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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We'll be there

We'll be there tradutor Francês

3,109 parallel translation
One day maybe we'll have enough. Then maybe there will be a plan.
Si un jour il y en a assez, il y aura peut-être un plan.
And we'll be there to help with the baby too.
- Et pour le bébé, aussi.
Tell the E.R. we'll be there in five minutes. You got it.
Dites aux urgences qu'on sera là dans cinq minutes.
We'll be there as soon as we can.
On arrive dès que possible.
Oh, come on, if we jump in a cab, we'll be there in 15 minutes.
Oh, je t'en prie, En sautant dans un taxi, On en a pour 15 minutes.
We'll be there in 2 minutes.
On est là dans 2 minutes.
We'll be there.
Nous y serons.
We'll be right there.
On arrive tout de suite.
We'll soon be there.
Je vous dis, je suis du coin.
Stay by the car, We'll be right there.
Restez près de la voiture, on arrive.
- We'll be there when it happens.
- On sera sur les lieux.
If there's a round on the films of Kevin Costner, we'll be sure to text you.
Si ça tombe sur les films de Costner, on t'appellera.
CROSS Corsen of Solidor, we'll be there in 55 minutes.
CROSS Corsen de Solidor, nous serons sur zone dans 55 mn.
One day we'll be standing round a body and Sherlock Holmes will be the one who put it there.
Un jour on verra un cadavre et Sherlock Holmes l'aura mis là.
As much as we have over the average person, I suppose there will be things I'll need to give up.
Malgré tous vos avantages apparents, j'imagine qu'il y a des choses auxquelles je vais devoir renoncer.
We'll always be there for him.
On sera toujours là pour lui.
- We'll be there for him, together.
- On sera tous là pour lui.
Well, we're gonna break through that wall and that'll be our master bedroom. Over there is gonna be laundry room.
On va détruire ce mur, pour la chambre principale.
I think we're ready in there, and she'll be here any second.
Tout est prêt, et elle ne va pas tarder.
We'll be there.
On y sera.
If we don't get any traffic, I'll have you there in an hour, and you'll be married to one of them by midnight.
Je peux t'y emmener en une heure, à minuit tu en auras épousé une.
All right, should be another couple of exits, and we'll be there finally.
On est bientôt arrivés. Enfin.
- We'll be out there.
- Oui, on n'est pas loin.
There's some frozen pizzas and pudding in the fridge, and we'll be at the Historical Society if you need us.
Il y a des pizzas et du pudding au frigo. On sera à la Société d'histoire.
So, we won't be there for the rehearsal dinner, but we'll definitely be there for the wedding on Saturday.
On sera pas au dîner mais on vient au mariage, samedi.
We'll messenger the item. It'll be there in five days.
On enverra un coursier dans cinq jours.
Take two, you'll fall asleep, wake up and we'll be there.
Deux, et tu dormiras. À ton réveil, on sera arrivés.
Peter! Trees'll still be there after we eat.
Peter, l'arbre ne s'envolera pas, viens manger.
Okay, we'll be there soon.
On y sera bientôt.
We have no assurance they'll still be there tomorrow morning.
On ne peut pas être sûrs qu'ils seront là au matin.
We'll be in and out before they even know we were there.
On sera entré et sorti avant même qu'ils sachent qu'on y était.
We'll be there.
On viendra.
We'll be there in 10.
On sera là dans dix minutes.
Who knows how long we'll be out there.
On devra peut-être tenir longtemps.
Yeah, we'll be there.
On y sera.
Well, we'll get there soon. We'll get these seats off, and before you know it, we'll be back at the lab.
On décharge les sièges... et avant de le réaliser on sera de retour au labo.
Well, with the kind of team Brian had, there's no way we'll be able to prove that he was at the U.N.Y. pool.
Ses coéquipiers n'attesteront jamais de sa présence à la piscine. Et s'il n'y était pas?
We'll be there in a minute. I'm just showing blaine around.
Je fais visiter Blaine.
Yeah, yeah. Of course, we'll be there as soon as possible.
On arrive dès que possible.
- Yeah, we'll be there soon.
- Oui, on est bientôt arrivées.
There'll be more protests. We'll survive.
Il y aura d'autres protestations et nous survivrons.
Yeah, there'll be games and we'll have lunch. - And there's putt-putt golf and- -
Il y aura des jeux, un repas, du minigolf.
Yeah. Yeah, we'll be there in 10.
Ouais, on sera là dans 10 min.
Give us another month or two and, yeah, we'll be there.
D'ici un mois ou deux, ce sera le cas.
We'll be there.
On sera là.
We'll be right there.
On arrive.
It doesn't really matter, guys. You know why? We can always pick this up tomorrow, there'll be sunlight, we'd be better too.
Peu importe, car dans la matinée avec un peu de lumière, ça sera vraiment mieux.
We'll be right there.
Nous arrivons. - Quoi?
Tomorrow will be a shark fest for the press, but if we give them nothing, by the end of the week they'll have eaten each other out and there'll be nothing left on the sea bed but a big pile of stilettos and a few strips of shiny nylon suit.
Demain, ça sera la curée pour la presse, mais si on ne leur donne rien, ils se dévoreront entre eux et il ne restera qu'un tas de talons aiguilles et des bouts de costume en nylon.
Wait, how do we know there'll be a planet orbiting this star you're talking about?
Comment savons-nous qu'il y aura une planète en orbite autour de l'étoile?
We're on course for the Command ship. We'll be there in two minutes.
On arrivera au vaisseau de commande dans deux minutes.

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