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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Wellstone

Wellstone tradutor Francês

17 parallel translation
Sarge, this collar, Rodney Wellstone, where is he in the system?
Ce sujet, Rodney Wellstone, il a été déféré où?
I'm gonna have the Latent unit check his prints against the list... but the N.Y.U. Registrar confirms Wellstone took a course from Reese in 1990.
Je vais faire vérifier ses empreintes. Mais la fac confirme qu'il a été l'élève de Reese en 1990.
Also present Rodney Wellstone and technician Lewis Moscovitz.
Également présents, Rodney Wellstone et le technicien Lewis Moscovitz.
Mr. Wellstone, is that your signature on this form... indicating you understand your right to counsel?
C'est votre signature? Vous savez que vous avez droit à un avocat?
Toby Wellstone... he lived with you as a foster kid about five years ago?
Toby Wellstone. Vous l'aviez recueilli il y a 5 ans.
Ken Wellstone.
Ken Wellstone.
Mr. Wellstone, what do you do for a living?
Je n'ai pas besoin de ce genre de drame. M. Wellstone, quel est votre métier?
Nothing from Ken Wellstone?
Rien de Ken Wellstone? Non.
George, we're very happy to welcome you and "edition" to the Wellstone media family. Thank you.
Soyez les bienvenus, vous et Edition, dans la famille Wellstone Media.
I'm Bill Wellstone.
Je m'appelle Bill Wellstone.
When I first met Bill Wellstone, he was working to open the Tengiz pipeline in Kazakhstan, 2001.
Quand j'ai rencontré Bill Wellstone, il cherchait à ouvrir le pipeline de Tengiz, au Kazakhstan, en 2001.
If Gagnier used an accomplice to plant the gun, do you really think that person's gonna tell us something that we can use against Wellstone?
Si Gagnier a eu recours à un complice, vous croyez qu'il nous dira quelque chose utilisable contre Wellstone?
It's a long shot that such a person would know of Wellstone's involvement.
Ce n'est pas gagné qu'il connaisse son implication.
That's you on the right, is it not, Mr. Wellstone?
C'est bien vous, à droite, non, M. Wellstone?
We can all see that's Mr. Wellstone.
On voit tous que c'est M. Wellstone.
- Mr. Wellstone.
M. Wellstone?
Toby Wellstone.
Toby Wellstone.
wells 385

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