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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We've been through this

We've been through this tradutor Francês

685 parallel translation
We've been through all this together.
On a traversé tout ça ensemble.
We've been through tighter squeaks than this.
- On a vécu des choses pires que ça.
You can't do this to me after all we've been through.
Tu ne peux pas me faire ça après tout ce qu'on a vécu!
We could go through this year I've been talking about but it would be a sheer waste of energy.
On pourrait vivre toutes ces choses, mais ce serait une perte d'énergie.
Oh, I'm afraid we'll have to work right through Sunday, sir. You see, we've only been given a few days to do this job and, much as we'd like to...
Nous n'aurons pas le temps, nous n'avons que trois jours.
Oh, John, dear, we've been through all this before.
Nous nous sommes déjà tout dit à ce sujet.
Even in this short a time, we've been through quite a bit together.
Nous sommes amis. En très peu de temps, on a partagé beaucoup de choses.
Someday, I'd like to see some of this country we've been traveling through.
Un jour, je voudrais visiter cette région qu'on a traversée.
Look, Warren, we've been through this all before.
On a déjà parlé de tout ça.
"How much"? Look, Harry, we've been through this a thousand times.
J'ai déjà entendu ça mille fois.
Look, Millicent, we've been all through this before, and it's no use.
Écoute, Millicent, on en a déjà discuté. - Dan... - C'est inutile.
We've been through all of this
Nous en avons terminé avec ça.
This awful nightmare we've been through, it's all over now.
Ce terrible cauchemar est terminé.
Paul, we've been through all this before.
Nous avons déjà discuté de cette question.
We've been through all of this before.
Nous avons discuté de tout cela.
Nous en avons discuté.
- We've been through terrible things together. This will pass.
Toutes ces choses, elles aussi passeront.
Anyway we've been through this on the way, we'll do it again on the way back.
- En tout cas, faut repasser par là. Qui tenait le cerceau à l'aller?
I don't quite know how to say this, after all we've been through together.
Je ne sais pas comment te dire ça, après tout ce que nous avons vécu ensemble.
We've been through this all before, Steed. No.
On en a déjà parlé, Steed.
- lf you can't, say. - We've been through this.
- Si tu ne peux pas le gérer, dis-le.
Now, we've all been through this many times before.
Nous avons fait ce briefing de nombreuses fois.
Look, we've been through this a dozen times already.
Écoutez, nous en avons déjà discuté.
We've been through all this.
On en a déjà discuté.
We've been through all the records of every child entered for this nursery... during this past year.
- Bien. Nous avons épluché les inscriptions de cette garderie pour l'année passée.
We've been all through this before.
On a déjà parlé de tout ça.
Since you phoned, I've been pondering all this, and it's my opinion we give them the money clean and hope they come through with Sampson.
Depuis ton coup de fil, j'ai bien réfléchi et je crois qu'on devrait leur obéir en espérant qu'ils le relâchent.
Jeannie, we've been through all this, no yacht.
Ecoute Jeannie, on en a déjà discuté. Pas de yacht.
After what we've been through, it's hard to believe this beautiful place exists.
Après tous ces événements, j'ai du mal à croire qu'un tel endroit existe.
We've been through all this before.
On en a déjà discuté.
We've been through this before.
On a déjà parlé de ça.
Darling, we've been through this before I won't allow you to leave We have guests
- On en a déjà discuté. - On a des invités.
We've been through this before, Albert.
On en a déjà discuté, Albert.
I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Molloy. After all we've been through together this afternoon, it's Irene and Minnie. No last names.
Ravi de vous revoir, Miss Molloy.
How could you do this to me, Vera, after all we've been through?
Comment peux-tu me faire ça, Vera, après tout ce que nous avons vécu?
You think we're unimaginative? We've been all through this.
On manque d'imagination, c'est ça?
Did you go over this? We've been through it twice already, Sergeant.
- Deux fois.
But we've been through this before.
Mais on a déjà parlé de ça.
We've been through this so many times.
On a déjà eu cette discussion des tonnes de fois.
- We've been through this.
- C'est du déjà vu.
But with all we've been through, this R2 unit has become a bit eccentric.
Après ce que nous avons traversé, R2 a les circuits dérangés.
We've been through all this, and nothing.
On a fait tout ça, et rien!
We've been through this before.
On en a déjà parlé.
We've been through this before.
On a déjà discuté de tout ça, papa. Tu ne m'écoutes jamais!
Kellogg, we've been through this before.
Kellogg, on a déjà parlé de ça.
We've been through worse than this.
On a vu pire.
Amy, we've been through all this before.
- Amy, c'est réglé, ça.
- We've been through this, haven't we?
- on en a déjà parlé, non?
Blake, we've been through this.
Nous avons déjà parlé de ça.
I can't. Amy, we've just been through this.
Amy, on a déjà vu ça ensemble.
Come on, Mom, we've been through all this before.
Nous en avons discuté cent fois!

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