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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We'll do the rest

We'll do the rest tradutor Francês

103 parallel translation
All you gotta do is fix a few things for us and we'll do the rest, see?
Tu n'as qu'à arranger un truc ou deux pour nous, et on se charge du reste, pigé?
We'll do the rest.
- Nous ferons le reste.
That's all you have to do. Just get him there, and we'll do the rest.
Amenez-le, nous ferons le reste.
We'll do the rest tomorrow.
- Pourquoi?
- We'll do the rest.
We'll do the rest.
Nous ferons le reste!
Good. We'll do the rest on Thursday.
On fera la suite jeudi.
We'll do the rest tomorrow...
Nous finirons demain.
We'll do the rest.
On s'occupe du reste.
Just get us inside and we'll do the rest.
Vous nous faites entrer et on s'occupe du reste.
We must do the rest and soon you'll see what that is.
Nous ferons le reste, et tu verras ce dont il s'agit.
Jump, and we'll do the rest.
Vous plongez.
Whatever you're dreaming up for Condorman or Spongeman, all you have to do is draw us the plans and we'll do the rest.
Quoi que tu envisages pour Condorman, dessine les plans et on fera le reste.
What we'll do over the next two weeks, if the rest of my staff shows up, is go back to basics.
Ce que nous ferons d'abord, si les autres arrivent, c'est de revoir les bases :
# And we'll do the rest
On fera votre bonheur
Then just separate him from it. We'll do the rest.
- Eloignez-le, on s'en occupe.
We'll hope to do the rest.
Nous nous occuperons du reste.
We'll do the rest.
Nous nous occuperons du reste.
We'll do the rest if we need them.
On fera le reste après, si besoin est.
- What do I have to do? - Just sit in the car, look cool and we'll handle the rest.
- Être dans une voiture, l'air cool, on s'occupe du reste.
We'll do the rest.
Le reste, on s'en occupe.
Okay, you can open one present. We'll do the rest in the morning.
D'accord, ouvre un cadeau.
You get Cassandra! We'll do the rest!
Trouvez Cassandra, on s'occupe du reste!
But you don't need to know shit. Just get into the vault and we'll do the rest then.
- Tu dois seulement ouvrir la chambre forte.
And you can rest assured that we'll do our part in keeping the rules and regulations that make this country great.
Soyez certain Monsieur l'agent que nous le serons. Et continuez... ces règles font la grandeur de l'Amérique!
We'll do the rest.
Nous nous chargeons du reste.
Just get him to the forcefield. We'll do the rest.
Conduisez-le jusqu'au champ de force, nous ferons le reste.
We'll do the rest when you get back.
Je t'apprendrai plein d'autres choses à ton retour. Si j'avais su que ça finirait ainsi, j'aurais changé la moquette,
All we do is load it into the credit union's mainframe. It'll do the rest.
Il n'y a qu'à le charger dans l'unité principale et il fera le reste.
If the rest agree with it, we'll do that.
Si tout le monde est d'accord, on le fera.
So we'll do the rest of the bills later, then?
On fait les autres factures plus tard?
That's all you have to do. We'll talk about the rest of it when we put this one away.
On parlera du reste quand on aura réglé ça.
And we'll let gravity do the rest.
Et puis nous laisserons la gravité faire le reste.
Go on. We'll do the rest when it's for real.
Allez-y, nous ferons le reste le jour même.
So all we gotta do is get him to the summit, and we'll marinate on the rest later.
On va l'emmener à la réunion et on avisera pour la suite.
We'll do the rest.
Nous ferons le reste.
The time comes, all you gotta do is keep your eyes open and we'll do the rest.
Garde les yeux ouverts. On s'occupe du reste.
Stay with what's-his-name and we'll do the rest.
Reste avec Machin et on s'occupe du reste.
We'll do the rest.
On fera le reste.
We'll do the rest.
Le reste on s'en occupe.
- First do the tests, then we'll take care of the rest.
- Passe d'abord les examens, on s'occupera du reste.
And we'll do the rest.
- Oui! Nous ferons le reste.
If we do not get the eldest married first, we'll never be able to marry rest of you for the shame.
Si nous ne marions pas d'abord l'aînée, nous ne pourrons jamais marier les autres ce sera la honte.
So we get the cameras in here and the rest of the world sees what's happening. And they'll have to do something.
Si les caméras viennent, le monde verra et ils devront faire quelque chose.
We'll bring the drums and the freshmen can do the rest
On va d'abord amener la batterie. Les nouveaux feront le reste.
Tell us where the rest of the Nuridium is, what you intend to do with it, - and we'll cut you a deal.
Dites-nous où est le reste du nuridium, à quoi il vous sert, et on passe un accord.
We'll do the rest.
On s'occupera du reste.
I'm gonna get to work on a vanquishing potion to get rid of the Alchemist. Hopefully, if we do that, it'll reverse his magic and Tim can rest in peace.
Je vais faire une potion pour me débarrasser de l'alchimiste, en espérant que ça annulera sa magie et que Tim reposera en paix.
Once you choose that, it'll inform what we do on the rest of the room.
Quand c'est fait, le reste devient évident.
So bring henry back And we'll do the rest to make it work.
Alors fais revenir Henry et on fera ce qu'il faut pour que ça marche.
Great, We'll do one foot of that right here and then the rest, you can just leave this brown paper down
Super. On fera un mètre carré comme ça ici et pour le reste, on va laisser le papier marron.

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