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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We had a lot of fun

We had a lot of fun tradutor Francês

102 parallel translation
Well, we had a lot of fun anyway, didn't we?
On s'est beaucoup amusés, au moins, pas vrai?
It sounds kind of silly, but we had a lot of fun doing it.
Cela semble idiot, mais c'est amusant.
Yeah, well, we had a lot of fun at it.
- On s'est bien amusés.
The first few days he was here, We had a lot of fun together.
Les premiers jours, on s'est bien amusés.
We had a lot of fun when you were up here.
On s'est bien amusés quand vous étiez ici.
We had a lot of fun in it, though.
Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir en elle, si.
We had a lot of fun together.
On s'amusait bien.
Well, we had a lot of fun!
Eh bien, on s'est bien amusé!
We had a lot of fun.
On rigolait bien.
We had a lot of fun.
On s'est bien amusés.
But we had a lot of fun.
Mais on s'est bien amusés.
But we had a lot of fun.
Remarque, on s'est bien marré.
We had a lot of fun with it when Jeanine was pregnant.
Mais ça nous amusait beaucoup quand Janeane était enceinte.
Just tell me we had a lot of fun together.
Dis-moi qu'on s'est beaucoup amusés ensemble.
We had a lot of fun, Daniel.
On a eu du bon temps, Daniel.
We had a lot of fun so now you don't have to
On s'est bien marrés quand on était jeunes pour que vous n'ayez plus à le faire
I mean- - l mean, go have more fun'cause we had a lot of fun today, didn't we, guys?
Enfin, vous amuser encore plus, parce qu'on s'est bien amusés aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas?
Oh yeah, we had a lot of fun.
On s'est bien amusés.
It was a good week, we had a lot of fun, but it's over.
Ce fut une belle semaine, on s'est amusés, mais c'est fini.
- Well, we had a lot of fun.
- On s'est bien amusés.
And we had a lot of fun, but I can't pretend that this is normal.
Mais je ne peux pas prétendre que tout est normal.
- Yeah, we had a lot of fun in high school.
On s'est bien marrés au lycée.
We've had a lot of fun together. And as far as I'm concerned, you're number one girl in the archipelago.
On a eu du bon temps ensemble, et pour moi, tu es la fille la plus sensass de tout l'archipel.
We had a lot of fun together. - Yeah.
On a eu du bon temps, ensemble.
Ladies and gentlemen of the motion-picture audience we've had a lot of fun making our picture and we certainly hope you've enjoyed it.
Mesdames et messieurs, cher public, nous nous sommes bien amusés à faire ce film et espérons qu'il vous a plu.
Those were the days, weren't they? We certainly had a lot of fun.
C'était le bon vieux temps, hein?
The only trouble is, we could have had a lot of fun if you weren't a detective.
Oui, on aurait pu s'amuser... si vous n'étiez pas détective.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Ces hommes étaient... vous pourriez dire "invités"... On se réunissait pour faire les fous et chanter... parce qu'on passait des moments supers... et on se faisait toujours plaisir en chantant : "Le rock du bagne".
And we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Et on se faisait toujours plaisir en chantant : "Le rock du bagne".
Now then, Rupe, we've had a lot of fun, and no harm done.
Rupe, on s'est beaucoup amusés. Pas de mal à ça.
And a lot of times he used that take that we'd just had fun with.
Et souvent, c'est cette prise qu'il finissait par garder.
We worked together, had a lot of fun.
On a travaillé ensemble. C'était le pied.
Well, we had a lot of duties, but I suppose our most vital responsibility was making sure the vending machines didn't run out of fun-size Crunchie bars.
Eh bien, nous avions beaucoup de devoirs, mais je suppose que notre responsabilité la plus vitale était de s'assurer que les distributeurs ne viennent à manquer de barre de Crunchie.
We made a lot of money, had some fun.
On s'est fait un paquet de fric et on s'est éclaté.
You know, we had a lot of fun tonight.
On s'est bien amusés, ce soir.
We've had a lot of fun together.
On s'est bien amusés.
Look, I had a lot of fun today, but I don't think we're right for each other.
Je me suis bien amusée, aujourd'hui, mais nous ne sommes pas faits l'un pour l'autre.
You know, we've had a lot of fun tonight at the expense of the U.S. Navy.
On s'est bien éclatés ce soir, au frais de la marine américaine.
You're smart and you're beautiful and I think we've had a lot of fun, but you and I I just don't think that we...
Tu es belle et intelligente, et on passe du bon temps ensemble, mais toi et moi... Je ne pense pas qu'on soit...
We've had a hell of a lot of fun.
On a passé de bons moments.
Tout ça c'était très marrant, mais à un moment il fallait qu'on ait un endroit à nous.
We had a lot of fun.
On s'amusait bien.
" but we've had a lot of fun and good times
" mais on s'est beaucoup amusés,
We would've had a lot of fun.
On se serait amusés.
We've had a lot of fun and games around here lately, but maybe it's time to set a slightly more professional tone in the office.
Ces derniers temps, on s'est tous bien amusés autour de jeux, ici dans notre société mais tu ne penses pas qu'il serait temps d'apporter plus de professionnalisme dans ce bureau
We all had a lot of fun tonight, but at the heart of this show is a serious issue.
On s'est tous bien amusé ce soir, mais le thème de cet épisode est un sujet sérieux.
Okay, we'll get to the point, but for your information, skinny bitch, black men and a whole lot of motherfuckin'white men have had plenty of fun adoring my ass.
Ok, je vais te laisser finir, mais pour info, petite conne anorexique, y a des noirs et tout un tas de blancs qui se sont éclatés en vénérant mon cul.
Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.
On s'est tous très bien amusés.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've had a lot of fun tonight, but when that clock runs down, this building will explode.
{ \ pos ( 170,210 ) } Mesdames et messieurs, on s'amuse bien ce soir, { \ pos ( 150,210 ) } mais à la fin du compte-à-rebours, cet immeuble explosera.
Look... you're aeally good guy, and I've had a lot of fun hanging out with you this summer, but we just don't have anytng in common, so...
- Écoute. Tu es très gentil, c'était sympa de sortir avec toi cet été, mais on n'a rien en commun.
- We had a lot of fun today.
- On s'est beaucoup amusés.

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