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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We've got time

We've got time tradutor Francês

956 parallel translation
I know your relationship isn't where you want it to be, but we've got plenty of time to work on that.
Je sais que votre relation n'est pas telle que vous la voudriez, mais on a plein de temps pour travailler là-dessus.
We've got it in time.
On l'a pris à temps.
We've got plenty of time, haven't we?
Nous avons tout le temps.
Whenever I ask her, she says, "We've got plenty of time."
Quand je lui en parle, elle me dit : "Nous avons bien le temps."
Fanny sees you're in no hurry, so she says, "We've got plenty of time."
Elle comprend que tu n'es pas pressé alors par fierté, elle te dit : "Nous avons bien le temps."
We've got bigger time to follow, and we can do it, too.
Bientôt, à nous les grands cirques!
We've got no time for waiting
Pourquoi attendre?
- This time, I think we've got it.
- Cette fois, c'est bon. - Vraiment?
We've got to get to Rio And we've got to make time
Il faut arriver à Rio sans tarder
We've got to spend more time here. We've got to see more of her.
Passer plus de temps ici pour la voir plus souvent.
We've got no time for long runs. What we want is quick circulation.
Mais on a besoin d'une publicité rapide.
We've got a chance to have a swell time so we might as well take advantage of it.
On ne vit qu'une fois, tu sais. Oui, devenir millionnaires, ça pourra toujours se faire.
We've hardly got time as it is to make camp before dark.
Pourquoi attendre? Nous devons descendre avant la nuit.
- Come on, we've got no time to lose.
Vite, shérif!
We've just got time to make it.
- On a juste le temps.
Hurry, we've got no time to lose!
Vite. Pas de temps é perdre.
And now, lads, we've got a little time on our hands.
Maintenant, les gars, on a un peu de temps devant nous.
Listen, Belle, we've got 250 men with us and more coming in all the time.
Écoute, Belle, nous avons 250 hommes sous nos ordres.
We've still got time.
On a encore le temps.
- l'm sure we've got plenty of time, dear.
- Nous avons le temps.
Come on, Sandra. We've got time for one more game.
Allons, on a le temps de faire une autre partie.
- We've just got time to make it.
- On a juste le temps d'y aller.
We've lost nights of sleep worrying every time she had got a tooth.
On n'a pas dormi quand elle faisait ses dents.
- We've got plenty of time. - So you've got plenty of time, huh?
Nous avons le temps!
I'd like to some other time, but we've got an engagement in town.
Une autre fois. On a rendez-vous en ville.
And remember, we've got an opening tonight so be back here on time and all in one piece.
N'oubliez pas, c'est la premiêre ce soir... alors revenez à l'heure et en un seul morceau.
I do. we've got plenty of time to discuss that later.
Oui, mais nous en parlerons plus tard.
We've got all the time in the world now.
Il te plaît?
You've got to remember, Fay, we're having a tough time lining up a vehicle for you.
C'est dur de trouver le bon support, Fay!
Oh, we've got plenty of time to meet Tarzan.
Nous avons tout le temps de retrouver Tarzan.
We've got two weeks off and nothing will stop us from going this time.
Rien ne nous empêchera de partir cette fois-ci.
The dumb ones hold out for a day or two but hey, we've got time.
Les imbéciles résistent un jour ou deux mais nous, on a le temps.
Around here, we've got the time. This isn't Paris.
Ici nous avons le temps, ce n'est pas Paris.
We've just got time for a cup of tea before our trains go.
Nous avons le temps de prendre une tasse de thé!
And we've got all the time in the world to settle down.
On a le temps devant nous pour s'installer.
That's why we're here... to help the Allied High Command gain the preciously needed time... to complete the invasion buildup. Lassiter, you've got a job.
Et nous tentons ïaider les Alliés ø gagner du temps... pour terminer de préparer le débarquement.
He actually - we've got time for one for the road.
Il était... Entre. On prend un verre pour la route.
We've been working to get the house in order Ever since we got your wire. You didn't give us much time.
On n'a pas eu beaucoup de temps pour mettre la maison en ordre.
We should've got here in time to meet the boat.
On aurait dû arriver en temps pour voir le bateau.
We've got to give it plenty of time.
Être patient.
We've got a little time yet.
Il nous reste un peu de temps.
We've got plenty of time.
Nous avons tout le temps.
It doesn't. We've got to think of lies and tell them all the time.
Il ne faut pas arrêter de mentir.
Come on, we've got to make time.
À toi.
We've had differences, and I've always tried to see your point of view... but this time you've got me stumped. You haven't tried to see my point of view.
Tu n'as jamais essayé!
We've got a lot of lost time to make up.
Il nous faut rattraper le temps perdu.
We've got some vinegar and a little curry. Now's a good time to find out.
- Tente l'expérience pour voir.
- Fine, we've got no time to lose!
- tant pis, ne perdons pas de temps.
We've got too much to do and too little time for any more clowning.
C'est bien, Joe. On a beaucoup à faire en peu de temps, pendant qu'il fait jour.
Maybe if we had time to get these sketches to every airfield - well, they've got the descriptions.
Si on pouvait envoyer ces dessins à tous les aéroports... Ils ont les descriptions.
- There's so very little time. We've got to make every minute count.
Il faut agir vite.

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