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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Warriner

Warriner tradutor Francês

57 parallel translation
- I'm Jock Warriner.
- Jock Warriner.
You've got a date with that Jock Warriner, I'll bet.
Tu as rendez-vous avec Jock Warriner, je parie.
- I'll be right with you, Mr. Warriner.
- J'arrive, M. Warriner.
Night after night, she's out with Jock Warriner.
Tous les soirs, elle sort avec Jock Warriner.
Jock Warriner, huh.
Jock Warriner, hein?
I'm having a marvelous time, Mr. Warriner.
C'est merveilleux, M. Warriner.
Now don't call me Mr. Warriner.
Ne m'appelez pas M. Warriner.
Mr. Warriner.
M. Warriner.
Please, Mr. Warriner, ask them to play something else.
S'il vous plaît M. Warriner, dites-leur de jouer autre chose.
That package is from Warriner, ain't it?
Ce paquet est de ce type?
You're wasting time talking against Mr. Warriner, if that's what you mean.
Tu perds ton temps à parler de M. Warriner.
Mr. Warriner. Do you know what they say about that guy?
Tu sais ce qu'on en dit?
- I'm going out with Jock Warriner...
- Je sors avec Jock Warriner...
You're afraid of Jock Warriner, or you'd go out and fight for her.
Tu as peur de Jock Warriner, sinon tu te battrais.
About 15 minutes is the most I'd advise, Mr. Warriner.
Pas plus d'un quart d'heure, M. Warriner.
- Hello, Celeste. - Hello, Mr. Warriner, you look well.
Vous avez bonne mine, M. Warriner.
Where's Mrs. Warriner?
Où est Madame?
Pardon me, Mrs. Warriner, you misunderstand.
Vous vous méprenez.
- Perhaps it is best this way, Mrs. Warriner.
- C'est peut-être mieux.
Why, Mr. Warriner, you're out of your Continental mind.
Vous perdez votre esprit continental!
In the case of Warriner v. Warriner, the court grants... an interlocutory decree of divorce in favor of the plaintiff, Lucy Warriner.
Le tribunal accorde le divorce en faveur de la demanderesse, madame Lucy Warriner.
The animal is in Mrs. Warriner's possession.
Mme Warriner a gardé l'animal.
- Mr. Warriner wishes to have him because....
- M. Warriner désire le garder car...
Mrs. Warriner, step up and tell me why you regard the dog... as your personal property, so the court may decide if he should remain with you.
Pourquoi considérez-vous que ce chien vous appartient?
In these custody cases, Mrs. Warriner... we often allow the final decision to rest with the party in question.
En pareil cas, nous laissons le choix à la personne intéressée.
- Mr. Warriner, will you step up here, please? - Yes, Your Honor.
M. Warriner, veuillez approcher.
Custody of the dog is awarded to Mrs. Warriner.
Le chien est confié à Mme Warriner.
This is my niece you wanted to meet. Her name is Lucy Warriner.
Lucy Warriner, ma nièce, que vous désiriez tant rencontrer.
Besides, I think it'll let up in a few minutes, Miss Warriner.
D'ailleurs, ça va se calmer.
Like you to see it sometime, Miss Warriner.
J'aimerais que vous le voyiez, Mlle.
- What's her name? - Lucy Warriner.
Son nom?
I hate Jerry Warriner and I like Dan Leeson very much.
Je déteste Jerry et Dan me plaît.
This is Mrs. Warriner, and Mr. Leeson, the gentleman Mrs. Warriner will marry.
Je vous présente ma femme et M. Leeson, que ma femme va épouser.
- Hello, Mrs. Leeson. - Hello, Lucy. - Ma, this is Mr. Jerry Warriner.
M'man, je te présente M. Jerry Warriner.
Well, she was talking about your divorcing Mr. Warriner.
Elle parlait de votre divorce d'avec M. Warriner.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that. But I'm sure Mr. Warriner is pleased at the opportunity... to deny that silly story I heard this afternoon.
Je ne dis pas cela... mais je suis sûre que M. Warriner sera heureux de démentir la sotte histoire que j'ai entendue.
What is it? This woman said Mr. Warriner permitted you to bring proceedings so that.... Well, so that your reputation wouldn't be ruined.
Cette dame disait que M. Warriner avait accepté les torts pour que votre honneur ne soit pas sali.
- See here, Warriner. I mean it's silly for your mother to believe such nonsense.
Il est idiot que votre mère croie une telle histoire.
- Jerry Warriner. ls my wife here?
- Votre nom? - M. Warriner.
Why, that's Mrs. Warriner and that's Mr. Warriner.
C'est Mme Warriner et M. Warriner.
Mr. Warriner will sleep in there.
M. Warriner y dormira.
I'm expecting Miss Warriner from my lab. She'll ask for me. - Will you send her to Reference?
Une Mlle Warriner doit venir, de mon usine.
Miss Warriner is an expert in electronics, and she'll be in charge of EMMARAC. She'll be installed here...
Mlle Warriner est l'électronicienne qui veillera sur EMMARAC.
- No, no. Not at all. - Miss Warriner, how's it going?
Ça ne vous ennuie pas de nous l'expliquer?
All available statistics on Corfu, Miss Warriner.
Corfou? Corfou, Mlle Warriner, le maximum de détails.
- It's coming out now.
Corfou, Mlle Warriner.
I'm sorry, sir.
Une erreur de référence, Mlle Warriner.
A bell rung every evening. " Not" curfew, " Miss Warriner.
A inspiré nombre de poèmes.
- I'm Miss Warriner, from your lab. - Oh...
Je suis Mlle Warriner.
I have such a terrible memory.
Oui, Warriner, pas Emmarac.
This is a wrong classification, Miss Warriner.
Oui, un sacré film.

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