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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We're going to find her

We're going to find her tradutor Francês

78 parallel translation
But you'll be seeing her again because we're going to find her. Don't think for a minute we won't.
Mais tu la reverras, parce que nous la trouverons, sois-en sûr.
We're coming, and if you don't find me a gas station soon, this little old snowflake's going to wet her pantaloons!
On vient, mon loulou! Si on s'arrête pas chez un pompiste, Blanche-Neige va mouiller sa petite culotte!
And we're going to find her, I promise.
Je la chercherai avec vous, c'est promis.
We're going to find her.
Nous allons la trouver.
We're going to find that college girl, tell her to get her ass back into town.
On va trouver cette étudiante, et lui dire de rappliquer en ville.
I know we're going to find her.
Mais je sais que nous la trouverons.
We're going to find her.
Il faut qu'on la retrouve.
We're also going to find her a husband. Someone from here.
On va aussi voir si on lui trouve un fiancé de chez nous.
We're going to find her.
On va la retrouver.
We're going to tell her family it's not her though, right? No, he could find out.
On dira à la famille que c'est pas elle?
We're going through her checkbook in an attempt to find out who she is
Il s'appelle comment d'ailleurs? Molly O'Pauvreté?
We're never going to find her.
Nous ne la retrouverons jamais.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not going to find her by psychoanalyzing the last 60 years of her life.
On la trouvera pas en analysant ses 60 dernières années.
She's my daughter, and we're going to find her.
C'est ma fille, et nous allons la trouver.
We are going to find our missing pilot and we're going to bring her home.
On va retrouver ce pilote et on va la ramener à la maison.
We're going to find her, I know it.
Nous la trouverons, je le sais.
Adrian, she's not gone. We're going to find the people who killed her, I promise.
Ce n'est pas fini, on va retrouver ses assassins.
But we're going to do everything we can to find her.
Mais on fera tout notre possible pour la trouver.
Listen, honey... We're going to find her!
Nous allons la retrouver!
We're going to find her, okay? I don't believe they'll do anything...
Nous allons la retrouver, d'accord?
Look, I feel really bad about Dierdre, and I know that you must want to find out who killed her, but if we're going to move in together, we can't have this stuff hanging over us.
Ecoute, je compatis pour Deirdre et je sais que tu veux découvrir qui l'a tué mais si on doit vivre ensemble, on ne peut avoir cette histoire entre nous
Hey, we're going to find her, Russ, okay?
Eh, on va la trouver, Russ, Ok?
I knew her hop, skip, and jump over the Atlantic wasn't because she missed her big sister, and if this guy is bothering Lucy, then I'm going to find him, we're going to have a little talk.
Je savais qu'un saut par-dessus l'atlantique n'était pas parce que sa grande soeur lui manquait, et si ce mec ennuie Lucy, alors je vais le trouver. Nous allons avoir une petite discussion.
We're going to- - We're going to... find her, and everything's going to be fine.
Nous allons... la trouver et tout ira bien.
How're we going to find her?
Comment allons-nous la trouver?
We're never going to find her at this pace.
On ne va jamais la trouver à ce rythme là.
We're going to find her, and we're going to talk to her.
Et nous allons lui parler.
We're going to find her.
On va la trouver.
We're going to find her, Gibbs.
On va la trouver, Gibbs.
We're going to find her, Gibbs.
Nous allons la trouver, Gibbs.
We're going to find her.
Nous allons la retrouver.
Which is why we're going to go and find her.
Alors, allons la trouver.
- Don't worry, we're going to find her.
- Ne vous en faites pas, on va la trouver. |
We're not going to fucking find her in the dark! Yes, we fucking are!
- On la trouvera jamais, dans le noir.
Don't worry, we're going to find her.
- Elle ne sait pas qu'on est là.
We're going to find her.
Mes coéquipiers sont les meilleurs dans leur domaine, d'accord?
Which makes it all the more likely we're not going to find Alison until some hiker stumbles on her body months from now.
Il est fort probable que nous ne retrouvions pas Alison jusqu'à ce qu'un randonneur trébuche sur son corps.
If we're going to find out anything more, I'm going to need to talk to her personally.
Pour en découvrir plus, je vais devoir lui parler en personne.
We're going to find her. Okay?
Nous allons la retrouver, d'acc?
I don't think we're going to find much of anything under her fingernails.
Je pense qu'on ne trouvera plus grand-chose sous ses ongles.
We're going to help you find her.
On va t'aider à la trouver.
We deeply regret not being able to find your daughter, but I promise you, we're going to do everything in our power to recover her.
On regrette de ne pas avoir pu trouver votre fille, mais je vous promets de tout faire pour y parvenir.
Whateverthe secret Prats entrusted to his daughter, we're not going to find it in her subconscious.
Le secret que Prats a confié à sa fille ne nous sera pas révélé par son subconscient.
I know we're going to find her.
Je sais qu'on la retrouvera.
We're going to do everything we can to find her killer.
On va tout faire pour retrouver son meurtrier.
We're going to find her but we need your help.
On va la retrouver mais on a besoin de vous.
We're going to find out what's wrong with her.
On va trouver ce qui lui arrive.
We need to find her. - And we're going to.
On doit la retrouver, on fera tout pour ça.
We are going to do our very best to find her and we're going to call you as soon as we hear anything.
On va lancer les recherches, vous serez tenu au courant.
We're not going to find her alive.
On la retrouvera pas vivante.
We're going to find her in one hour.
Nous allons la trouver en une heure.

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