai-je l'honneur de parler?
To whom am I speaking?
Nommez-vous, je vous prie.
- To whom am I speaking, please?
- Puis-je savoir à qui je parle?
Hi. To whom am I speaking, please?
Bonjour, qui est à l'appareil?
- To whom am I speaking?
Oui, qui êtes-vous?
To whom am I speaking?
A qui ai-je l'honneur?
- Hello. To whom am I speaking?
Qui est à l'appareil?
To whom am I speaking?
A qui suis-je en train de parler?
To whom am I speaking?
Votre nom?
And to whom am I speaking now?
Et en ce moment, à qui je parle?
special agent fritz howard of the fbi. to whom am i speaking, please?
Agent spécial Fritz Howard, du F.B.I. Qui est à l'appareil?
To whom am I speaking with?
Qui est à l'appareil?
- To whom am i speaking?
- À qui je parle?
Detective Curt Landry, El Paso, P.D. To whom am I speaking?
Inspecteur Curt Landry d'El Paso, à qui ai-je l'honneur?
To whom am I speaking?
A qui je parle?
To whom am I speaking?
A qui est-ce que je parle?
( Door clanks ) To whom am I speaking?
A qui suis-je en train de parler?
To whom am I speaking with this evening?
A qui suis-je entrain de parler ce soir?
To whom am I speaking?
À qui est-ce que je parle?
I'm sorry. To whom am I speaking?
À qui je m'adresse?
To whom am I speaking? !
À qui ai-je l'honneur?
To whom am I speaking with?
Avec qui suis-je en train de parler?
And to whom am I speaking?
À qui je m'adresse?
To whom am I speaking with now?
À qui suis-je en train de parler?
The thing is... to whom am I speaking, by the way?
Le truc, c'est... À qui je parle, au fait?
To whom am I speaking?
Qui est à l'appareil?
To whom am I speaking?
De la part de qui?
But those to whom I refer will know what I am speaking about.
Ceux dont je parle savent ce que je veux dire.
To whom am I speaking?
A qui ai-je affaire?
Whom am I speaking to?
Qui est à l'appareil?
But to whom, might I ask, am I speaking?
A qui ai-je l'honneur?
To whom am I speaking?
Et vous?
To whom am I speaking?
À qui ai-je l'honneur?
Whom am I speaking to, please?
À qui ai-je l'honneur?

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