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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We had a good time

We had a good time tradutor Francês

284 parallel translation
A truck. All the time from the Red Dot to the... chop suey joint we... we had a good time together?
Du Point Rouge jusqu'à ce restaurant de chop suey... on a rigolé ensemble?
We had a good time, too, two years ago when we were here on our honeymoon.
Nous sommes venus ici il y a 2 ans pour notre voyage de noces.
We had a good time together.
On a passé de bons moments ensemble.
- We had a good time, didn't we?
- On s'est amusés, non?
He came to see the show, we took a trip up the river... and we had a good time. What's so terrible about that?
II est venu au spectacle, nous sommes allés en bateau... oû est Ie mal?
We had a good time.
On s'est amusés.
- I can't win. - Yeah, we had a good time.
- Je fais pas le poids.
I like you a lot. And we had a good time, all right?
Je t'aime bien et on a passé de bons moments.
I'm glad we had a good time.
J'en suis content.
We had a good time when last we met, didn't we?
On s'est bien amusés ensemble. La dernière fois.
We had a good time.
- Ouais?
Yeah, we had a good time.
Oui, on s'est bien amusés.
I want you to know we had a good time.
Je sais pas pour toi, mais moi, j'ai bien dîné.
Maybe we could meet someplace where we had a good time together before.
On pourrait se retrouver là où on avait été heureux ensemble.
- Look, we had a good time.
- Ecoute, ça a été agréable.
She took me to her house... and I think we had a good time.
Elle m'a emmené chez elle, je crois qu'on a passé du bon temps.
When was the last time we had a good time?
Quand donc s'est-on marré la dernière fois?
- But we had a good time.
Mais ce fut agréable, n'est-ce pas?
[Baker] We had a good time out in the desert there for about three months.
On s'est marrés dans le désert, pendant trois mois.
We've had a good time.
- On s'est bien amusés.
We've had a good time together here, haven't we, Jim?
On s'est bien amusés ici tous Ies deux, non, Jim?
We've always had a good time no matter where we've been.
On s'est toujours bien amusés, peu importe l'endroit.
You know, we'd never had such a good time before you came.
Nous ne nous étions jamais autant amusés avant votre venue.
You know, we never had such a good time before you came.
Nous ne nous étions jamais autant amusés avant vous.
- We had such a good time.
- Nous nous sommes bien amuses.
Now we had at that time in Brigadoon... an old minister of the kirk... named Mr. Forsythe... and a good man he was.
"En ce temps-là, il y avait un vieux pasteur à Brigadoon." Son nom était M. Forsythe. Le meilleur des hommes.
- I think it's time we had a talk. - Good idea.
Mon vieux, faut qu'on s'explique!
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Ces hommes étaient... vous pourriez dire "invités"... On se réunissait pour faire les fous et chanter... parce qu'on passait des moments supers... et on se faisait toujours plaisir en chantant : "Le rock du bagne".
That's a good one. The first time we had marks, and a map.
- Mais à l'aller, on avait des repères, on avait un plan.
Imagine what a good time we would have had alone.
Imagine comme on aurait pu être bien juste tous les deux.
We could have had such a good time.
On aurait pu passer un si bon moment.
The princess is on her way for her first trip to America and the sultan has indicated to us that it would please him if we saw to it that she had a good time while she was here.
La princesse arrive pour son premier séjour en Amérique. Et le sultan nous a fait comprendre que ça lui ferait plaisir qu'elle passe un bon moment chez nous.
We had 16 hours free to get some rest, to go out and have a good time.
Nous avons 16 heures pour nous habiller, nous reposer, prendre du bon temps.
I can't tell you when we've had such a good time.
Je ne me souvient pas de la dernière fois où nous nous sommes autant amusés.
We've had a good time but we've got 4 hours drive back to New York.
Nous avons eu du bon temps, mais on a 4 heures de route jusqu'à New York.
- That's a good old time we had back at your place, wasn't it?
On a passé du bon temps chez toi, n'est-ce pas?
We all had a good time and got our rocks off.
On s'est tous bien amusés. N'est-ce pas?
We have had our differences from time to time... but I still think you'll make a good soldier.
Nous avons eu des différends mais je pense que vous feriez un bon soldat.
But we had ourselves a good time, man.
Mais on s'est payés du bon temps.
We had a little party last night. Had a pretty good time too.
On a fait une petite fête la nuit dernière, on a pris du bon temps aussi.
We climbed in the back seat We really had a good time
Sur la banquette arrière On se marrait bien!
Last time I saw you we had a good talk.
La fois dernière que je t'ai ai vu nous avions Eu une longue conversation.
We really had a good time.
On a passé un bon moment.
I still don't understand how we could have been such good friends and had such a lovely time and have it all turn out so badly.
Je ne comprends toujours pas comment, après s'être si bien entendus, et avoir été si heureux ensemble, on ait fini par tout gâcher.
We had such a good time.
Nous avons passé de bons moments.
I was thinking what a terrific time we would have had if that kid of yours had been good at games.
Je pensais aux bons moments que nous aurions passés si ton fils avait été bon en sport.
We had such a good time.
Nous nous étions tellement amusés.
We had a really good time together.
On s'est bien amusés.
We knew we had a good story this time... because it had everything in it.
TOUT EST DANS LA TETE Eh bien, nous savions que nous avions une bonne histoire... parce que tout y était.
And we sure had a good time last year, didn't we, partner?
Comme l'année dernière, hein?
Although Here we've already had a good time.
Même si... on a déjà passé du bon temps ici.

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