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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We're going to do it

We're going to do it tradutor Francês

485 parallel translation
If they think they've got a couple of dummy editors, they're crazy. Well, what are we going to do about it?
Qu'allons-nous faire?
We're going to be married. And there's nothing you can do about it.
Nous allons nous marier et tu n'y changeras rien.
I'm glad you like it, Doc, because that's what we're going to do.
Je suis content que cela te plaise, car c'est ce que nous allons faire.
We always talked about a vacation in the snow, now we're going to do it.
Nous avons toujours voulu passer des vacances à la neige.
We're going to do that, but I'd made up my mind about it a long time before this happened.
Oui, nous tiendrons le coup ensemble, mais je l'avais décidé bien avant l'accident.
- No. We're going to do it here.
- Ah, oui?
We are going to do something for them. And you're going to do it.
Oui, et c'est toi qui les aideras.
We're going to change it, what do you think? Oh!
On va réparer la crevaison.
They're going to do it too just as sure as we sit here with our fingers in our mouths and let them.
Et ils le feront, aussi certainement que nous restons là à les laisser faire.
If we're going to say good-bye forever, we might as well do it right.
Si on doit se dire adieu, faisons-le.
Just as I do. So, what we're going to do is just stick here tonight until we get it right, even if it takes all night.
Nous mettrons tout au point, même s'il faut y passer la nuit.
You want something. If we're going to be that frank about it, I do.
Si nous devons être si franc, en effet.
We came all the way out here to do a job and we're going to do it.
On est venu de loin, et on a bien l'intention de faire notre boulot.
I think it's really indecent what we're going to do with him.
Pour moi, c'est indécent ce qu'on va lui faire.
And we're going to do it together.
Et nous allons faire cela ensemble.
If we're going to change the design the factories will never do it in time.
Si nous devons changer la conception les usines ne seront jamais dans les temps.
I'd like you to do it at about the time we're going into the job over there.
Je voudrais que vous le fassiez quand nous attaquerons là-bas.
If we go back to our books now and let you manage the land, you're going to do something terrible to it!
Si maintenant nous nous mettons à la lecture des livres, et vous laissons l'entière propriété de la terre, j'imagine à quoi elle va ressembler!
They got one in where it would do the most damage and we're going to lose the ship.
Ils nous ont touchés là où ça fait mal et on va perdre le navire.
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Mais cela paraît si banal. Alors, on va plutôt partir vers Jersey... enfin là où on peut... se marier... et le faire.
If we're all going to die, I think I should know at least as much about how it's going to happen as you do.
Puisque nos chances sont réduites, je crois que j'ai le droit de savoir, si vous acceptez de me le dire, quand et comment nous mourrons.
Do you know what we are going to do? We're going to sing a song and drown it out.
On va chanter pour couvrir ce bruit.
Then here's what we're going to do about it.
Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?
- Work, work, work, Irene, and we're going to do it together.
- Au travail, Irene, on y arrivera ensemble.
If we're not going to make love, why do you need to give me it?
Si on fait pas l'amour, pourquoi t'as besoin de me le donner?
We're going to go over it again, do you hear? We're going to go over it again!
On va tout reprendre, d'accord?
We're going to do it the right way, from seeds.
Nous allons faire les choses normalement, avec des graines.
And it's not wrong. What we're going to do is not wrong.
Nous n'allons rien faire de mal.
Well neither do I, if we're going to do anything at all we must stop it!
- Eh bien moi non plus. Si nous devons agir, c'est pour arrêter ça!
Well, I guess we're just going to have to do it the hard way.
Bien, je crois qu'il faudra employer la manière forte.
Anyway, if we're going to do any exploring, we should do it now'cause it's going to get dark in a minute.
De toute façon, si nous voulons explorer, autant nous dépêcher, car il va bientôt faire nuit.
We're going to do this play and we're going to do it right.
Le répéter comme il se doit.
Oh, I do believe we're going to get it, Matson.
je crois bien qu'on va y rester ce coup-ci, mon cher Matson...
We're going to take it, and they'll do their worst to keep us from taking it.
Nous allons nous en emparer, ils feront tout pour nous en empêcher.
We must break the chain of events that led up to it and going out of here might be just what we're not supposed to do.
Nous devons briser la chaîne des événements qui nous y ont menés. Et sortir d'ici pourrait être ce que nous ne sommes pas censés faire.
Go back and tell your pa we're going to do whatever we can, but it's up to him whether he gives up or not.
Repartez dire à votre père qu'on fera l'impossible. Mais c'est à lui de décider.
Sure, we're going to do it all legal, with receipts and everything.
Naturellement, en bonne et due forme :
We can do it. We're going to need special equipment.
On peut, mais on aura besoin de matériel.
- We're going to do it!
We're going to try Higher again, and if we get everybody to join in, we'd appreciate it. lt'll do you no harm.
Nous allons chanter tous ensemble. Ça ne vous fera pas de mal.
Well, that's exactly what we're going to get... unless I do something about it.
N'empêche que... À moins qu'on fasse quelque chose.
We're going to be apprehending very few rhinoceri but, if we do, I want to know that I'm going to be able to stop it
Nous avons peu de chance d'en trouver, mais si ça arrive, je veux être sûr de le stopper.
I think there is a chance to make it through this course and I think we're going to do it
Je crois qu'il est possible de réussir ce parcours, et qu'on va y arriver.
How to become a gynecologist And this week on how to do it We're going to show you how to play the flute
Cette semaine dans "Comment le faire", nous vous montrerons comment jouer de la flûte, comment opérer la fusion de l'atome, comment construire un coffrage de pont, comment irriguer le Sahara,
Well, I know what to do, and we're going to do it.
Je sais quoi faire... et on va le faire.
Son we have an ugly job to do but we're going to do it thorough.
Fils... on a un sale boulot à faire. Mais on ira jusqu'au bout.
There's more search for awareness with black people... as to where we are and what has happened to us... and what we're going to do with it.
Les Noirs cherchent plus à prendre conscience de là où nous sommes, et de ce qui nous est arrivé, et de ce qu'on va en faire.
How're we going to do it?
Comment faire?
Vincent, I think we're going to do it.
Vincent, je crois qu'on va y arriver.
We're going to do it together.
On traversera ça ensemble.
We're going to do it, right?
On va y arriver, d'accord?

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